May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

Mrs B, cool name! My Sam is Samuel too, although me and hubby have had a "disagreement" on the spelling of his name where he spelt it Samual. I've always spelled it Samuel and thought never heard of the other way.

We'd never thought of Samuel during the prenancy, he was going to be Arthur. But the minute he came out he wasnt an Arthur, so it was back to the drawing board! And being off my face on G&A and Morphine i was obsessed with finding him a name! Then we came up with Sam, and i told the OH he would be Samuel for when he is in trouble!

Glad everyone else is ok, and babies are happy, if not a bit windy!

Off to feed, again! Im just a milk machine!
Just thought I would check in and say hi :-) Is it just me who hasnt got the time to go on here anymore? Thats why im glad of the fb group thing, coz I can easily browse fb and catch up, but it would take me all day to catch up on here - may just stick to this thread!

Hope everyone is well - all of you also dealing with colic, I have been feeling your pain for the last few weeks - is it 12 weeks its meant to disappear? That would be nice, only 4 weeks to go! Ive just been using infacol, but I find even if you miss it out once, it has a bad knock-on effect.

Oooh, I really wanna go swimming too....Jodie, did you just use a disposbale swim nappy thing? It will probably take us all day, and she will probably scream the place down, but wanna try it, and see how stressful it is!

Oh, and the best invention yet - a battery operated swing!! Have borrowed one from a friend, as only had a bouncy chair, that I used to rock with my foot. Now, I just put her in, press it on, and away she goes - off to sleep! That 5 's' thing that is on this thread is correct when it comes to the 'swinging' part!

Hope everyone is doing well - cant belive all our little babies are growing up already!
Sorry for not replying to everyone
Lea - Emily isn't a huge fan of her swing but hopefully that will change when she's a few weeks older!

Pp - she's unsettled unless she's sleeping!!!! Well she was a bit better yesterday. It does seem to go on for longer in the evening before she'll fall asleep. I thought things were settling but she's been upset again today. She had a really runny nappy on Monday and hasn't had a poo since. Think I'll need to give her cooled boiled water again.
The health visitor is coming to show me how to do wind and colic massage tomorrow. I might beg her to prescribe me those crystals. I'm on my own, this can't go on for weeks on end! It's not fair on Emily or me!

I wish i had the energy to read through all these posts and catch up with you all! Hope everyone is well!

Ifan is great :-) Ive been expressing every feed as breastfeeding was getting frustrating but its going really well - im always a couple of feeds ahead with the expressing! He sleeps a lot and only woke up once for a feed last night - hes such a good little baby! Me and OH were all geared up for parenthood being soooo hard but its been fab so far!! x
PP - Hooray for sam's poos. Well done him!

Jodied - Thanks for finding me, I have now added you

Pinky - I hope the massage helps. We have found some massage and yoga stuff online which seems to be helping Owen do lots of parps!

Cherelle - Glad Ifan is doing well. Is it pronounced how it is spelt? We have been surprised too how easy it has all been (touch wood). I had envisaged sleepless nights and a screaming inconsolable baby but I am pretty much getting 8 hours sleep a night (in chunks) and have plenty of time to do the housework. I have even baked a cake today!

I went up to the University today to visit my OH for lunch and see some of my work collegues. I love showing off my baby but I think everyone has met him now. It's the third time I've been up since he was born and I think they will be getting sick of me soon!
Thanks catty! I'm jealous, I can hardly keep up with the housework lol.
Cherelle I'm the same can't seem to keep up with posts lol.

But yay we had 2 big poos this afternoon and she's having a nap now :) I managed to eat dinner and pudding :lol:

I'm finding it hard to keep up on here as well!! Lucas decided that he didn't want to settle last night and was up for 2 hours between sleeps. He did that twice. He doesn't let his wind go at all so we bought some Infacol today and we are trying that. I think his wind is what is unsettling him as it gives him tummy ache. Apart from that he is a happy content baby. We are going to try give him another bath tonight. He didn't like the last one at all but fingers crossed he will start to like them. Hope everyone else is well!! xx
Catty youve been baking cakes... what a domestic goddess! lol x
Riot - keep going with the bath, we only have screaming when she comes out now, she's starting to like being in the water! My neighbours must think I'm battering her lol.

