~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I have those - but I'm being dumb - you need boiled water to make a feed don't you? So how does that work when you're out?

Do I boil and put in the bottle, bottle bag it, and add the formula when baby is ready for a bottle? Will the water be hot enough? Or do I need a flask to carry boiled water in?
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Babyscotcher that's completely understandable hun. I don't think he will be hun. It will be a matter of stabilising his blood sugar and then getting him to hold his temp at 36.6 without a heated mat. They should test it just before a feed and nappy change I think. Is he in a cot or an incubator? Then it will be getting him to establish breastfeeding and they will room you in for a couple of days just before his discharge to do that hun. His size is fairly good so he's temp should stabilise soon too. They will just keep plenty of layers of blankets on him and a hat and cardigan. I don't think it will take long the Dr's like to give them a daily target for the nurses to focus on. Once he is off his drip you'll find it comes in leaps and bounds. After a week or so I had to go home as I have an older son so I was just going to visit from 3-8pm with lily as our son could go to nursery and his grandparents would pick him up and put him to bed for us. It's hard hun but it will be over soon and your little one will be home. I found the neonatal unit helped me get into a good routine actually hun.

Durham you have every right to moan hun. It's come as a big shock for you! Hope aria is doing well xxx
You put the boiled water in the bottle and add milk powder when babies ready hun. I used to ask a cafe for a jug of hot water to warm bottle up for baby or you can keep it warm in the insulated bottle holders hun. It doesn't stay boiling but will keep it at Luke warm temp hun xxx
Thanks caseysmummy... he is sunbathing today under the blue light as was a little jaundiced this morning but is back off the drip again and maintaining his temp. His infection indicators have all come back normal too so no infections going on and he can have his canular out. Just hoping be behaves and keeps his sugar levels up this time as he has been off the drip once before and went back on it. He obviously has a sweet tooth. I will try and bulk out my milk a bit for him too once I am home with lots of full fat dairy. Cheese with my dinner tonight me thinks.

On another note my milk has come in today. Feel like I have 2 rocks attached to my chest... ouch. Think I need to get some nursing bras. Any recommedations from any of you on good ones (I am large busted)? X
Thanks caseysmummy - feel daft asking simple questions but you don't know unless you know.

Mayflower, I'm now 10 days post c section and im feeling much better. My wound is tender, but not pinchy anymore. I have dissolvable stitches that the midwife will check tomorrow. Managing on paracetamol. But a couple of days ago I still felt like I was being stabbed in the stomach when I moved. A couple of days rest can make such a big difference.
My wound almost feels normal now Mayflower, it felt very tight before the staples came out though.

Thank you for all the well wishes, Aria is quite grumpy at the moment which is understandable.
Aww bless him. It's good that he's come off the drip hun. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that he stays off it. That's brilliant that he maintaining his temp too. It will be a matter of establishing breastfeeding once he comes off the blue lamp. He may also feed better once his jaundice levels are down as it makes them very sleepy. No recommendations on the nursing bras hun. I just bought a mothercare one but I only went up to a d cup.

Mayflower glad your doing well now. Glad ella put some weight on too! You poor thing! At least it's under control now though hun.
I found my c section scar very sore the 2nd weak so much so I thought it may be infected. Turns out o wasn't keeping on top of my painkillers enough and the pinchy pain was normal. You have to take them religiously even if you feel like you don't need them as once they wear off you realise you do. I stopped taking them 3 weeks pp.

I think I'm going to get the close caboo I watched a few YouTube videos on how to use them and a review and it looks so easy to use. I'm gonna go purchase one later as yesterday lily didn't want to be put down xxx
Sorry you're feeling so worried Durham, and that she's feeling grumpy today, like you said it's understandable. Hopefully she will feel better soon

I've got a grumpy little girl today. She's very windy and the pumps are giving her such bad tummy pain as she tries to get them out. She's only happy lying in my chest which isn't good when the tesco order has just been dropped off and I've got washing to do, never mind I got the frozen stuff in the freezer so the rest can wait while we have cuddles. It's awful when they are in pain and you can't do anything

Are you mummies getting out and about much yet? We started trying to have a little outing everyday, mainly to stop myself getting cabin fever, thankfully she's been very well behaved so far, I'm just waiting for a meltdown in a shop or cafe
Yeah I think it will be good for things like that mayflower. I'm going to use mine to get jobs done around the house when's she's grumpy or when we go out as our pushchair doesn't fit in everyone's boot as the frames so big so until I can find a smaller framed one that will fit in my mums ka that's not far too expensive I'm going to use that as I do love my pushchair and we were given it so don't want to change just yet as will feel bad.

Ellen hope your little girl timmy feels better soon. Like you say that stuff can wait till she feels better. We have been out fairly often as have to take our son to nursery and to go to see zara everyday and to go do some shopping as I'm crap at planning for the online shop atm so it's been easier jusy to pop to the supermarket. Were going later. It's something you adapt to though. I'm quite used to it with having my son.

Planning on going to retail park this afternoon to have a look if I can get my baby carrier and to get some bits for my new kitchen xxx
If forgotten about here! Good to have made it :) commence my silly questions.... Haha

Details are Maggie Elliot McHugh born 02:44 on 22nd May 2015 (due date was 28th) weighing 7lb10
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Everyone thinking about the close caboo, we bought the NCT one, it came yesterday and it's absolutely fantastic! Definately worth getting, little one loves it, was comfy and secure to wear and I got some jobs done!
Ooh Jess we have the next close caboo and s friend had lent me their standard caboo. I want to try them out but feel s bit nervous to still
Oo I went into mothercare today but they don't stock it at mine so will have to order it in. I will be tonight now for definite. All the others lily is too small for too! Xxx
So I belong in here now :) Alice Paige born 23/5/2015 @8.47pm weighing 9lb 11oz. She was due on the 14th May xxx

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