May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

Well done Emma :) Emily only woke once as well but wouldn't sleep for another hour!
Hey pp good to see you! My lady bits are messed up as well! Will probably need surgery down there. Hope you get some answers! I have the hospital on Friday to see what the next step is.

Wow well done Emma!

Pinky hope you get some answers too, let us know how it goes. Things we go through to be a mum eh?
sorry to hear about your probs down below pp and pinky.. i've got "gaping stitches" at the mo but i guess it's still early days for me as she is only 8 days old... got midwife checking them again on Thursday... our poor lady bits eh? i feel responsible for mine though because i deffo pushed SO hard when they told me not to!! I still think it was her shoulders that did it!!
Aww you poor ladies who are suffering big hugs :hug: xx
sorry to hear about your probs down below pp and pinky.. i've got "gaping stitches" at the mo but i guess it's still early days for me as she is only 8 days old... got midwife checking them again on Thursday... our poor lady bits eh? i feel responsible for mine though because i deffo pushed SO hard when they told me not to!! I still think it was her shoulders that did it!!

See I constantly read on here other people saying if you listen to the midwife stop when they tell you to stop. I stopped everytime and I still tore so that's obviously rubbish! I don't think its anyone's fault hun. It's just one of those things!

sorry to hear about your probs down below pp and pinky.. i've got "gaping stitches" at the mo but i guess it's still early days for me as she is only 8 days old... got midwife checking them again on Thursday... our poor lady bits eh? i feel responsible for mine though because i deffo pushed SO hard when they told me not to!! I still think it was her shoulders that did it!!

See I constantly read on here other people saying if you listen to the midwife stop when they tell you to stop. I stopped everytime and I still tore so that's obviously rubbish! I don't think its anyone's fault hun. It's just one of those things!

ah good that makes me feel better!!!! i tore with Josie too but had an epidural so didn't feel a thing and even fell asleep when they stitched me... NOT the case this time! the gas and air took the edge off it but i could still feel the needle every time it went in... and then the midwife said "right deep breath this one IS going to hurt"! thanks for that midwife!!!!
I had an epidural too, so I was only pushing when they said as I had no idea when to push anyway.
Don't know how I would have coped being stitched up on just gas and air. They took about an hour to stitch me up :/ it was awful :( and they still messed it up lol. I remember hearing dripping and asking if that was blood, no one would answer me but they all looked concerned, so I shouted at krista to tell me what was going on! :lol:
Am I the only one that could repeat my labour story over and over and never get sick of it?

Oh treeze, let us know what they say about your stitches on Thursday!
Ooh just noticed this thread and I'm now part of it :) will add a pic of my boy even though most of you will have seen him on fb x
Pinky I love talking about my labour too!

Emma we def want more pics!!
I'm going to take some new ones this week. He is in his nappy during the day at the window to clear up the jaundice. X
I'm going to take some new ones this week. He is in his nappy during the day at the window to clear up the jaundice. X

Aww bless him! They look so wee in their pramsuits!
Jodie, glad I'm not the only one!

We met the health visitor for the first time today! Emily is now 7lbs 12ozs and is bang on target! I'm all proud now hehe. I was worried she was feeding too much but the health visitor worked it out and I'm giving her the exact amount so I'm pleased :)
Also my therapist has been off for 10 weeks with a broken collar bone he called today and I'm taking Emily up to meet all the staff next week and then I'm being totally discharged! This is a huge thing and I'm delighted!!!! I should throw a party haha. Nah but seriously this is a massive thing for me, can't quite believe how well I am and that I'm now a mummy! If someone had told me that even 2 years ago I would have told them to bigger off haha. Never thought I'd ever be this well :)
Sorry rambling on here

well done u pinky shld be proud of urselfe hun xxxx
That's brilliant news pinky lovely to see you so happy!!! Xx
Aww emma he's gorgeous!

Pinky you sound so happy, well done on getting near to being discharged. You should be so proud of yourself!

Treeze, I agree with pinky, I've had tears when they told me not to push as well.

I've started bleeding again today which has really cheesed me off. I think it's because I've been doing my pelvic floors what feels like 100 times a day but they are working and can tell a difference already.

Anyone else exhausted?? DH took over last night for the full night and I slept straight through and I'm still shattered. I've been drinking spatone to boost my energy levels up but it's not making any difference. Thing is I feel incredibly guilty that DH is doing the night feeds and has to go to work the next day.
I had an epidural too, so I was only pushing when they said as I had no idea when to push anyway.
Don't know how I would have coped being stitched up on just gas and air. They took about an hour to stitch me up :/ it was awful :( and they still messed it up lol. I remember hearing dripping and asking if that was blood, no one would answer me but they all looked concerned, so I shouted at krista to tell me what was going on! :lol:
Am I the only one that could repeat my labour story over and over and never get sick of it?

