~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

We breastfeed and E will go roughly 4 hourly during the day, it does vary though as we feed on demand. She will feed around 9pm after we put pjs on, have a cuddle and massage etc and she will then fall asleep either on the boob or by herself in her basket down with us. We then dream feed about 11 when we take her upstairs as we go to bed and thats her till about 7am now which is just lovely!

Oh forgot to mention, she has one long sleep mid morning four about 2-3 hours and then shes pretty much awake the whole day(minus 40 winks here and there after playing etc).
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Wow button that sounds nice! My lo naps for about 45mins maybe 3 times during the day. I would love a sleep 11-7. I know they are all different but I'm sure by 12 weeks I shouldn't be up quite so much during the night
We breastfeed and E will go roughly 4 hourly during the day, it does vary though as we feed on demand. She will feed around 9pm after we put pjs on, have a cuddle and massage etc and she will then fall asleep either on the boob or by herself in her basket down with us. We then dream feed about 11 when we take her upstairs as we go to bed and thats her till about 7am now which is just lovely!

Oh forgot to mention, she has one long sleep mid morning four about 2-3 hours and then shes pretty much awake the whole day(minus 40 winks here and there after playing etc).

Wanna swap???? Haha x my lo is 8 weeks tomorrow- day time naps are few and far between!
I definitely think it's teething she stops fussing once she's got her fist in and it's the same as what my son was like minus the slobber. Ive got plenty of dribble bibs for when that starts though.

Been to clinic this morning she's gained 1pound 1/2oz in 2 weeks so all going well again as she's back up to the 2nd percentile. Ive been told to out her up to 5 ounces a bottle now though l! She's only just started draining 4 in the past 24 hours! Xxx
Ladies how can I make myself feel better? I can barely stand :( taking regular paracetomol and ibruprofen and still can't get temp lower than 38 :(
Oh dear Jessie. Thought the antibiotics might have kicked in for you by now. No recommendations really other than using a wet cold flannel to try and help with the temp.

Got a friend with a little boy who is only 3 days older than my Lo though was born at 38+4 where as my ds was born at 36+6. No matter how hard your try can't help but comparing them sometimes. Her Lo sleep from about 7pm to 4am. Makes me jealous, lol. X
Jessie sounds odd but try having a luke warm bath or showr where its not hot nor freezing a little colder than you'd like. Should bring your temp down my love. Also keep hydrated to water your milk down to make I easier to pass through the blockage(and help your temp).
Jessie I hope you feel better soon hun. I always give my son a Luke warm bath when he's got a temp that won't go and usually does the trick for him hun. Xxx
Thanks all. Touch wood but I think I feel a little better this morning (though I'm atill as drugged up as I can be whilst breastfeeding) I feel a bit more human today rather than a zombie. Great tips about Luke warm bath and keepin hydrated to him the milk. Will do both today. Hope you're all ok and hope none of you breastfeeding mummies get this, I had it wih my son but forgot how evil it is. Xx
Aw Jessie glad your a little better this morning it must be awful. I know it's obviously different but our sheep sometimes get it and it makes them so unwell. You're doing great though persevering with the breast feeding, I'm sure it would make me want to quit!
Jessie, fingers crossed you feel better! Sounds horrible.
Jessie - You poor thing, glad your starting to see the end of it. How long have you got left on the antibiotics?

Button - you have a fab sleeper :) Did she just pick her own routine or did to try and establish one?

Do I ever wake a sleeping baby? L has been sleeping since 8.30am (so almost 3.5hours - not fed since 7.30/8ish). If I woke him would he sleep later or am I trying to push the evening sleep routine too much?

I really feel like I don't know what I'm doing regarding routines sometimes!

I personally never wake a sleeping baby (unless they like lily were prem or jaundiced ) I think of they're sleeping they need it and I find some days lily will sleep lots during the day but will still go to bed and sleep like she would if she hadn't slept much so it doesn't make much difference to her how much she sleeps during the day and if I have woken her, usually by accident or if I have to move her she's a mardy bum til her next sleep.

My hv told me to put lily up to 5 ounces yesterday. Which I have done she's only drinking 4 then pushing it out of her mouth and is content until next feeding time. Should I continue with 5 or go back to 4? Xxx
I'm not fussed on routines she has just set this herself pismo I find that works out better than forcing sleep or feeds on her etc. She is content with her ways and she was just working around us and how we go really she's very good I know
Oh and like caseysmumny says don't wake them tbh it can make them over tired and grumpy and make them not feed wel or sleep properly the rest of the day etc
My son is so frustrating. He is a little angel in the morning and is happy to feed, play and then go back to sleep in his crib. In the afternoon he fights sleep so much and although he will eventually fall asleep on me he then wakes up when I try to put him down. The less he sleeps though the grumpier he gets and the harder he is to get to sleep in the evening so I am just letting him nap on me. When we go out he is much better as will sleep in the car.

Want to start getting into a routine with him now on one hand but on the other hand I love the needy cuddles and our lazy happy mornings together.

Any tips from the more experienced mums? X
Babyscotcher you need a sling. Pop baby in it, do your house jobs, he will have a very long and peaceful sleep on mummy and you can get some bits done!
Yes what jessie said. A sling is my saviour when lily's grumpy an over tired. I also love the need a mummy hugs though especially last thing at night before she goes to sleep xxx
Babyscotcher - I could have written that myself. Lucas is lovely in the morning, will nap and play wonderfully. From 3pm onwards he just gets grizzlier and grizzlier. Will not be put down, will not sleep unless on the boob, will not tolerate the sling.

We haven't found a solution yet, we just assume he'll eventually grow out of it/settle into a routine.

I didn't end up waking Lucas, he slept for almost 4hours in the end :) Guess he had a lot of information to process in that wonderful baby mind of his.

For those breastfeeding - How do you get on doing it in public? Still really self conscious here and it keeps me from going out just inc ase LO needs feeding. Any tips?


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