May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

Hi girls!
Finally made it onto this thread to check back in and see how everyone is getting on!
All the May babies are beautiful. I know Samuel is officialy a June baby now, but i thought id sneak into this thread! He was born at 00.01 on June 1st, so his head was born in May and his bum and legs in June!
I cant believe how much Samuel has grown already, hes a milk beast! We had a few breastfeeding dramas but thank the lord for Formula!
I know how you girls feel with the tears. Turns out I have a 3rd degree tear which i would have had stitched in theatre under spinal but theatre was in use with a emergency section! So the Dr put a wack load of anaesthetic into my foof and went for it. I had gas and air but yeah, it still hurt
My OH is still reeling from seeing me in labour...was so quick i wasnt allowed an epidural, and on the gas and air i went from 0-drunk in 30 seconds! What amazing stuff G&A is though!
Anyway Im waffling and I think the little man has just produced something very pleasant for me to clean up! :shock:

that local anaesthetic did NOTHING for me - i felt the needle go in every single time... the gas and air helped though and i just breathed it constantly knowing it was my last chance of feeling dopey and light-headed.. i loved gas and air... it all happened too quick for an epidural with me too.. just wish i had thought of asking for something else like pethedine instead! But after she said no to the epidural i didn't even think to ask for anything else!

Love the fact that Samuels head was born on a different day to the rest of him!! lol! aaah my little brothers birthday is 1st June... nice to be half way through the year for birthdays eh!
after getting up at 6am to tidy the house the midwife just called and said she's been called out to a home birth and isn't coming today now!! oh well at least the house is tidy now and she's coming tomorrow to check my stitches instead!

off to hospital this afternoon for Emmas Newborn hearing screening test... Josie off to swimming with her aunty.. hope you're all having a fab day x x
Hello Mrs B :wave: We need pics of little Samuel!

Treeze - thats typical :lol: Hope all goes well with Emma's hearing test. Emily had to have hers done 4 times because she screamed and screamed :lol: Thankfully she passed in the end!

I'm away to see my gp about my numb toes and get some more Iron tablets. Can't wait to show her off to all the staff at the surgery!

Thanks will ring about hospital notes then treeze! How frustrating about the mw - good luck with the hearing test

MrsB I second ethe request for pics

Pinky hope all is well at the docs

I'm off to a mums group in a minute - loving being a mummy :)
Hope everyone is well!

Ill be back on here properly when i feel a bit more human but wanted to say thanks for all your lovely messages and check in :-)

So tired and sore and my nipples feel like hell but very happy hes finally here in all his glory :-)
ahw you relax and take it easy cherelle.. well done hun x x x

Emma passed her hearing test no probs.. we left at 2:30 and she had just had a feed and has been asleep since! slept through the test and everything. Was great to have a go of the new pram when we got to the hosp!

stopped at asda on the way home - don't know about anyone else but we've been shopping about 10 times in the week since Emma arrived!!

... then went and watched Josie swimming and got home about 6pm and Emma still asleep!!!

looking forward to midwife checking these stitches tomorrow and hoping they are healing ok.. then got the health visitor on monday... x x x
Glad everyones doıng well.. and glad you finally got your little baby cherelle.
Did everyone on here get sore nipples when breastfeeding? Everyone I speak to seems to have them but I have never with either of my boys.. maybe im just lucky?

Alex is feeding hourly still.. he has one good sleep normally from about 10-1 and then its hourly again in the night. So hes hard work as as soon as I start doing something he wants feeding again.. but hes definately worth it. Would be lovely to be able to get some sleep though :D
We back home now :D Really hot.. lil ones fines with it so far, hes got a bit of a sweat rash around his neck and on which ever side of his face he sleeps but its not red or sore so thats good :D Im going to hopefully get him weighed again next week as I have no idea what he is now but hes over 11lbs :D ....

