~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Ladies, I will be looking at getting a sling of some sort, so be ready for questions soon!!!!

Mayflower, have you been taking laxatives? Not sure what to advise there, but if it persists, go see your gp - just to be on the safe side. Diarrhea is uncomfortable at the best of times, never mind after surgery!! (I had that the other day, but mine was due to a little too much prune juice :) )
Mayflower- iron tablets tend to bung you up so it wouldn't be a side effect from that. Call someone if you're worried. Xx
I've seen your pictures button bear. So excited to get mine now. I have literally had to hold her from around 3-10 tonight. Everytime I put her down she screamed and screamed. Have just managed to get her to sit in her bouncer so hoping the sling will help if she's the same tomorrow. I'm pretty sure she has wind that she won't bring up. Ive tried everything today with her! Fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow. So much has gone wrong today! I'm hoping bad luck will stop following us around soon as this year has been horrific to say the least! Xxx
Ahh you will love it and hopefully settle little lily :)

Have you tried winding on her belly leaning over your knees? Its supee effective!! Pat her back as she lies over your knees and hold her chin to stop her head flopping down.
Will try that and see if she settles as pit her to put and she's crying already! Xxx
Sorry for the TMI, but I have real bad diahorea today! I've barely left the bathroom! My c-sec was a week ago yesterday. Did anyone else suffer?! I've finished my antibiotics, but I've been taking paracetemol, ibuprofen and iron tablets. I am wondering if it's a side effect from that or whether I should call someone?

I was the same with my first. It turned out I was one a the few that iron tablets don't sit well with!
I'm the same this time so now wondering if actually it's just my body adjusting to not being pregnant.
Mayflower I was quite loose while on the antibiotics, but I firmed up when the course was over. It's probably worth mentioning to your MW x

Dealing with two little ones on my own is hard! It's like the fox, chicken and grain problem lol. I've got to get them both fed, dressed etc, but can't leave them alone together :roll: luckily the Childminder has collected Blake and Aria is asleep so I've managed to get myself dressed and something to eat :)
Its definitely a step up having 2 now lol I guess im lucky my son is nearly 6 and pretty independent! Showering isnt so easy, I swear I'm in and out faster than lightening haha!!
The thermostat has gone in our shower :( so I'm having lightening baths! It's under warranty but they can't get out until next week. I popped a few drops of tea tree oil in my bath this morning as my scar is feeling pinched.
I'm finding 2 kids tough as well, not in terms of running around after them as my eldest is 6 but getting them both ready and out the door for a certain time really difficult. Actually that's not true, I had both kids sorted dressed and fed bang on time yesterday but I was still in pjs and had nothing to eat lol. Showering is impossible, my make up May as we'll be packed up for the forseeable future and clothes wise it's whatever comes put my wardrobe first whether it matches or not lol.
I agree I'm finding two much harder especially on my own. My sons just starting to be independent so can dress himself but I make his food for him and he's struggling with patience so If I'm in the middle of feeding lily or usually when I'm bathing her, he continually asks no matter how many times you tell him hang on please I will once lily's wrapped up warm out of the bath. He doesn't listen. Argos have just text me. My sling is ready for collection! Loving that you can click and collect from ebay in argos now. I had sad news this morning as her dog had died in the night, so I've had to break the news to my son this morning. He took it well but then asked if he can go to see zara and my mums dog in the sky and that he needed to be a star too bless him, it so hard to find the words for him to understand xxx
Respect to you ladies! Jesus, I've got one and I'm going crazy as it's so bleeping tough!! Well done for doing this with another child in tow :) :)
I have my sling! I'm in love with it. Was so simple to put on and pop her in and no crying from lily as she is snuggled up to me and I can still crochet and eat and clean the house! Definitely a winner and it only cosy 20 quid! Will definitely be getting a couple more for wash and wear as I can see me using this daily now! Xxx
Yay! Knew you'd love it :)

So we had clinic today and LO has gone back up to her birth weight plus an ounce so I am super happy! Was so nervous beforehand! MW said shes looking great and we are doing really well so we have been discharged from Mw care now. Yay! So proud of my boobies haha!!
Ooh well done button! I'm having an extra weigh on Sunday and already nervous! She's not lost a lot since birth weight but it hasn't gone up from what it was on Wednesday when they weighed her today :( trying to to stress it as know that won't help anyone'
Pictures for the ladies not on Facebook. Lily loves it! Xxx


Awww Caseysmummy she looks so snug in there, glad you like it.

My midwife earned me about a 3 week growth spurt, it's 1.15am and baby has been on boobs since 11. He'll finish 1, il try and lie down but will fuss and within 5 minutes he's acting starving hungry again! I'm swapping boobs every time but it feels like there's nothing left for him.
I want to sleep!!!
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Me too Jessie. Oliver has fed constantly since this evening. He's not quite back to birth weight yet and he's two weeks tomorrow. I hope once he gets there he'll be a bit better. It's ow 3.30. Zzzzzzzzzzz
I feel your pain! I'm still up! I managed to lie down for about an hour but been feeding for the last hour. I miss my lovely pillow lol.

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