Hello everyone, I'm sorry I've not been around but it feels like it's been manic here. Every spare minute seems to be either spent tidying up after the kids or winding Sam. He's very unsettled and has been suffering from constipation although today we have lift off

In all my experience of being a mum I have never seen poo like I have today, it's literally shot out of him. Anyway he's nice and settled now so long may it live.
Mrs B, cool name! My Sam is Samuel too, although me and hubby have had a "disagreement" on the spelling of his name where he spelt it Samual. I've always spelled it Samuel and thought never heard of the other way.
Catty thanks for thinking of me, and Jodie thanks for texting me last night.
Catty, the midwife more or less told me the same what you've just written about the digestive tracts. Do you give Owen cooled boiled aired water? I've just started Sam on this yesterday and he's been getting lots of wind out of both ends. He too is very unsettled through the night as well, it keeps me and DH awake all night just listening to him.
I also can't wait to go swimming as well, I've not even had a good push of the pram yet purely because of my pelvis. It's well out of alignment and I can do no heavy lifting until it's stablised. Hopefully not be long till this happens.
Congratulations to Cherrelle and Riotfox, lovely to see you over here.
Pinky what milk have you changed to? Sorry you may have already said but how did you get on with "down below" (or is that this Friday?-baby brain sorry)
Really sorry if I've missed anyone, just trying to catch up with the last few posts.