May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

Pinky no didn't get any pics in the pool I'm afraid as too busy with her but took some of her in her little costume before we went :-). It took me 9 weeks to stop bleeding :-(

MrsB that sounds about right with the maternity pads. Glad samuel is a happy chappie

Welcome riotfox!!!
Ooh, I can't wait to go swimming. I hate swimming but I love the idea of taking Owen because he really loves the bath. I don't think my pool lets them until they are 12 weeks though as the water isn't warm enough.

Has anyone heard from pinkpanther lately? I don't think she has been on for a while
Ooh, I can't wait to go swimming. I hate swimming but I love the idea of taking Owen because he really loves the bath. I don't think my pool lets them until they are 12 weeks though as the water isn't warm enough.

Has anyone heard from pinkpanther lately? I don't think she has been on for a while

You're right pp hasn't been on for a few days - I've just sent her a text to say we'd missed her and to check her and Sam are ok - will let you know if I hear from her x
Ooh, I can't wait to go swimming. I hate swimming but I love the idea of taking Owen because he really loves the bath. I don't think my pool lets them until they are 12 weeks though as the water isn't warm enough.

Has anyone heard from pinkpanther lately? I don't think she has been on for a while

You're right pp hasn't been on for a few days - I've just sent her a text to say we'd missed her and to check her and Sam are ok - will let you know if I hear from her x

PP replied - she was touched that catty had noticed! She says that shes been on the fb group asking for advice because they are having a bad time with Sam and trapped wind/constipation. She hopes to pop onto pf tomorrow xx
Jodied- Thanks for texting her. I have just noticed your ticker thing. I can't belive it's been over 9 weeks since Ella was born. It's all going so quickly.

I didn't know there was a fb group. How do I find it?

Owen seems to have some issues with trapped wind aswell although it doesn't seem too bad. I hope she comes back on here soon so I can ask her what she has managed to find out.
Jodied- Thanks for texting her. I have just noticed your ticker thing. I can't belive it's been over 9 weeks since Ella was born. It's all going so quickly.

I didn't know there was a fb group. How do I find it?

Owen seems to have some issues with trapped wind aswell although it doesn't seem too bad. I hope she comes back on here soon so I can ask her what she has managed to find out.

If you can find me - Jodie Dodson with same profile pic - and make me your friend I will add you to the group if I can work out how! I know I can't believe she's over 10 weeks now!!
Catty have you tried infacol? Emily definitely has colic. Saw hv today, now its just a case of trying different things to see if anything helps. Have been.using infacol since Friday. She gets some wind up but while awake she's constantly upset :( its a nightmare! Have changed her milk today. Really hoping that might help!

Also you can get those special bottles for colic that let the air out - ive been using one for my expressed feeds and hes a lot less windy afterwards x
Yes, I tried Infacol bit it hasn't made much difference. Getting wind up is not a problem, it's more the other end that he has trouble with. He's not that bothered by it, it's more that his straining noises keep us awake at night. Apparently it's really common for them to strain even though his poops are mostly liquid and it's not constipation it's just where there digestive tracts are not fully developed or something.
I cant wait to take Alex swimming for the first time :D We've got a pool across the road and well everywhere at this time of year so hopefully he can go in by the end of summer :D

I expressed for the first time today and it was really easy (got the medela swing) its fab! Hurt my boobs a bit but ill get used to it :D He gulped his bottle down and his daddy loved being able to feed him. Going to try and do 4oz a day so daddy can feed him once a day :D...then maybe start sticking some in the freezer to keep if i need to go somewhere :D
Hello everyone, I'm sorry I've not been around but it feels like it's been manic here. Every spare minute seems to be either spent tidying up after the kids or winding Sam. He's very unsettled and has been suffering from constipation although today we have lift off:lol: In all my experience of being a mum I have never seen poo like I have today, it's literally shot out of him. Anyway he's nice and settled now so long may it live.

Mrs B, cool name! My Sam is Samuel too, although me and hubby have had a "disagreement" on the spelling of his name where he spelt it Samual. I've always spelled it Samuel and thought never heard of the other way.

Catty thanks for thinking of me, and Jodie thanks for texting me last night.

Catty, the midwife more or less told me the same what you've just written about the digestive tracts. Do you give Owen cooled boiled aired water? I've just started Sam on this yesterday and he's been getting lots of wind out of both ends. He too is very unsettled through the night as well, it keeps me and DH awake all night just listening to him.