Hope all you ladies with the poorly foofs are healing better now :D Im so glad I escaped stitches this time :D ...
hello all...

midwife has just been and says my stitches are healing very well - no longer classed as "gaping"! She says there is one bit where they have stitched over the same bit a few times which might be a bit uncomfy but overall she siad they're looking very healthy and healing well! yipee! they are much less painful now!

She weighed Emma and I couldn't believe it when she said she's now 9lb 7oz!!!

So she was 8lb 11and a half at birth..
6 days old she was 8lb 15oz
and today 11 days old she is 9lb 7and a half!!!

so thats 12oz in 11 days!!! midwife very pleased and said she is most definately thriving!

i asked midwife about going swimming again with stitches and she said once they've completely healed it should be fine.. infection being her main concern from the pool.

Also I asked about when it's ok to use tampons again and to my amazement she said anytime from now!! I'm sure I was always told you're not allowed to use them even for your first period after birth?!!

Oh well off to my dads for a couple of days now to be waited on hand and foot in the lovely Suffolk Countryside!

Happy weekend everyone x x x
Have a lovely time at your dads Treeze, glad your stitches are looking better and youre sounding good!

My milk came in this afternoon so i have very sore boobies!! Gave Ifan his first bath today which was so cute - his mop of hair went all fluffy :-)

Midwife showed me how to swaadle him to help him settle and he seems to love it which is great.

My mum and aunt are coming to stay tomorow - cant wait to show Ifan off!

Hope everyone else is good? x
Hi everyone!

Cherelle enjoy showing your little man off he's a wee cracker :)

Treeze enjoy being waited on hand and foot, an I come too? :lol:

Have posted in our fb group but I think Emily has colic, she's been grumpy for about 5 days now when she's not sleeping she just wants mummy to pace the floor and rock her lol, my back was so sore last night. Got some infacol and she seems a bit happier today, she let me sit and cuddle her for a good while earlier without getting grumpy and wanting me to change postions, walk about, take her dummy, spit it out etc etc.

Better go, she's waking up :) This colic lark is tough!
Hi all,

Just a quick question.. Owen seems to be straining really hard to get poops and parps out and grunts a lot during the night for the same reason. Is this normal? We have tried baby massage, infacol and other various tricks to help him with his wind but nothing seems to help very much. Is it something he will grow out of? it does not seem to bother him too much but it's really loud and I'm struggling to get to sleep over the noise of it.

Also, for those of you who express as well as breastfeed. How much milk will I need for one feed? It is taking me 20-30 mins to express about 3oz (presumably because I am breastfeeding as well so my boobs are always empty) and last night we gave him a bottle of it for the first time and he drained 3oz in under a minute! I will be expressing all day to get enough to be able to hand over the night feeds to my oh for just one night.

Sorry for all the questions. I hope you are all well and enjoying your gorgeous new bubbas

cherelle - hope your boobs aren't to sore.. i thought it was great having enormous boobs the 1st day.. but by day 2 they were flippin agony and i was praying for them to go away!!!!! lol!

pinky - i think Emma has some sort of colicky/griping pains... she is soooo good for about 90% of the time but the 10% she isn't she's a flippin nightmare! Exactly like you say I have to walk around with her... sit her upright.. she has a bit of milk... cries.. spits it out.. burps.. farts... cries and then starts all over again! She looks like shes really in pain though and it's quite "all of a sudden" that she starts gasping for air and allsorts.... i've been using infacol too and i just picked up some dentinox colic drops too to see what they're like.... I think all you can do is try and stay really calm and not get too upset by it although it can be really hard when it goes on for half hour or more... let's hope they get over it nice and quickly or that the infacol does the trick! It's horrible seeing them so upset though eh?
forgot to say... cherelle i used to swaddle Josie and it worked a treat for getting her off to sleep... i read a really good book abut it and apparantly there are the 5 S's regarding swaddling...... this is off the authors website:

