May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

Hello all

Loving these little updates and photies of all the gorgeous May Babes!

Little Emma is 5 days old doing really well. We had midwife today and she has put on 3 and a half oz so is now 8lb 15oz (that’s almost the same as your little Ella Jodie!!)

We have good night / bad night at the moment regarding sleeps… good nights she just wakes at 2am and 6am and me and hubby do one feed each so we’re both still getting sleep ourselves.. but the bad nights she doesn’t settle at all until about 2 or 3 am!

Josie absolutely loves her little sister and helps give her the first feed each morning.

I’m still a bit in shock from the speed and pain of the labour and upon speaking to a couple of midwives since they have say that they are basically told to promote as little pain relief as possible if there are no complications.. midwife today reckons I should have easily has time to have pethedine or something stronger than just gas and air and that the midwife i had was a meanie!!!

Having a few probs with my stitches but waiting to see what they’re like on day 10. Hubby back to work on Monday, Josie back to nursery on Tuesday so all back to normal!!! Loving drinking my wine again!!!

Here’s some pics of little Emma x x x


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How cute are all these lovely babies! Glad you and your babies are all keeping well. xxx

Hey, what a great idea!
Well, this is Tia, now 7 weeks old - not sure how much she weighs now, but I reckon she could be up to 9lbs now, but find out next week.
She is a proper madam (dont know who she gets that from!), but is amazing! She does something new and different each day, and is starting to get more interactive, rather than just staring blankly at me!
May babies are officially gorgeous! Thats maybe why they were so stubborn :D
May babies are officially gorgeous! Thats maybe why they were so stubborn :D

Or in the case of me, jodie and emmaandamyleigh, too impatient, lol!
I still class myself as a may mummy though :)
Aww what gorgeous babies us May mmummys have :D

Alexander is doing great :D Hes a little piglet annd feeds hourly most the time, even at night which is rather tiring.. although hes getting a bit better. He was 9lb 4oz born at at his 3 weeks appointment last thrusday he was 10lb 13oz. Hes really long at 60cm so his newborn stuff doesnt fit v well buut he fits into 0-3 months lovely.
Breastfeeding is going fab.. Ive had no soreness or pain etc which is good.

Heres my beauty ...
sucking his thumb..

His moody face :D
Oh and ill need to put a pic of my handsome man on once I get home, if I ever get home that is. Feel like I've been here for ages x
How long have you been in for Emma?

Beth his eyes are gorgeous! :)

Just sitting here in the middle of the night looking at all the gorgeous May babies and cant believe ill be joining you in here in a couple of days! Induction tomorrow! Cant wait to post a pic of my little Ifan in here :-) x
Just sitting here in the middle of the night looking at all the gorgeous May babies and cant believe ill be joining you in here in a couple of days! Induction tomorrow! Cant wait to post a pic of my little Ifan in here :-) x

Awww at last it'll be your turn!
Loulou - he's adorable!
Aww good luck cherelle, dont worry about the induction just concentrate on the end result of baby :D looking forward to piccies x
i'm so excited for you cherelle... can't wait to see your little one too! Try not to worry about induction - if it helps baby into the world then it can only be a good thing! Can't wait for you to finally hold your baby in your arms.. x x x
well done to all of u ur babies are all super cute xxxxxx
Alexander and Ethan have beautiful eyes! I love the second picture Beth, he looks hilarious :lol:. Helen - Emily is adorable! And Tia is gorgeous! All these lovely babies!

Good luck Cherelle - my induction was brill, don't be worried about it, there's no need to be in pain if you don't want to be.

Treeze, both your girls are adorable, it's so sweet that Josie is being such a helper - the pics with both of them are gorgeous.

Finally got Lily weighed this morning (after another bad night, this baby does not like sleeping in her basket at night time!) and she's now 7lb 13oz, so has put on 10.5oz in the past fortnight, :yay:!
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Well done lily! I'm still waiting to see a hv. Emily has been grumpy this morning, but I've managed to get her to fall asleep in her pram.

Oh wow look at all the cute babies on here! Truly gorgeous!

Sam is becoming a milk monster, he's just developed an hunger over the last few days. I've increased his feed but he doesn't seem to make a difference he still likes to feed every 2/3 hours which is normal for a baby I suppose. Sometimes all I seem to do is feed though!

Other than that he's doing quite well, the health visitor is coming on Thursday to weigh him and check him over. Unbeknown to me I wasnt aware that baby testicles drop intothe sack at a few weeks old and she needs to check that they've dropped! I'm so not used to boys and we've had lots of fire hose moments where he's drowned himself and us!! Give me girls bits any day!

Physically I'm sore down there still. Without going into too much detail I feel like my insides are dropping out some days. I have an appointment with a lady dr next week so I'm hoping that I get some answers.

It's a good idea this thread, it's lovely being able to catch up with you all without to trawl through posts. Just need to get the other girls over here now, won't be long before we're a full team again though!
yay - Emma only woke up once last night at 2am and then again this mornng at 6!

I bet it's a one off though!!!

Ahw thinking of Cherelle today.. what a wait you've had to meet your little one - good luck today x x x

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