I know cherelle, catty is showing me up lol.

Louie screams the house down in the bath, when getting his nappy changed and when I'm dressing him. Apart from that he's a good baby.
He was at the hospital today and will be going most weeks to the paediatric clinic to have his bloods checked for anaemia. He's to keep having his daily dose of folic acid until he's 3 months, didn't even realise he would need all this but at least I know he's in good hands x
, I really wanna go swimming too....Jodie, did you just use a disposbale swim nappy thing? It will probably take us all day, and she will probably scream the place down, but wanna try it, and see how stressful it is!

Yes her little swimming costume said it had a nappy built in but didn't fancy it's chances if she did an explosive poo so put a swim nappy on underneath x
Stick in there ladies with the windy babies - Ella was like that a few weeks ago and touch wood we seem to have got past that now so the end is in sight!

I went out for dinner tonight with my family and left hubby with Ella - he was slightly miffed that after refusing to settle in bed for him she did so for me straightaway when I got home! Either I've got the magic touch (aka boobs!) or she was so shattered by that point she and to sleep :roll:
Awww poor louie, sounds like he's doing well though!

Jodie that's funny, must be the boobies! Part of me really likes it when she just wants me :) she was like that with my parents last night! Im just lying in bed and she's next to me sleeping in her basket. I was just listening to her wee snores thinking it feels like she's always been here! :) can't believe she will be a month old on.Friday! It's gone so quick!!!!

I cannot believe Emily is nearly a month old :shock: that's gone so fast!

I can't sleep :wall2:

I've been thinking/organising/planning for my day out tomorrow - things for me to take, getting ready and sorting Ella and now I can't switch off!! I should be sleeping because I'm going to be up feeding at least once and probably two or three times and will then be up early to get ready!
I cannot believe Emily is nearly a month old :shock: that's gone so fast!

I can't sleep :wall2:

I've been thinking/organising/planning for my day out tomorrow - things for me to take, getting ready and sorting Ella and now I can't switch off!! I should be sleeping because I'm going to be up feeding at least once and probably two or three times and will then be up early to get ready!

Theories on why I can't sleep...

- maybe I am more worried about leaving Ella than I can admit although I honestly think I'm fine about it
- excited about getting dressed up and going out off the day
- had my first coffee tonight since before I was pregnant
I finally managed to drop off at about 1.15am but im awake again now - Ella had a little grumble in her sleep so thought I would be getting up for a feed but she seems to have gone back to sleep - can't believevhow long she's slept - last feed 9.30pm!!! Only wish I'd been asleep to enjoy this long gap!! Think I'm going to struggle to drop off again now :wall2: but pleased if we are turning a corner with her sleeping longer at night :dance:
Just finished feeding so that's a new record - almost six hours between feeds :-)

Now must sleep!
Still awake :wall2:

At what point do I give up and get up? Alarm set for 6.30am anyway!!
I'm still awake :shock:

Giving up and making a cuppa at 5.30am! At least I will have time to curl my hair and put it up! ;-)

Ps sorry for ranting!!
Aww Jodie ı was up all night too but notthrough choice, my lil guy started feeding at 7.30pm last night and finally dropped off at 1.20 am then was back up at 2 until after 4. then went till 5.30am until we gave up. Hes still only had half hour this morning and is just dropping off across my belly now at 10.30!
Hope you have a fab day today!
Im soo tired, but having a lazy day so doesnt matter. Ive finally got on top of the clenaning and unpacking.. our house is huge so its bloody hard work plus we have 3 lazy adult males and 2 messy lil boys in this house and only me to clean up after them! oh and cook for them too...good job i loves them!

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