~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Only tip I can give is to find the most awkward or busy place and just feed honestly its so scary but once you've done it nothing will be as bad! It helped me lots with my first now I just don't care I just feed away :). Can always buy a cover etc but I think that's more noticeable and faffy/hot

Do the one up and one down routine and with a floaty top on as easy to cover and sit on baby's face first time till you feel comfy. Also practice at home as if you're outside and how you're going to feed baby etc
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I have a sling but when in it he seems to want to look around at what is going on rather than go to sleep. Will keep trying though.

I have to go to work for a team meeting tomorrow as one of my keep in touch days. Sods law tonight I gave ds his bottle and he has thrown half of it back up (soaked me and his clean grobag but missed himself completely) and is now wide awake giving me great big smiles. I swear children know the worst times to play us up as usually he is fast asleep by now. X
Babyscotcher keep trying the sling, you might have to put him in and set off walking around quite quickly to settle him but once he falls asleep I bet he'll have a good long sleep then and you can work at your own pace or have a cuppa (maybe continuing to gently away lol).

Pismo il feed anywhere but I'm nervous doing so. I fed my first in public toilets and realised I wouldn't want to eat there so why should he suffer because I was embarrased by something that's normal. This time I don't give myself house, il go out for the day and when he wakes I HAVE to feed so the nearest cafe or bench has to do. I'm getting more and more confident though I still head for a corner. As button suggested, layer your tops, I wear a vest too under everything so the top layer goes up and the best pulls down thy way you won't be exposing any boob and it's unlikely people will even know you're feeding.
Jessiecat I feel for you, I had mastitis a few weeks ago and felt so ill. I had antibiotics, also if you're still suffering put a Savoy cabbage in the fridge and out a leaf in your bra, you'll smell like a compost heap but I found it really helped, take it out when the leaf feels damp.

Pismo I felt nervous feeding out to start with, but now I have fed on a park bench, in coffee shops, doctors waiting room, supermarket car park, even on a canal tow path (she was hungry and we were miles from anywhere but there were walkers and barges going past). I have very large breasts so feel it's even more noticeable. I tried covering with a big scarf but LO gets warm and cries and pulls at it, so now I always make sure I have the best top on for the job when I'm out and I just tuck a muslin into my top one side and bra strap the other if I need a bit of extra coverage. I got some nursing tshirts from h&m online and they are really good for covering. I've found people barely notice, one last came up to me and I thought she was going to be funny, but she just said "that's lovely to see, well done." I only had one lady tut at me in a cafe, I was with a friend and she was so cross for me. I just ignored her and carried on. My LO feeds very frequently so I pretty much have to get my boobs out all the time!!

The only other thing I would say is make sure you're comfortable. I take a small cushion with me, either in the car or under the pushchairs, it's not as big as the pillows I use to feed at home but it's enough to lay on my lap do LO too half is supported and her legs are over my legs. That may just be because of the position we use with my big boobs, but don't be I comfy, I made that mistake feeding out the first time and had a sore nipple afterwards due to positioning and rushing to get her latched on so no one saw.

Can't remember who asked re sleeping but this is how it is for us......
I take LO up at 9, change into sleep suit and change nappy. I then feed (offer breast again if she's fed recently) in the quiet on the bed with blinds shut and Ewan dream sheep on. Depending on how long she feeds and how long she takes to settle she is asleep anything from 9:15-10:30, depending how early she settles depends then on next feed wake up. she then wakes for feeds between 1-2am, between 3-4 and between 5-6 when she is then fully awake for the day. She feeds for between 8-12 minutes during the night. So I usually get between 3-4 hours, then a 2 hours, then another 2 hours. Sometimes it's a bit less, but so far she's never gone longer.