Oh treeze, let us know what they say about your stitches on Thursday!

oh pinky that sounds awful... with Josie I had a senior midwife do the stitches and she done a really good job... not the case this time though.. it looks a bit better today but i can still see a hollow gap/hole where it hasn't joined back together yet....

thought i'd got rid of my terrible piles too but they are back with a veangance today! i've had to stop using supposutories as they're making my bum just ache!!

and i agree i caould tell my labour story over and over again... i've written off to get my hospital notes today as i loved reading through all Josies birth notes... hers were about 20 pages long as i was in for 4 days being induced... i bet this time they fit on one side of A4 for Emma's birth - lol!!!

yes midwife tomorrow - will let you know how it goes x x x
PP - I only stopped bleeding last week - 9 weeks :shock:

Treeze - I didn't know you could write and get your notes - I would love to get Ellas - how do you go about it? Do you write to the hospital or somewhere central in the NHS?

I'm a bit scared but fine about it I think - I'm going to be leaving Ella with my friend next week for a whole day! I'm off to Royal Ascot Ladies day for a hen do so I've arranged my friend (who is a fab mum of two little girls and will be looking after Ella when I go back to work) to have her. A bit concerned about how she will be with feeding - sometimes she fusses when taking bottles of expressed milk but we are going to meet this Friday so that she can have a practice run at feeding and she does take bottles with a bit of persistence. Not sure how I'm going to feel leaving her for a whole day!!! I think it's good to do it early though so I'm going to be brave about it :oooo:
ahw good for you Jodie.. i agree it's a good move to try and leave baby earlier rather than later.. i bet she'll be spoilt rotten by your friend with cuddles all day!

regarding the hospital notes i just rang the local hospital (where i gave birth) and aksed how to go about obtaining copies of my medical records (loads of people do this for insurance / compensation claims etc so it's pretty standard practice). they then gave me another address locally for the NHS Medical Records.

You then write to them stating which dates you want copies from and to (obviously you won't want your complete medical history as it goes right back through your childhood and everything!!!).

They then write back saying that they might charge a small admin fee (thinkit was about £10 but that was 4 years ago) plus 5p per page of copies. All together i don't think Josies came to no more than about £18? But like I say that was for 4 days worth of induction and birth - lol!

Then you send your cheque off and they copy all the notes you want and send them back... it's a bit lengthy but SOOO worth it... with Josies i read it over and over again especially when i was pregnant this time. It had everything noted down like "husband off the ward to make phonecalls" "theresa requesting to go for walk" "theresa now requesting epidural etc" they detail everything... there was almost a comment every 5 minutes!

It really brought back memories of the whole experience with Josie cos you just can't take it all in at the time. It's like someone has written your birth story but in medical notes! I can't WAIT to read them from Emmas birth as it all happened so quick i couldn't really take it in.. i was even looking back at my texts from when i was in labour on my phone the other night! I love trying to remember little snippets from the whole experience but it's like it's a bit of a blur already!
Hi girls!
Finally made it onto this thread to check back in and see how everyone is getting on!
All the May babies are beautiful. I know Samuel is officialy a June baby now, but i thought id sneak into this thread! He was born at 00.01 on June 1st, so his head was born in May and his bum and legs in June!
I cant believe how much Samuel has grown already, hes a milk beast! We had a few breastfeeding dramas but thank the lord for Formula!
I know how you girls feel with the tears. Turns out I have a 3rd degree tear which i would have had stitched in theatre under spinal but theatre was in use with a emergency section! So the Dr put a wack load of anaesthetic into my foof and went for it. I had gas and air but yeah, it still hurt
My OH is still reeling from seeing me in labour...was so quick i wasnt allowed an epidural, and on the gas and air i went from 0-drunk in 30 seconds! What amazing stuff G&A is though!
Anyway Im waffling and I think the little man has just produced something very pleasant for me to clean up! :shock:
Well done Jodie, its a big step! It's weird I've left her for two hours with my step dad and I felt like I'd lost a limb. We get used to how they feed, what soothes them etc its a bit scary leaving them but I think its healthy got us to have our time as well. Will be good for Ella to get used to being with your friend so when you go back to work it won't be such a shock!



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