May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Sorry about your nan Ery :(

Good luck leigh and gesic, and anyone else I've missed!

I am contracting about 4-5 mins apart I think atm and lasting roughly 45 seconds. They're getting pretty ouchy now and am having to breathe through them. Praying they keep getting closer and I can het this baby out tonight! Xx
Sorry to hear about your Nan Ery. I wonder if your little lady will hold out to be born on your Nans birthday. My little dude was born on what would have been my nans 98th birthday!

Gosh things are all go on this thread now, good luck to all!

Kabuk I had the drip (and he was back to back) and it was only the last hour I struggled to cope with just gas and air, so try not to worry about it beforehand and just go with how you feel.
Wow it got very busy in here very quickly.

So by my count we have potential/guaranteed arrivals tomorrow for


Good luck ladies!

I could maybe join the club but I won't hold my breath. My notes from my mw appt yesterday say something about 1cm, but she didn't say anything to me.
I've had more tightenings and lower back ache today which is new for me because normally my backs fine. Think I lost some of my plug today too. I really hope something starts tonight.

Sorry about your Nan Ery x
I want pics!!! :D

Ouch, I'm getting some strong movement tonight.
Good luck missY. So many babies on the way I hope you keep me busy updating the front page over the next few days! !!
I'm hoping she's born on the 13th or 18th now 21st if she must lol. Those are special dates for me now. X
I'm glad I've got mw. Tomorrow as I'm in a fair amount of pain in my lower belly and back I'm debating taking a paracetamol but I'm not sure! May try a heat pack on my back first. It like all the tightening and BH have worn my muscles out. I just hope I can make it to my nans funeral whenever that is. And if it's soon I hope I don't enter labour at my nans funeral. That would be weird!
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thanks girls i feel bad ive barely spoken to oh tonight i just feel so anxious! got to stop eating and drinking in 15 mins :( rubbish!
I'm still waiting for the doctor to come round. OH is asleep in the chair but has been up and at work since 5am we weren't expecting this.

Hoping everything progresses well for the other ladies on here there will deffo be some babies over the next few days. I can't get over how quiet the labour ward is.

My parents have just left which I'm glad of too much pressure to try and make them proud lol xxxx
It's slow downstairs, so the docs were up here pretty quickly. It's me and one other person getting induced. Been monitor and given the go ahead so just waiting on the exam and the pessary now. Should all be done by midnight. Then comes the waiting game. My dw is staying until it's done and then will go home for a proper sleep. I'm hoping I can manage a good sleep here but my back is killing me, it's in the middle upper part, so we'll see how much sleep I can manage.
My first one is in, OH is staying with me too he is shattered and so am o. Can't wait to get off the monitor and get some rest I'm so scared now still doesn't feel real.

Good luck kabuk our boys may share birthdays xxx
Thanks Leigh, you too!

It's taken longer because he got all excited after the exam and it took awhile for his heart rate to stay down where they want it. I've just been taken off the monitor. Tired but a little wired from worry about his heart rate. Because of how late it's gotten and her nervousness about his heart rate, my dw is now staying. She finds the reclining chair quite comfy.

Exam revealed that my cervix was posterior so mw had to try and walk it forward. But his head is very low, so she is optimistic that the pessary will work. She said he seems ready and it's just my body that needs to get going. Fingers crossed that is the case and he arrives later today. Off to try and get some sleep.
I am sorry about your nan ery :( mine died just the other week too at 92 :( x

Wow lots happening tonight! It's good they are getting him out Leigh x he will be dinky but perfect xx
Good luck missy, Leigh, kabuk, gesic and Nikki! Look forward to pics and updates xx
So tightenings are increasing rapidly and the lady next door is screaming her head off. Questioning if I can do this.

Will I get the same amount of pain with him being small??
Sorry to hear that lou x

Good luck girls!
I've decided as she's late I'm going to do a belly cast it's only £20 then I'll get a permanent reminder of how big I got lol.
Leigh. Some women are screamers others aren't my son was 7lb 2 I didn't scream I growled a lot though my hubby thought I was in tons of pain but in reality I just found the noise hilarious lol
It's quiet here. I've gotten a few contractions nut mostly I feel even more pressure. I'm having trouble sleeping- can't get comfortable. So tired too. I'm also running to the loo every half hour after all the water they had me drink to help him calm down.

Good luck to all the other ladies who've gone in or are going in today.
Lol kabuki I'm going to the loo every hour at the moment too and I'm not even in labour or drunk that much. I'm. So excited for you!
I'm having regular contractions now but they tell you to sleep but all the pain is in my back and his foot under my rib, just wanna get off the monitor and stretch out a bit more. I'll get my second lot at 6 xxx
well im up and getting ready to head to the hospital ill let you know ehat time my section is. hope its all going ok leigh and kabuk!!

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