I also can't wait to go swimming as well, I've not even had a good push of the pram yet purely because of my pelvis. It's well out of alignment and I can do no heavy lifting until it's stablised. Hopefully not be long till this happens.

Congratulations to Cherrelle and Riotfox, lovely to see you over here.

Pinky what milk have you changed to? Sorry you may have already said but how did you get on with "down below" (or is that this Friday?-baby brain sorry)

Really sorry if I've missed anyone, just trying to catch up with the last few posts.
Hi ladies just thought I'd pop on to say hi. Feel like I hardly get the time to come on anymore. Hope yous and all your babies are well.
Louie has his appointment at scbu paediatric clinic tomorrow for check up as his jaundice and blood wasn't good when born so hopefully his daily dose of folic acid has helped. X
Hi ladies just thought I'd pop on to say hi. Feel like I hardly get the time to come on anymore. Hope yous and all your babies are well.
Louie has his appointment at scbu paediatric clinic tomorrow for check up as his jaundice and blood wasn't good when born so hopefully his daily dose of folic acid has helped. X

Hope everything goes ok for Louie tomorrow Emma.
Catty are you on facebook? I don't think I've got you as my friend.
Yep My name is Catherine Morris - same profile pic as on here.

PP - I'm glad Sam is feeling better. Owen is not actually constipated, there is definetly plently of regular poo's (4 in a row straight onto the changing mat today!). Pretty much every nappy has some poo in it. I spoke to the HV today who basically said it was completely normal for them to strain and that time is the only real cure and said that she did not recommend cooled boiled water for breastfed babies only formula fed. Is Sam bf or ff? If it continues much longer I might ignore her and give it a go though.

Jodied - I tried looking for you on facebook but I can't find you. I'm not very facebook savy though so I might have been doing it wrong. Can you find me? (Catherine Morris, same profile pic)
Hi ladies just thought I'd pop on to say hi. Feel like I hardly get the time to come on anymore. Hope yous and all your babies are well.
Louie has his appointment at scbu paediatric clinic tomorrow for check up as his jaundice and blood wasn't good when born so hopefully his daily dose of folic acid has helped. X

Hope everything goes ok for Louie tomorrow Emma.

Thank you. His skin looks normal now so I suppose they will just stab his foot one more time for blood to re check it then that will be him. The poor soul has about 7 or 8 stab marks on his foot from blood tests xx
Jodied - I tried looking for you on facebook but I can't find you. I'm not very facebook savy though so I might have been doing it wrong. Can you find me? (Catherine Morris, same profile pic)

I think I've just found you x
Catty I didn't know that about the straining, thanks :) Emily only usually does one poo a day but sues bottlefed so this is normal apparently, she hasn't done one today. She had some cooled boiled water before bed, and then she did a very impressive projectile vomit! Never seen anything like it in my life! Oh catty I've used infacol for 5 days and very little difference! There was none left in asda today so now I'm using dentinox, not sure if it'll be much use tbh.

Pp - I've changed from sma to cow and gate comfort. She had seemed more settle today up until 6pm tonight and then she got upset again. Oh I had an appointment last Thursday because I passed a big clot. I'm a lot better down there :) they don't think I'll need surgery either!!!!

How is everyone? I've had some help from my auntie this morning so now I have shopping, and a clean house! Mum and step dad came round tonight and mum did all my ironing!
Emily is sleeping now! At least she only wakes for one or two feeds a night! I wonder why she's ok at night but colicky/unsettled in the day? Any ideas?


Pinky they say colic starts from 5pm to roughly about 10pm is this the time she's starting at? Is there anything different to night than day? Eg, does she sleep in your bedroom? Is it dark in there? Is there too much noise for her to settle down in the day? Water also makes Sam a bit sicky too but he gets up some impressive burps when he's had it. I tried dentinox over the last couple of days and it didn't make a difference so I've gone back to gripe water now. He seems a lot more settled now thankgod we even had smiles this morning. Glad everything is ok down there, I cancelled my appointment too has everything seems ok for now. Pelvic floors are a must though!

Emma-poor Louie, fingers crossed this is the last one for a while.

Catty- will look on fbook for you. My mum and Nannan always said that aired water wouldn't hurt a baby but then again she's no midwife and thats for ff babies not breast fed babies. If you think he'd like it give it a go.

I'm really impressed with Sam, he's had 2 poos in 2 days lol and he's so much happier for it this morning. He's out on a walk this morning with my parents so I've got a but of free time which is spent doing washing and sorting stuff out! DH let me sleep all night last night which was heaven. I put my ear plugs in and didn't hear nothing until 5.30am this morning.

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