May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Argh can't believe you're being induced tomorrow everything is going so fast. I'm so excited to find out when her birthday will be and what she will look like. I still think she may well be a he lol.
My in-laws arrived a couple of hours ago. We now have another cupboard for the baby, which means everything has a place now! My FIL is drilling and hanging our curtain rods, so we'll have curtains up tonight too! They are going to go food shopping on their walk, so fridge will be full of food again and my MIL will cook tonight, so yay! They also bought treats from Holland, so I have some vla and chocomel! I'm a happy girl in that regard. Now if only our little monkey would decide it's time to greet us.
How funny my in laws are coming tomorrow too!!! Kabuk I have all my fingers and toes crossed that you go naturally tonight. Pebbles the same for you - here's hoping that sweep worked. I wonder how missyeovil is doing?

Do sweeps hurt? Xx
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Oh my Betty I don't think I'd have the space for a home birth lol sounds like a lot of kit lol
I expect we'll talk about it when he gets home tonight. The thing is he's a Sulker so rather than just accept that maybe he's not handled it well, he'll be all moody and quiet with me. Joy!

Pebbles I really hope things get going for you soon. As a fellow member of club overdue, I know how frustrating it all is!

Betty how exciting having a home birth! There is something so appealing about labouring at home and getting into your own bed right after and just being in your own comfortable surroundings. I'd be a bit anxious though hence why I'm off to hospital for my little ladies arrival. We have a mlu five minutes drive from our house but I'm going to the bigger hospital 20-30 minutes away but hoping to use their mlu which is located alongside the labour ward. I'm not sure how quickly I can transfer back to the local mlu but hopefully I can go back there ASAP for a night or two for bf support and to rest and recover.

Glad you are doing well lisey and snowbee!

Kabuk and nikki you must be so excited it's neay time to meet your babies!

I'm still here and very pregnant betty :( still getting pinky/brownish cm through the day. We didn't dtd last night because it was still quite bloody but I think we will need to try tonight! I know hubby is getting impatient too but desperately trying not to show it.

Awesome that all your home birth stuff is ready to go! They don't drop off gas and air here, just bring it at the time so all ive got is a wee tub of drugs in my fridge and the stuff ive bought like a shower curtain for the floor! My floor isn't strong enough for a pool either which is a shame :( xx
hope things get moving for you soon missyeovil! these last few weeks are awful!

im super excited but nervous and scared at the same time. cant believe this time in 2 days she will be here. oh wants to watch the football sunday on tv and said she can watch it with him and it all still sounds so surreal planning stuff with her here after so long lol
I'm getting strong BH's hoping they develop into something more. C'min waters break! Lol
Eeek it is so exciting watching this thread, I can't decide which of you will be next, I bet we have a run and all these babies come at once! :)
My little lady is showing no signs of wanting to join us earthside any time soon! I don't think she'll arrive until next week at least and I certainly wouldn't be surprised if I end up being induced!

Hubby has come home and not given me the silent treatment. I think he knew he'd upset me. He brought up the topic of sleeping and said he would sleep downstairs tonight so that we can both get some good sleep as he knows that I'm stressing out over disturbing him and then not being able to sleep myself. I'm glad he's seen sense and how to deal with these things nicely rather than just getting angry about it!

I'm going to get myself a little snack and then sit on my ball for a bit in the hopes that she'll move down and engage a bit more and hopefully that'll help her get here sooner

Glad he's come to that conclusion Emily! I hope your little lady decides to get a wiggle on soon.

Fingers crossed your BH turn into something more Ery! Xx
Nope seems to have stopped again. :( was getting my hopes up for a while lol
It actually got to the stage in had to "pant" through them still really tender in my pelvis though
I was panting through some BH/period-like pains this morning. Just had diarrhoea :/ No CM changes yet. Baby has been going crackers over the last couple of days.

Good luck over the next couple of days kabuk and Nikki! Woo.
I think there will be a mass labour day. It feels so weird to not be on labour watch signs for myself. This time last week I was double checking our bags for hospital tomorrow.

Was finally able to upload pic of baby in my journal xx
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aw lisey she is beautiful!! i want to squeeze her cheeks lol
She does have big cheeks. I really wanted a chunky baby lol xx

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