May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Ta Pebbles.

I felt awful last night, but I'm pretty sure I was correct in it being gas. It did continue throughout the night, but it's gone this morning. I guess we'll know soon enough when they check my cervix tonight.
Good luck today girls! Let's hope there's lots of baby news very soon!

I've nothing to report here I'm afraid.

Mind you, both hubby and I slept really well last night! He was downstairs on the pull out bed and I was in our bed upstairs! Lovely!

Little miss hasn't moved yet this morning which always sends my anxiety into overdrive but hopefully she's just having a lie in!

MW appt tomorrow so we'll know more then and hopefully get a plan of action in place.

hope you get some good news emily glad you got some sleep!

i suffer with anxiety and it goes mad when i dont feel her i end up laying there prodding my belly getting myself all worked up lol going to.take the kids to school and then go for my blood test
I've given her a good prod and nothing. Going to take my lo to school and then have a cuppa and a slice of cake when I get home to see if that gets her going.

Hope she moves soon Emily, I'm pretty sure these babies do have quiet moments bit it's no good for the anxiety levels! I can't imagine how hard it is to be overdue yet either. The amount of time I have left is stressing me slightly let along being overdue. I find a relax in the bath really helps get some movement going.

Have an enjoyable journey tonight kabuk. And wow it's delivery day for you tomorrow nikki, it's come around so quickly really, bet you're relieved. Looking forward to hearing baby updates from you two. And isn't it gesics today too? Or tomorrow. That's 3 more babies! Hopefully followed very closely by at least 2 or 3 more! Xx
OK. So can I have any more plug? Just been to loo and masses and masses of brown and red mucus. Like it took 3 wipes to get rid of it all and I think its still coming away.
It's like my food has had a 2 week cold!
Good luck for your induction kabuk!

Ery I've had loads more pinky mucus this morning too. I'm not sure if mines plug though, when I lost mine with my son it was super thick like pork pie jelly or something haha. I'm very grumpy again today. I was trying to explain to hubby how horrible it is to wake up every morning and nothing has happened. Secretly a bit glad that my daughter is off school still cos it means I don't have to leave the house and speak to people about lack of baby. Xx
Good luck kabuk! Hours away now.. Emily I hope lil miss starts jumping about! Nikki you are almost there too! It's all getting exciting! Leigh is it your growth scan today or tomorrow? Ery maybe things are ramping up? Not long now ladies, I keep stalking u all xx I can't believe Leora is a month old today!! X
thanks girls trying not to think about it too much im getting all panicky and shaky! just thinking of the end result.

lou thats gone so quick!
MissY mine started off quite watery and got thicker and thicker. This one was like proper stringy (sorry to all eating breakfast lol)

I hope it does mean things are ramping up but I'm bot holding my breath lmao.
Aww nikki I'm sure everything will go smoothly and you will be enjoying cuddles very soon!
Ooooo I got a Pikachu inside me. Hehehe.

Thanks ladies. I'm so ready to get things started.

Ery, hope this means things are progressing. So eager for more announcements and with a few of us have inductions/c-section in the coming days, it looks like another mini influx of baby announcements. Seems we like to do them in small packs.
I'm really nervous how my son will react when I'm in labour. I don't want him there for obvious reasons but I worry how he reacts when I'm not around.

Edit. Pikachu aww but 15lb turkey....... owww lol
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my kids are worried about me going into hospital and not being at home. they will be with my mum but they seem sad and that makes me sad lol
Midwives rang me at 10am and asked if I wanted a wee sweep in half an hour haha. Course I said yeah! They said I have progressed since Monday, 2cm and could be stretched to 4cm and they could feel my waters...they gave me a bloody good sweep. It was pretty horrible but feeling positive that it might get me started! Xx
Same here I keep trying to tell him he'd be much better off playing on his xbox at home lol

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