  • Swaddling - Tight swaddling provides the continuous touching and support the fetus experienced while still in Mom's womb.
  • Side/stomach position - You place your baby, while holding her, either on her left side to assist in digestion, or on her stomach to provide reassuring support. Once your baby is happily asleep, you can safely put her in her crib, on her back.
  • Shushing Sounds - These sounds imitate the continual whooshing sound made by the blood flowing through arteries near the womb. This white noise can be in the form of a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, a fan and so on. The good news is that you can easily save the motors on your household appliances and get a white noise CD which can be played over and over again with no worries.
  • Swinging - Newborns are used to the swinging motions that were present when they were still in Mom's womb. Every step mom took, every movement caused a swinging motion for your baby. After your baby is born, this calming motion, which was so comforting and familiar, is abrubtly taken away. Your baby misses the motion and has a difficult time getting used to it not being there. "It's disorienting and unnatural," says Karp. Rocking, car rides, and other swinging movements all can help.
  • Sucking - "Sucking has its effects deep within the nervous system," notes Karp, "and triggers the calming reflex and releases natural chemicals within the brain." This "S" can be accomplished with bottle, breast, pacifier or even a finger.

i'm going to try this again with Emma next time she has one of her funny half hours... pinky maybe this would help you too - worth a try... you have to do all 5 of the above at the same time!
Catty - I'm breastfeeding and expressing too - at first I was using a manual breast pump and it took me pretty much a day of doing it in bits to get 5oz, but then I bought a Medela Swing electric pump and earlier got 3.5oz in 10 mins from one boob so I'm well impressed with that - if you aren't using a good electric pump maybe try that?
Oh treeze I might try that although when wrapped tightly she tries to break free lol.
catty, Emily is the same with the straining noises, its quite loud. I've just noticed tonight that she seems constipated, only a tiny bit of poo in her nappy and its not as soft!
Have you tried giving him cooled boiled water, Emily doesn't really like it but I've given it to her a couple of times now.

Cantstop - Thanks. I have been looking at electric pumps but it seems a bit extravagent a purchase just so I can have the odd night off. I have just looked on ebay though and there are a few so I might get bidding.

Pinkymum - I don't think he's constipated as he is having plenty of runny poos. I might try the water if it doesnt improve. There shouldn't be a problem with him taking it as he will suck on anything you put near his mouth. Glad it's not just my baby making such undignified noises!

I still cant believe i'm posting in this section. Everytime I log on I automatically go to tri 3 before I remember I'm not pregnant anymore!
Catty - I'm also bf and expressing and I've got the medela swing electric pump too and agree it's really good! I can usually express enough after the first morning feed for a late evening bottle - about 120ml which is about 5 fl oz I think. That said only got 70ml this morning so will have to top it up later. I usually find mornings are the best times to express.

I took Ella swimming for the first time yesterday. She wasn't sure at first as the baby pool wasn't quite as warm as her bath but she settled into it. She didn't like being dunked (mean mummy had to try!) and got cold quite quickly - less than 10 mins - but overall a success. I think her favourite bits were warming up in the shower afterwards and then having a good kick on the mat in her hooded towel!
Awww did you get pics of her in the pool Jodie? I'm waiting for the bleeding to stop, can't wait to take her although she hates the bath, will try her again tonight. I just have a very unhappy baby just now, :/ got the baby clinic tomorrow. Seems like she has a sore tummy!

Hi girls,
Finally managed to get back on, Samuel is snuggled up with his granny, being very well behaved!
Sam now weighs 8lb 9oz's, thats 10.5 oz's in 10 days! He loves his breastmilk! I bought a hand pump to express with, wow its hard work! Im gonna have biceps like Arnie soon!
Me and the OH managed to get out and about yesterday, which was nice.
Im starting to feel human again, although looking like a scummy mummy! My stitches are healing nicely, although Im continuing to bleed like a stuffed pig. Going through 4-5 Maty pads a this normal?!
Anyhoo, pic of Sam in his shades attached.....blame his father!


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I can now come onto this thread now. It seems so weird to be a mum now but it feels so good. xx

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