May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Ooooo Leigh. The 11th could be a very busy day.

Emily, my legs have been that swollen for about a week now and my bp and sugar has been fine. It keeps me a little worried, but nothing ever comes back, so it's just water retention. I seriously have one pair of jeans that I can wear. Nothing else fits anymore.

Oh ery, so sorry to hear that. *hugs*
It's been pretty hot here the last two days too which I don't think is helping matters either!

I've not had any headaches or funny vision or anything and it's just my legs that are puffy so I don't think it's related to high bp, but obviously I've got MW tomorrow where that'll all be checked anyway.

Thanks girls x it was to be expected in a way. She had dementia but she passed peacefully in her sleep. After having a lucid day last week where she was apparently cooing over one of my belly pics. She was 77 (78 on may 18th) but she thought she was 106 lol.

Anyhoo more action on this thread you've gone from one of the last to one of the first! Busy day tomorrow lol.
It must be something about June 2nd though Leigh. My friend is due June 2nd and she's being induced may 26th x
Just checking in again, really sorry to here your sad news Ery ��
There is a whole lot happening on this thread, hoping all the babies arrive safely. I started induction this morning, not much happened since, was told can take a while! Hoping it's not too long and not too painful, I am such an anxious wimp lol
ooh gesic your baby might be here tomorrow too! 11th may must be a lucky day lol
I think tomorrow is going to be a busy day on the baby front!

Not for me obviously! Lol!

Good luck hun! Is pessary induction less painful than drip induction? How does pessary induction compare with natural labour?
So sorry ery xx

Good luck to the ladies being induced and having c sections over next couple of days. This thread is going to be so exciting.

Ery, the drip is more painful than pessary. The pessary is to encourage the cervix to dilate and get body to move into action. The drip makes womb contract. They do it gradually though, mine was increased every half hour and they said could be reduced if came on top thick and fast.

We had midwife visit today, Sophie has only dropped tiny bit of weight. She was 3.7 and now she is 3.68...i think I have written that right. I understand lbs better than kilos. She is a feeding machine though, she loves the boobies lol xx
I can't compare with natural labour but idea is it releases the same hormones allows cervix to dilate then they may add in drip depending on progress and break waters! So far it's just very slow with very little cramping but am sure that will change, normal to be waiting for at least 24 hours prior to any action x
Replied same time lol am on phone so takes an ice age lol
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I'm really hoping the pessary kicks things off- it's closer to natural. I'm hoping to avoid the drip. Everyone I know that's had the drip has recommended getting a epidural before so you never feel it, but I'm not sure if I'll go for that. I might, a walking one, but not sure yet. So, really hoping the pessary does its job.

Our photographer just rang and she's nervous about how backed up she might get. She had 4 of us booked for next week with babies due over the last few days and no one has had their baby yet. Nevermind the other that are booked after that. Hopefully our little man arrives tomorrow and it's pretty straightforward so we can keep out appointment for next week.
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I'm really hoping the pessary kicks things off- it's closer to natural. I'm hoping to avoid the drip. Everyone I know that's had the drip has recommended getting a epidural before so you never feel it, but I'm not sure if I'll go for that. I might, a walking one, but not sure yet. So, really hoping the pessary does its job.

Our photographer just rang and she's nervous about how backed up she might get. She had 4 of us booked for next week with babies due over the last few days and no one has had their baby yet. Nevermind the other that are booked after that. Hopefully our little man arrives tomorrow and it's pretty straightforward so we can keep out appointment for next week.

It was recommended on my forms to have the epidural before the drip but they said I didn't have to so I tried without. Labour was 7 and half hours altogether and I did 6 without epi. I went for epidural in the end as one of the midwives said that labour could be another 6 or 7 hours when my OH asked...i was in the thick of a contraction when she said that and i knew I wouldn't last. As it goes, an hour later I was fully dilated so prob could have managed. I am glad, considering what happened that I did have it though.
Gas and air is AMAZING though!! Xx
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Thanks for the clarification though I've only had a "natural" birth (they broke my waters and it started from there lol.)
I'm still getting strong BH. And now my nose has gone stuffy which it did a few days before I went into labour with my son. (It's probably just a cold though lmao) me an Emily will be the last ones to go lmao by then my baby will be able to walk out lol
I had the drip with my labour and had g&a and diamorphine for pain relief. I wasn't induced as I was contracting when I went in but they put me on the drip to speed things along as there was meconium in my waters.

I'm getting tightenings and pain at the bottom of my bump but having had all of it before, I'm not getting excited over any of it! My bump in general feels really tight and solid though, almost like a constant mild contraction. She must be running out of space in there!

It was recommended on my forms to have the epidural before the drip but they said I didn't have to so I tried without. Labour was 7 and half hours altogether and I did 6 without epi. I went for epidural in the end as one of the midwives said that labour could be another 6 or 7 hours when my OH asked...i was in the thick of a contraction when she said that and i knew I wouldn't last. As it goes, an hour later I was fully dilated so prob could have managed. I am glad, considering what happened that I did have it though.
Gas and air is AMAZING though!! Xx

Thanks, lisey. I will definitely keep that in mind. I really don't like a needle in my spine, but at least it'll be there if anything goes wrong. Really really hoping I don't need the drip though.
the spinal is the one thing that im literally feeling sick over for tomorrow. i want to cry just at the thought of having it in my back!
Sorry about your Nanna Ery :(

Leigh, I was wondering where you'd got to - good luck and don't worry, he'll be fine! Can't believe you've left me though. It'll just be me, Betty and tumbleweed next week!

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