~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I realise some won't want to hear this but we fed at about 11:30-12 when going to bed .......then she just slept with the occasional storing but no crying at all until 6am. Great for my sleep but that's a long time to go with no feeds!

When I did feed her she got going ok but didn't last more than 7mins before giving up, managed from wake to get about another 5 mins not long after, just doing a nappy change (OH is I should say) and will try again on same boob as it is actually feeling uncomfortable which is first time I've noticed my boo a feeling different (really sore when I woke up and huge!)
Sorry to hear some of you girls having a rough time with feeding and sleeping, sure it will get easier over time.

We made an executive decision regarding my little man's feeding yesterday and feel like it is a huge weight off my shoulders. We tried him on the boobs yesterday but I produce so much milk and have such big boobs that be was just lapping at the end of my nipple to get milk rather than putting enough in to suckle properly. To get him out of SCBU as a breastfeeding mother I have to jump through a million hoops so he would have to learn to feed properly.

Decided to express and bottle feed instead as I seem to have no problem with getting lot of milk from expressing. We can also measure how much he is drinking to make sure he puts weight on which is obviously important with him only being 5lb. Nothing saying we can't try him back on the breast again in a couple of weeks when he is a bit bigger and see how we go.

Hopefully the decision will help him come home sooner. Worrying about the emotional effect on me and OH with all this. X
So far if we feed J close to midnight, he will need a feed and change at 3-4am, then he'll sleep through til 7-8am. So my hubby does the midnight feed, I do the night feed, and we both get a half decent block of sleep.

I know this might not last but I'm so pleased he's letting me sleep. I think it's really helped my c-section recovery. 2 weeks tomorrow and I can finally get up and down without stabbing pains.
Morning ladies. Lily's been so grumpy all night long. Constant groaning unless she's in my bed!

Babyscotcher we decided this also and lily was home in just over a week later she was home. Keeping my fingers crossed for you its the same hun!

You sound like you've got a good little boy orion xxx
I'd have let her sleep too Elliot, does she cluster feed in the evening? She's probably saving all her calories ready for a good sleep.

Sorry to hear so many others had a bad night.
I've just toll my husband im a zombie cow today lol, heavily milked and no life left in me!
She's had two feeding type "sessions this morning, where within 45mins ish she's fed for about 20 mins of so in stints of five to ten mins at a time. Which is kind of how she's always done it. I'm making a conscious effort to keep her going longer but she's hard work to keep a wake at times no matter how much for tickling you do!
See no one ever said anything like that to me, they just say in demand...she didn't demand :s I feel terrible about it :( I'm sure she's not going to have put the weight on they want by tomorrow and scared what they'll then want to do :(

I'm doing my best just feel like that's still my enough
Elliot if she was starving hungry she'd have told you abut it, you're being way too tough on yourself. She obviously needed that sleep more than she needed feeding at the time, feed her up well through the day especially on an evening if she likes a long sleep at night and she'll be getting everyhjng she needs try and relax about it a little more you're doing a great job. I agree wih mayflower the advice is so conflicting and it's hard not to know what to do for the best but I firmly believe a mothers instinct knows best and believe in yourself and your mothering, I bet you and your little girl are lovely and refreshed today (at least more so than in the past week) x
I dont wake to feed, if they're hungry they will wake and let you know! As Jessie says dont be hard on yourself Elliot, worse thing they will say if they haven't gained weight is "oh you can maybe try topping her up" but aslong as she isnt losing weight you're doing fine :) milk will be better in the second week etc
They scared me on first weigh in as they said it would be back to hospital if the lose was greater than 10% but we still aren't at that point.

They just called to "check how things were" now talking about trying to cup feed and waking every three hours
Sorry to say this girls, but I'm so glad I am not the only one who is not sleeping!!! Baby hates his bed. When he falls asleep, I put him in his bed where he stays for about 1.5 hours, he then stirs, starts whining, and opening his eyes. I then pick him up and he will happily sleep on me for another hour :( a bit annoying. I think he must realise he's been put in his bed while sleeping and doesn't like it.

His longest sleeps are about 2.5 hours. All I wish for is 4 hour slots!!!!!!!!
Sorry to all those with restless nights and lack of sleep :( no sleep is just the worst!

Well little miss had her first photoshoot this morning, its was fab! So calm and lovely she only stirred for a feed halfway through! Got a few sample pics already from the photographer and they're Fab!!
Elliott I agree with others advice, I don't wake lily to feed anymore, had to at first as she was only 4lb but she's 6lb now and she tells me whether she's hungry or not. She will sometimes go 4-5 hours without a feed in the day if she's especially tired. Today she's gone between 1-3 hours though l. Just go with baby hun. Don't be hard on yourself though hun.

Bigbee lily is just like that atm she won't let me put her down at all she has to be next to me at all times or its screaming until I pick her up. Last night as soon as I laid her in her cot she woke up and it's been the same all day. Ive stuck her in the sling since about 12.30pm and she's slept on and off in there all day only crying when hungry.

I bought some beautiful windmills for zara today! It's starting to look really pretty on her grave now and she's had her proper plaque with her full name put on until we get her headstone now. Xxx
Bigbee you're certainly not the only one, I've barely got through the day. I forced myself to walk round a few shops because if I stay in I know il just think about how tired I am and that's when my mood starts to fall. I'd take a 3 hour block of sleep!
I know it's a controversial topic and some are completely against it but would you not consider co sleeping?
Caseyummy I feel for you I know you said you'd love to cosleeping but I know it's a lot riskier with a teeny tot like Lily.
What you've done for Zara sounds lovely, sending lots of love your way and I hope you're all doing ok.

Elliot I think the midwives are being far to hasty and causing you unnecessary worry, baby is only a week old isn't she? It's normal for her to be losing weight, she'll start catching up in the next few days/weeks.

To other breast feeders who are getting a good bulk of sleep in the night I find it reassuring to know it's possible, I thought I was doomed to 2 hurs a night for the forseeable future! Maybe il have a random night of bulk sleep soon (wishful thinking!)
Exhausted today. J has wanted to feed roughly every 2 hours since 7am this morning. He will shortly be waking up for his 7th bottle of the day! Along with changing his nappy, making the bottles, cuddling him, talking to him when he's awake....I've literally not had 5 minutes to myself.

Is it bedtime yet?!?! :shock:

Can I be added please?

Ania born 22/5/15 at 10:35pm 8lb 0.5oz

Aww blueeyes I've lost track of lots of things in the past week and hasn't realised we had the same birth day hehe

Lovely name btw well done :)

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