Napping in the day is a nightmare, she really fights sleeping. She will sleep in the car if I go somewhere and will sleep a short time In The pram, but never the full walk. Ive tried putting her down in Moses basket in the day and she just cries, she'll sometimes sleep in my arms for about 30 mins (but that means I can't do anything), or she'll sleep in bouncer chair (we have one suitable from newborn). Sometimes she'll only nap a total of 2 hours all day long but don't know what to do, other than what I already to encourage her to sleep. She feeds when she wants and I change her nappy as soon as she goes so it's not that keeping her awake. We have tummy time and activity time - boyfriend thinks I'm doing too much with her. Do I'm watching out for sleeping tips on here. I'm shattered to be honest, but know the time will fly by and she won't be s baby forever, so I don't mind I'm not sleeping much

Hope everyone's ok xxx
Blimey just realised how long my post was, sorry that's what happens when I haven't been on here for ages :-) xxx
I think we've settled with the easy routine without trying. Lily will feed. Then I sit and play with her ( she won't be entertained by anything other than me or occasionally the tv will catch her eye ) the she sleeps from between 20 mins up to next feed time etc. She's out herself like that. I found going with the flow of what baby wants to do is much easier than setting a routine then I've added to it like at her 7pm feed she will be bathed massaged and in pj's by then and she has this week started staying asleep from around 7.30 -8.00 until 5-6 am. I did the same with my son but without the bed routine because he co slept. Afternoon naps tend to be our shortest naps but I'm unsure why xxx
Alex went from 9pm to 3am last night! Wish I'd gone to bed early, I stayed up anticipating him to wake up sooner. The health visitor said we should be trying to get him to cut down his feeds as he was taking 9 a day whereas if we can get him up to 5oz then he can have 5-6 feeds a day. So when he was stirring a bit around 1am I put his dummy in and that gave him an extra 2hours.

He had in injections the other day, poor lamb was quite unsettled so he got some calpol - magical stuff :lol:.

I think once we get the feeds sorted we can get a better routine x
Pismo my cousin had something called a breast vest to help with coverage when she breastfed in public.

Marcie has her injections next fri :( when do some of you still see the hv until? We've been told we won't see her now until 11 months. Just wondered how we know when to do things figure it out etc. We go to a drop in weighing clinic but haven't been for 2 weeks and busy next weds so prob having to go to a different children's centre.

Has anyone got their LO a jumperoo? I'm considering getting one in a few weeks but can't justify the full price. I'm hoping there will be a deal somewhere or someone I know is selling one.

We have a lovely routine now. Marcie feeds at 8pm and wakes bang on 4am for her next feed. Feeling pretty good with this. We found marcie was waking as she was cold, great now she has her sleeping bag.

Hope everyone ok. x
Happy mummy tonight. Put him down just after 9 and didn't wake for a feed until 3.30am. Had a bottle and gone straight back to sleep. Let's see how long for.

Seemed that feeding him upstairs was the trick I think as he is used to that signaling bed time and was out like a light where as usually when I feed him at 9 downstairs he fights it like anything. Think there is maybe too much to distract him downstairs. We shall see tomorrow if this is a blip or if we have turned a corner. X
Blueeyes I love your very thorough posts lol.
Yay to all of you falling in to routines. We're doing everything baby led and very slowly he's working things out for himself. He's a great napper, 45 mins in the morning, 2 hours(ish) at lunch time and another 45 mins late afternoon. In the night he still wakes every 2-3 hours but we'll get there.

So... Who misses being pregnant? I kind of got used to being cared for by everyone haha and I LOVED my massive bump despite being unable to walk after 22 weeks. I just love being pregnant :) fortunately hubby is set on a third so when this LO is in preschool we'll go again :) I'd like to have 2 close together but can't risk another pregnancy like that with a baby or toddler to look after. I also need some decent sleep before I even contemplate it lol.
Haha Jessie I'm with you there! I loved being pregnant! I had a really easy time and really bloomed, was just a shame about u the horrendous labour. My labour and first few weeks really really put my off having another. My oh was so keen he kept saying not to get contraception and just have another straight away but I couldn't cope with that.

