May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Woooooo congrats hun. I doubt I've even started to dilate lol.
My son has said he wants to watch her come out and that he'll miss me while I'm at hospital. I've decided to transfer back to my local birth centre asap after birth for at least a night and Cam said he wants to stay with me! He'll be with my mum and dad while I give birth and then with his dad after while I reover. I said that I'm sure him and daddy will have a fun boys day without mummy is in hospital maybe go to Maccies for lunch or something. He seemed to be happier on hearing that! Lol! I have showed him some birth videos on YouTube so he's got a bit of an idea of what's going to happen, as and when she decides to come out that is!! To be fair once he's had the prezzies from her he's not going to care if I'm there or not! Lol!

She's had a bit of a wiggle now thankfully. I was really panicked earlier and on the verge of tears and loosing it completely with her not having moved. I've got MW tomorrow so I'll need to make sure, even if I'm feeling better tomorrow, that I remember how awful I felt this morning and make it clear to her how anxious I am.

I know that once you hit 40 weeks your placenta doesn't just stop working but that the further past 40 weeks you get, the more likely out is to decline in function. I just want her here now. I hate feeling like this. I just can't shake the fear that she is going to die.

Emily definitely make sure you make it clear how you are feeling. They could possibly offer you extra monitoring or book you in for induction sooner if you wanted it? At the very least hopefully they'll give you a sweep to try and get her moving.

I suffer from anxiety pretty badly too and it's horrible. Luckily my anxieties haven't been based around the baby too much but the other week I was worried about movements and got in a bit of a state. I managed to relax a bit and once I did baby started wriggling fine! I wonder if they move less when you are worried/stressed? Xx
Aww hun it must be so worrying. Make sure you let your mw know how you're feeling.

I haven't shown my son any birthing videos I don't know I don't want to watch them so u don't think he will lol. He cringes at people kissing! But he says he wants to be there. Argh I'm so nervous for him. I'm getting really worried about the birth now! I don't know why. I'm more concerned about it starting or how it will pan out.
I just showed him some water birth videos as they seem less gory and left the sound off. He was fascinated by the placenta and the cord too and I just told him that that's how the baby eats while in mummy's tummy.

I'm definitely going to tell MW how worried I'm feeling about all this as it's horrendous today :-(

I'm just praying for my waters to break or to start having contractions. But nothing! Still at least she's moving now which is reassuring.

I'm with you on the wanting waters to break lol keep doing squats but nothing lol
I think she might have moved a bit lower down as often now when she moves I feel like I really need a wee! Like I literally need to go straight to the loo! Feels like I'm going to wet myself!!

keep coming on to see of anyones gone into labour yet haha im so excited about tomorrow i dont think im going to sleep at all tonight! i can eat till 10pm so going to stuff my face till then i hate fasting! my son came out of school and said is it bedtime yet? and i said not yet why and he said because if i go to sleep the baby will be here lol love him
That's fantastic missy, hopefully your little one will arrive shortly.

Ery, that turkey is scary but kind of fitting. Mine is likely to be a big boy, but thankfully not a 15lbs one. Ouch. I would've pushed for a planned c-section if that were the case.

Had a lovely day out in the sun with the fam. The weather is gorgeous in london right now. We picked up a few odd things again and I got a trim that was overdue. Now on way home to relax until it's hospital time. All that walking and no luck on labour starting.
Aww that is so cute Nikki. Yeah, I hate fasting too. I never feel great when my stomach is empty. Good luck tomorrow! Can't wait for the announcement!
i feel all shaky and sick when i dont eat and im starving at the moment by 8am lol

thanks kabuk hopefully our babies will have the same birthday lol
Aw nearly baby time nikki! Good luck for tomorrow :)

I've been having pains since about an hour after my sweep. Roughly 6mins apart but when I sit down they become less frequent which is the exact same as when I had my son. Problem is im struggling to keep upright as my hips and pelvis are so sore in general. Also had about 10 mins when it was like my bump was having a permanent tightening while I was walking and I was bloody knackered by the time I got to a seat! Dunno if this is it or not, have had so many stop start pains this week I dont want to get my hopes up but surely something is happening! Xx
Ohhh tomorrow sounds like it is going to be a busy day for babies! I will be stalking fior updates, good luck all!
i feel all shaky and sick when i dont eat and im starving at the moment by 8am lol

thanks kabuk hopefully our babies will have the same birthday lol
I hate when my stomach feels empty. I have hypoglycemia so I have to eat a lot more. And being pregnant with twins it's like a double whammy. I've already had a few situations where my blood sugar dropped and I got very very close to fainting. So, I can understand feeling that way completely. I always keep snacks around now whether it's a small bag of chips or a bowl of fruit or something else. At the moment I'm actually eating a bowl of strawberries. I love strawberries, lately strawberries have become quite the favorite food. Hehe :P

Anyways, congrats to all the may mummies :)

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Oooooooooo very exciting it's like a Friday cliffhanger in a soap in here lol.
I know what you mean about the pains missY I've been getting similar not as frequent though fx I wonder how nany babies will share their birthday!!!!
Be crazy if me and nikki did since our sons have the same b day (I think it's you? Dec 4th)
My lower legs are really puffy. My socks are cutting them in half and leaving big dents!

Hopefully my bp is OK and it's just a bit of water retention and from carrying excess weight around.

She didn't have a new pee pot to give me last time so I've got to do a sample while I'm there. I pissed all over my hand last time! Haven't been able to see what I've been doing for weeks now so I just sorta stick it under, move it about until I catch some and hope for the best!! Lol!


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