~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Durham, sorry to hear that but it's great that it's been picked up so early! Hope Aria cheers up a little, poor thing :(

I think our little man is getting an upset stomach. Gets so cranky when he is in his crib. Moves about loads and whinges, then does a little fart and calms down...then same again a few minutes later!!! Can only settle on my chest. Does that sound like a sore tummy???

Mayflower, how are you recovering? Good that you're home now :)

Natevz, congratulations! Saw photos on Facebook...cute little thing :)

Elliott, massive congratulations as well :)
Big bee sounds like trapped wind. Babies struggle getting their wind up. Maybe try some infacol see if that helps hun. Xxx
Thanks caseysmummy... I do burp him after every feed, but he hardly ever burps.
He gets a bit unsettled in his sleep, brings his knees up to belly, fidgets, almost cries...then does a little fart and everything is ok.

Can I get infacol in a supermarket?
Bigbee my little girl is very similar. She has it so bad though, I've been sat for the last 45mins with Her squirming and really crying hard. Her tummy is Rock hard. She will settle briefly on my chest but for long tonight. Yes you can get infacol in the shops I have it but it's not working today
I am home tonight minus a baby which is hard but it is amazing to be back in my own bed after 9 nights in hospital.
Babyscotcher, your own bed must have felt pretty awesome! Enjoy the unbroken sleep while you can....

Ellen, thank you. Are you bottle or breast feeding?

The boy is so content on my chest, and I would leave him there, but it's not sustainable. We are trying to get into a habit of putting him in his own bed, plus i get no sleep with him on me! Hate seeing him so uncomfortable :(
I know bigbee. My little girl can be the same with winding. Ive found after a feed to sit her up and hold her so her back is really straight and she can't curl up and slowly rock her back and forth holding her in position. Then after a few minutes if she hasn't already burped I rub and pat her back a little which usually brings up a massive burp.

Babyscotcher there's nothing better than your own bed after sleeping in a hospital bed especially for so long as you did hun. Hope you feel a little more rested now hun xxx
Babyscotcher, your own bed must have felt pretty awesome! Enjoy the unbroken sleep while you can....

Ellen, thank you. Are you bottle or breast feeding?

The boy is so content on my chest, and I would leave him there, but it's not sustainable. We are trying to get into a habit of putting him in his own bed, plus i get no sleep with him on me! Hate seeing him so uncomfortable :(

I'm breastfeeding and the same as you in that she's happy in my chest and will sleep but I've got to put her down. Wish I could make it better for her
Morning mummies

It's so good to see everyone is just about here now, even if some of the May babies have been quite naughty.

Me and Aria are finding our feet with the harness and I didn't cry as much yesterday. I've found a support group on Facebook which has been a great help. She's still quite unsettled and much harder to get to sleep, she's only happy on me. The midwife came yesterday and decided not to discharge me yet as they're worried about me being so upset.
Today is my OHs last day off, he's back to work tomorrow and I'm dreading it.
Yay for nearly all may mummies, I hope the last couple hurry over.
Durham glad you're finding your feet with the harness, you'll both adjust to it really quickly and then it will be like all your Christmas's come at once when they take it off.

My husband has another week off and I'm also dreading him going back but you'll actually find that that's when a routine starts to fall in to place. Normality returns and you have to fend for yourself a bit more but it will all just fall into place and within a few days you'll be doing everything on autopilot.

Well I gave in and I'm now 100% cosleeping. Not what I wanted but I was too tired to keep battling every hour of the night. He slept in my arms last 2 nights and we both feel better for it. I've found a position that has zero risk of me rolling on him (I'm still not convinced that's possible without drugs in the equation!) and he has his own blanket with nothing else near him. It's super cute waking to a snuggle as well :)
We'll try the crib again when I'm not so desperately sleep deprived and he's going longer between feeds but for now it's getting us through.
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Omg my nights sleep in my own bed was amazing. Still obviously very sore after my c section and trying hard not to push myself so much. Having a great time with expressing too and producing lots of golden food for my little man who is doing much better today and they have increased the time between his feeds. Just hope he can stick to it this time.

Can imagine how possesive I am going to be over him having only had minimal cuddles with him up until now so got to try my hardest to make sure I put him down enough to sleep etc. He is used to it at least though I suppose.

Durham- glad that you are finding your feet with the harness. It wont be long before it will be the norm for you. I bet you will hardly notice. X
Babyscotcher I'm glad you managed to recharge your batteries! Baby will be home in your arms before you know it, make the most if your last bit of rest before 24 hour cuddles commence :)
Mayflower were bottle feeding and lily has 3oz around every 3 hours some times more often in an evening as she's having a growth spurt atm. She's on premature milk so not sure what she would be on now with baby milk. It should tell you on the back of a box and you usually go off their weight hun. Your doing well expressing though 70ml is really good!

Babyscotcher glad you got a good nights sleep hun! I was quite naughty when lily came home I constantly hold her in the day when I'm not busy!

Glad your feeling a little better Durham. It will be over before you know it hun.

Jessie I ended up co sleeping with my son as he slept so well with me and would latch himself on when hungry! I would love to do it with lily but she's so small I'm scared she will wriggle down under the blankets as she wriggles so much in the night. Xxx
Jamie is having 90-120ml bottles of formula every 2-3 hours. He's put on 10.5oz since his birth 11 days ago.

I don't know anything about mixed, or breast feeding. But mayflower, as long as baby isn't crying all the time because they're starving, and they're putting weight on, I wouldn't worry too much.
Sounds like they're putting weight on well to me. Most of the weight J has put on was in the last week.
That sounds about right mayflower. My health visitor told me only to put her milk up if she's draining the bottle and still rooting as if hungry so that's what I've been going by and so far she sometimes finishes a bottle but doesn't root and sometimes she doesn't finish the full bottle. It depends how long she's gone between feeds usually as she's just started to go longer at night sleeping about 5 -6 hours. She's very grumpy again today and wants to be cuddled constantly or she screams. Ive ordered a Stretchy sling to try as for some reason I couldn't get the nct caboo until the 5th or 8th or June as they don't stock it round here. Even tried ebay! But delivery was 5th of June! So managed to get a liberty sling to try out as need one sooner rather than later as next week I've got a jam packed week with hospital appointments, lily's first injections, my sons school meeting and my councilling Friday and with how grumpy she's been she will settle best if close to me especially during my sons school meeting! Xxx
I got my brother and sister in law a Liberty sling caseysmummy, you'll do fine with it. Lovely for snuggles. Alice had her 5 day check up today and has only lost 3.9% of her birth weight so I'm really pleased. I have the biggest most ridiculous pair of boobs atm. I can't wait for them to settle down. We had our first slingy cuddles today and really enjoyed it. I hope everyone is keeping well xxx
We have a liberty sling caseysmummy! It is fab, LO just loves it, super easy to use and the material is so soft :)

Will post a pic on the fb page of her in it!

LO has her 14day weigh in tomorrow, bit nervous as I want her to be back up to birth weight or more which is what they expect!

Natevs my boobs were masssssive when my milk came in, like 2 planets stuck to my chest haha! They have gone down and settled now thank god!
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