May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Mw been I'm 3cm. Baby's hb is high so I'm. Going in for monitoring.
What we gonna do with ourselves once all the babies have arrived (I'm sure we'll have plenty to do really!). I've lived on this forum for the last 9 months!
Hope bubs HB settles down and things continue to progress for you hun!

Eeeek! 3cm!! How exciting!!

Ohh Emily and Ery hope things are happening for you.

Gesic and kabuk I hope you both progress very soon. I hated the exams too, noone can ever reach my cervix so they practically thrust me off the bed trying to reach. Not nice, but I would say it is possibly the worst bit, so things can only get better?! Why haven't they started either of you on the drip yet? I was given the drip 6 hours after the pessary (which had done nothing at all, but I was already 2cm and waters had gone, so don't know if that makes the difference?).
Oh and my little man has just moved into newborn sleepsuits. I just changed his nappy and then couldn't fit his feet back in his tiny baby one. I'm sad and pleased at the same time! Newborn still looks a bit big on him, wonder how long for!
aw leigh hes gorgeous! ery and kabuk hope things are progressing for you! weve just got home thank god
Aw gesic and Kabuk, I can't believe how long this is taking for you guys. Like Snowbee says I'm surprised they haven't tried to break your waters.

Emily, you've joined the race all of a sudden! Lol. Hope things are going well.

Ery, 3cm that's great news! Hopefully not too much longer for you now.

I'm not far behind you. I've had tightenings and cramps all day and I've been losing plug all day. There can't be much more of that stuff!
Plus I've got my appt time for induction, it's 9:30am, so things should pick up then if not before!
It's all happening in here!

Leigh he is so cute! Must be hard with him being in care but he will be out in no time!
Ery I hope your monitoring goes ok, 3cms is great :)
Emily sounds like you are on your way too, hopefully it will be soon for you, anxiety is awful I know so I bet you really want this to be it!
Kabuk it can't be much longer for you now!
Good luck everyone x
Been back to the docs with Leora today ascreflux is getting worse! It's horrendous to watch and I am up most of the night with her :( going to try gaviscon next! Ranitidine did nothing :(
It's all go now :) good luck ladies xx
Lou, hope Leora feels better soon x
Not much happening here I'm afraid.

Not had any more contractions for a while, so looks like things have all stalled for me.

Just going to chill out and relax and see what happens overnight.

I think I am about at the end of my tether! I want to leave, I appreciate they are busy and wouldn't want to take staff away from those in need but have had enough. I have hardly seen a soul today, no further treatment understanderbly as not safe when so busy. Asked if I can go home and come back advised no stay will get on again 1st thing, now being warned at some point overnight I need to pack up and move onto a ward! I can barely get any sleep here as is and if moved pretty sure that means no treatment 1st thing! Also nobody has been with any food so nothing in the way of evening meal which is a bit bad for a pregnant person especially with GD too �� Sorry need to vent somewhere as I know they are trying but feeling a bit walked over at the moment.
Soooo.. trace went well she was just asleep for a lot if it. Contractions getting stronger. I'm still 3cm so I'm going home for a maccy d''s and a nap seeing as I've been up since 3am lol. I have pain relief codine and just had a successful sweep. If labour starts tonight I come back if not I phone at 8am to come in to get my waters broken skipping the gel things that you girls have had so much trouble with. But definitely confirmed I'm in labour.
Sounds rubbish gesic :( They could at least feed you! Hope you manage to get a bit of sleep - good luck!

Yay Ery! Hope it goes well.

I'm a bit lost now with all of these labours! Not a lot going on here - I'm just trying to cut my toenails!
They were rubbish with food for me yesterday. I had some breakfast but then they forgot my lunch and by tea time was in labour got wrong for eating a boiled sweet but from going 8am till 11pm without food and pushing a baby out was good going I thought

Was so thankful for the tea and toast after I'd given birth.

Good luck ery xxx
How was the birth Leigh?! I know you were worried about the pain etc.
Birth was long and I got tired. Didn't think I would be in labour for 24hours with very little sleep. Got all the way to 7pm on gas and air but I was shattered I asked for an epidural, I was given all the stuff ready was just waiting for the actual epidural and I had to push. He was here in 3 pushes.

My advice listen to the midwife, I've got no stitches or tearing yes he was a small baby but listen when they say push and when to stop.

Didn't think I'd manage pain wise but I did, I must have a higher pain threshold than I thought doing it all on gas and air

Don't worry about it, be open minded and take anything you need to get you're bundle into the world. I did say the flea shy I can't do it anymore but I was shattered. In days before labour keep eating and drinking as best you can you need to build your strength up. Cxxxx
Geaic, maybe ask them for some tea and toast. It's awful that they left you without food.
Oooh ery, bubs is on the way xx

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