May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

Jodie i hope you managed to get some sleep in the end!!

Ifan woke up twice last night for feeds but i didnt even hear him the first time (he never cries just kind of wimpers) because my amazing OH crept out of the room with him - fed and changed him and put him back down before i noticed! Hes such a good daddy.

Catty i didnt answer about his name - its the welsh version of Evan its pronounvec Eee-van.

Pinky i cant believe Emily is a month old! Ifan is only just over a week old and i cant remember life without him! x
Unfortunately no more sleep for me! 1.5 hours total :shock: which is the worst night since Ellas been born and it wasn't even her that caused it!

Oh well I'm dressed and ready to go, she's safely deposited with my friend and I'm waiting to be picked up xx
Awwww Jodie don't have to much champagne or you'll fall asleep! Have a great time and Ella will be fine :) Just enjoy it!

Beth - I dunno how you manage all those feeds! Do you express?

Cherelle - your OH sounds amazing! :love: Send him up here to give me a hand :lol:

Ps - thats how men should be, helping out!
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Isn't it weird how we can't remember life with our babies once there here. I can't remember a full nights sleep either lol.
Louie has not been behaving this morning, woke at 1.30 and didn't get him to sleep until after 3 and then he woke at half 5 and just got him to sleep after 8. He is due to wake up anytime now for a feed and all I want to do is sleep. Roll on tomorrow night for when my OH does the night feeds :) x
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Pinky - I reckon champers is what is going to get me through the day ;-)
Awww Emma, you must be knackered too! Make the most of your OH tomorrow night! My house is actually tidy :) managed to catch up at last!

typing one handed so excuse the poor punctuation.

jodied - have fun today x

cherelle - thats how i have been saying it in my head but wanted to check. its a lovely name

quick question for all of you. is anyone using reusable nappies. we started using bambino mio ones this week but i'm not sure they are the best fit for him. can anyone suggest a different brand which they use

I am, I've been very emotional this morning through tiredness I think. I'll defo be getting a good catch up on my sleep tomorrow night, can't wait.

The health visitor comes today for the first time, what happens when they come round?? Xx
Catty1 - purple hippy is using reusable nappies and she knows a bit about them, maybe message her?

Pinkymum - I know im sooooo lucky to have my OH, i felt at times like he wasnt interested in the pregnancy as much as i wanted him to be but he has done even more nappies and stuff than me since Ifan's been born hes amazing!! The best daddy ever :-) And he treats me like a princess too!

Little Ifan has his heel prick test today :-( i dont want anyone hurting him!!! x
ahw i agree Emma - roll on friday night - my hubby does the weekends too!

jodie - have fun today!

i've had a crap morning! Husband has taken the car to get the ABS fixed and it looks like it's a faulty sensor that could be a few hundred quid! This always happens EVERY time we have a little bit of money in the ISA something happens where we have to spend it on something really crap like the car!!!!

So off i go to nursery to drop Josie off and Emma in her pram for the firdt time on the school run... i let Josie go on her bike as it's much quicker that way and she was really excited... half way there the flippin stabiliser falls off completely and Josie falls off the bike.... so had to get Josie to push Emma and i had to drag her bike and wonky stabiliser the rest of the way to nursery! As if i wasn't hot and bothered enough already! Is anyone else like MEGA HOT since having the baby??!

Dropped Josie off and then is chucked it down with rain on the way home and i didn't have the rain covers for Emma!!!

have just got home and had a nice shower and it's nearly time to turn round and go back again for 11:15!!! Roll on when josie starts school 9 - 3! I'll really miss her but at least that's a few more hours inbetween school runs!!!

Got to do it all over again this afternoon to go to town and register Emma.. and i'm going to have to get the bus as car still in garage!!! give me strength!!!

On a better note the Dentinox colic drops seem to be working much better than infacol... only had the unsettled screaming for about half hour last night which is great compared to previous days - and you can put it in the milk too.
Oh jodie, ive been similar - Tia has been settling well, sleeping in her room from 10:30, then waking up for a feed between 3 and 4am. I dont fall asleep till after midnight, coz I am now so used to being up in the night! Then, she has her feed, but stays awake coz she has had a nice restful sleep!! I try and put her back in her cot around 2 times, as she cries when she realises im not there. Apart from this morning, at 0530am, I decided to sit on the floor, with my hand through her cot, put a dummy in, and she managed to go back to sleep.
So, im sleeping ok at the beginning of the night, but from 3am, its all fun and games, lol! Suppose its better than being up every 2 hours like I was at the beginning!

Oh, and I start baby massage tomorrow - anyone else try this? I have a feeling Tia is going to scream the place down, and wee all over the towels...all fun and games i suppose!

Oh dear treeze you have had a bad morning. I thought mine was bad lol.

Maybe we should have an alcoholic beverage tomorrow night since it's our night off :) x
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sounds good to me Emma! ... although i've had an alcoholic beverage nearly every since she was born! making up for the 9 months of not being able to!!! lol!!!

lea554 - got my name down for baby massage but its a 3 month waiting list... they said she'll be a good age by then anyway - hope it goes well - let us know what it's like x x x
Anyone else breastfeeding and fancy a drink? I know one beer wouldnt hurt but could i possibly have a few beers and the express and not give him the milk for a while afterwards? I can express enough now to save some for him? x
Ahh really dont get on here so much now- But I've got the best excuse lol. Hope your doing well girlies. Grace is getting on brilliantly! I cant believe how good she is, so happy and content. Loves the boob! And has started giving us little smiles here and there I am so in love! Will try and get on here more. its amazing to think we all have our babies now! x
Forgot to say if any one has Facebook and would like to add me I'm Eilish Wilson- theres a pic of Grace (dont think theres many eilish wilson's on fb lol) x
Hey Eilish :) will add you tomorrow :) glad you and grace are well!

Jodie I hope you've had a great day and not been worrying to much about Ella! Mum is taking Emily overnight next Friday! I'm going out for my friends birthday drinks! I'll get drunk and tall even more about Emily ;)

Treeze, sorry you had a bad morning. Omg yes I get really hot and pour with sweat!!!! It's horrible my fringe has been soaking!

I will add you Eilish and I will add you to the facebook group as well. Hope everyone is well today xx
Just tried to find you Eilish and it came up with 5 Eilish Wilsons but none of them were you. I'm Stacey Bagley and my pic is of me, my OH and Lucas if you want to add me instead. xx

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