May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

hope this is it for you ery. my best friend gave birth yesterday aswell so our daughters now share a birthday :)

aria has been asleep since midnight and shes still going lol so managed to get a few hours rest! got my catheter out now so can start walking around
Not sure- think paracetamol and codein. Still playing the waiting game for the gel. Not thrilled. Just wish they'd administer it already so I can try and progress. Getting annoyed on this waiting. The other person is getting examined now. This bloody waiting is what's killing me. Wish my body would just do what it needs to for him to be born.

Ery, it all sounds very promising. Hopefully you'll have your little one with you soon enough.

Glad to hear all is going well, Nikki.
I hope you do too kabuki. Aww that's so sweet nikki x
I hope this Lil miss arrives tomorrow but so far I'm now down to about every 15 mins. I've sent hubby to work. Bleep knows how I'm getting my son to school. They are only lasting about 20-30 secs though. I think my mw says when they are 1min long every 5 mins? Does that sound right?
I think that's about right Ery, or if you feel you need stronger pain relief.

Nothing happened for me overnight.

Think my little lady is snuggled in for the long haul, unless my blood pressure is naughty again over the weekend in which case I'm guessing they might intervene sooner?

Ery, it's 3x 1 minute long contractions in 10 minutes, going on for an hour.

Sorry you're having a tough time kabuk :( sounds really annoying.
Because my contractions have been regular, they have me the lower dose and will check cervix in 6 hours. If no progress, then I'll get another dose, possible at 2mg instead of 1. The contraction are manageable, it the pressure he's putting on my lower ribs on my right side that's killing me. His movement is also causing pain on cervix, at least that's the only way to describe it. Internal sharp pain. But if that's what it is, how in the hell have I not dilated much. Cervix is still posterior but she can feel opening but very small.
Sons at school hubby's back from work lol. Just waiting now my son stood on my toe this morn during a contraction and I'm not sure what hurt more lol. My toe still hurts where I'm not in pain waiting for the next contraction lol.
Just found out I got my dates wrong. It's my late grandads birthday today not tomorrow!
Sorry it's taking a while for you to get going Kabuk :hug: really hope things speed up for you soon.

I've had a few mild period type cramps but that is about it! Going to take my dogs out for a walk in a minute and see if that helps get things moving. To be fair though, all I really want is a nap! Lol!

Congratulations nikki, she is a cutie! Glad you are up and about.

Hope things progress for you very soon kabuk.

Hope everyone else is ok, will be checking in for updates.
How disappointing Kabuk. I hope things get going soon.

That's good Ery, cos it sounds like you might be on for today! Just get that bump cast done first!

I had some tightenings through the night and I've lost loads of plug this morning.
The tightenings feel noticeable like they're doing something, but not painful.
Feeling a bit sick this morning too.
Fingers crossed things ramp up soon!
What painkillers can I take when breastfeeding? Is paracetamol ok as I've got a headache that hasn't shifted overnight. I suspect it is partly tiredness and also feel a bit dehydrated so will up my fluid intake too.
Ooo Ery this really sounds like it's gonna be it! Take some paracetemol and see if it takes the edge off them.

Hope your period pains turn into something Emily! Maybe you should take a nap if you feel you need one, it might be your body preparing itself...

Fingers crossed you start dilating well kabuk!

Nikki I'm so jealous haha. Oliver (we finally named him!) slept 11 till 12.30, 12.45 till 1.30 and then that was him till 5am. Knackered!!! Xx
I've walked the dogs and now sitting with my feet up having a snack and a cup of raspberry leaf tea. I'm sure I'll nod off soon, it's pretty inevitable now I'm sat down! Lol!

I've had a few period type pains that have been a bit like hmmmmm could that be something as it was a bit more than previously?? But it's all very sporadic and few and far between so not sure anything much is going to come of it but maybe if I get another sweep at the weekend things might get going?

Hope so! What did they say at your sweep, had your cervix started to soften? Xx
It was 1.5cm open but 3cm long and firm and still quiet far back. She said babies head needs to move down more and that cervix is still a bit behind bubs so not really great at the moment but we'll see if the sweep does anything.

Hi ladies

Keep going Kabuk I'm absolutely exhausted. Little Charlie arrived last night at 10.59pm. No pain field bar gas and air. He's currently on oxygen to build up him lungs and they are going to try and feed him. I was so exhausted when he came last night I never got a cuddle and now he is in care I still can't cuddle him. I feel useless. I just keep crying.

I know he is in the best place xxx


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Congratulations hun!

Do you know what he weighed?

Don't feel useless although I know it's easier said than done. My son was in NNU for nearly a week and I was a complete mess. Make sure you look after yourself- rest, eat and drink and your little fella will be home and well before you know it.

Bless you Leigh! Hope he'll be in your arms really soon xxx
Congrats Leigh xx

You are in no way useless. It's an Emotional time when you have a baby. I couldn't stop crying on the day I had Sophie. Rest up lovely, you will have cuddles in no time xx

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