It's only this last week I've said yes I will have another one day but maybe when this Lo is 2. With my oh being a farmer he works so so much and I just couldn't manage with two really little ones. I wish I could be pregnant though I loved my bump
I agree girls. I loved being pregnant until it all went horribly wrong at the end. I plan to have a meeting at the hospital to discuss it all at some point as want all the facts before getting pregnant again.

We have said we are going to wait around 3 years until this Lo is at nursery and we have paid off a few debts. Think I will be gagging to get pregnant again by then. X
Ah jealous of your routines!! Sophie only sleeps in day if I drive somewhere!! Night time isn't too bad but she doesn't go down til 10pm earliest- eek!!
I wouldn't worry Karen. Until Last night we couldn't get Lucian to go down until about 11. Going to try again about 9 tonight and see if we can slowly move it earlier and make him go longer. All babies are different.

OH was going out in the car so sent Lo out with him so he has a nap. X
How's the mastitis now Jessie?

Not sure if I miss being pregnant. I had a really easy time of it so from that sense I do but I have 4 stone to loose now and getting a bit down as I really need new clothes but can't bring myself to buy the bigger sizes.

Alex had his injections last week and has been constipated ever since - is this normal?

Oh and I started slimming world last week! I swear I'm putting weight on!! Thing is, I don't eat potatoes, pasta or bread usually and they are part of the diet so my body is having a tough time! x
Belfa for your b choices Alpen lights are great. Also ryvita minis, you'll be surprised what you can have instead of bread. Also confusing for a new member but they used to do red days where you didn't have the carb option, but loaded up on salad veg etc, also do you like sweet potato? I do wedges with them, did you tell your consultant you don't eat those, you'll be surprised if you mention this what other group members can suggest. Good luck x

I loved being pregnant and do miss my bump, even though she is a real person now. We will actively try again next year although I'm not on anything now if it happens great as would love the chance of Marcie to have a brother or sister as no idea if we will be so lucky again.
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I need to get on the dieting wagon on Monday. Had my first period last week so just ate complete crap. I lost weight while I was pregnant and was 11kg lighter afterwards than at my booking in apt. I had already lost 4kg before that. Means that since having Lo I have been a bit blasé about dieting but I have loads to loose as am still very overweight.

Was thinking about going back to slimming world but I resent spending the money when I know how to do it at home. Good Luck Belfa though, slimming world is great. You don't HAVE to eat pasta/ potatoes etc. White and brown rice is also fine and lots of veggies. If you want to add it back into your diet then just do it slowly. X
Evening ladies. It's nice to hear others routines to see how other babies do it. I'd like lily to sleep better in the day as she sleeps very light and the slightest thing will wake her. She's also dropped a feed but will still not drink more than 4oz so unsure what to do.

I miss being pregnant despite this last pregnancy being awful at times with horrudous sickness til 20 weeks and spd starting at 12 weeks. I miss the kicks mainly and my bump. We won't be having anymore babies. We always said 2 is all we want and we had the bonus of twins last time and even though I lost one of them we still won't have any more as much as I sometimes think about it. I don't think i could go through it again. Plus everytime I get pregnant it gets harder for me to lose and maintain my weight after xxx
Have a boy with with a poorly tummy. Started yesterday that he has very watery nappies. He seems fine in himself though. Was going to take him to the clinic to get him weighed tomorrow so think I will mention it to the health visitor. X
Babyscotcher - did your baby have jags this week? My little girl's poo has been a bit different ever since - we had ours on Tuesday.

I do not miss being pregnant. Not one bit of it! Jessie - you must have crazy hormones that has fooled you into forgetting it all lol!

Does anyone find their baby's pee smells quite strong? I dunno if she maybe has a UTI or is just normal to be able to smell their urine quite strongly as soon as they have pee'd?

Oh and with routines - our wee one goes down by 9pm and will sleep till 4/5 mostly. If we are really lucky then she has done 6 a few times and once lasted till 7! But those are less common. We are going on holiday in a few weeks when she will be nearly 12 weeks and am a bit nervous of disrupting her routine - cos by 8pm she is crying out for her bath and bed xx
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