~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I always found that with my son. My daughter is much more chilled but when she starts fussing people call her grumpy even though she rarely does it!
I'm the opposite, LO is always well behaved and then seems to explode when he is with either set of grandparents!

We moved him on to comfort milk yesterday and so far so good. He usually struggles with feeds between 5am - 12noon and screams down the bottle but didn't do it this morning. He was just sick all over me and him though so I will keep an eye on the reflux as I'm still unsure if that's the route cause x
We are the same Babyscotcher. Our little lady can scream the house down with us, but with other people she is good as gold, a part from 1 visitor ( only cos they turned up feeding time) since she has been on gaviscon she has been much better, just shame about her eczema, her poor lil face is all red.

We have this album on our napster that we stream called baby sleep music lullabys, she loves it. Goes quiet in seconds.

Had a lovely day out today, went to a national trust place and had a picnic with niece and nephew, both sets of grandparents etc.. Was a nice day apart from the wasps wanting our food. Trying to think of a nice day out for next month hubby got 2 weeks off so want a nice day out the 3 of us. Just not sure where. We are in the South east so any suggestions. x
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Hi ladies sorry I've been quiet. Ive had a really bad case of the flu since Thursday and only just starting to feel better. Been reading though.

I think lily's teething? My son was much later but she's constantly screaming in the evening trying to get her fist in her mouth. Her cheeks are red and sges not dribbling so I'm unsure. But sges very unsettled from around 6pm til 11pm. It's not her reflux.

Lucy have you been to the gp about her eczema. They will prescribe emollient cream for her, I've personally found e45 not very good for eczema it irritates mine and my children's skin not sure why though.

Lily doesn't care who's about when she decides to scream. She does love the car though and usually if she starts we head home and she's had asleep by the time we get home. We went out for my dad's birthday on Saturday and she started as soon as food was served so the family took turns in holding her when they'd finished eating so I could eat. My aunt had the nack in the end and settled her to sleep again finally after a good hour of walking around with her bless her! Xxx
Argh! Sophie's tongue tie has reattached so she needs it snipped again!! Explain why she's still so fussy feeding, coming on and off a lot, hopefully sorted this time!!
Caseysmummy we have been prescribed oilatum for Marcie's eczema. It's looking a bit better today. It flares on and off. We have our 7 week check weds so going to ask for more and see if they will prescribe bath stuff too

Karen that's annoying, hope Sophie ok. Didn't know it could reattach.

I'm a bit nervous as Friday I'm meeting up with some of my friends from work and their babies, they are all under 7 months old, mine being the youngest. I have a 40 minute drive each way, just hoping she won't cry as got to drive up the dual carriageway so nowhere to pull over this time. Just need to time the feeds right.
thats good lucy, i love oilatum, i used that alot before i had children and found it not too heavy, lilys got zero base but its bloking her pores as its so thick, so going buy oilatum i think.

oh dear jessie hope it clears up soon hun xxx
Oh Jessie not that!!! Its what I fear most its actually awful :(:( feed feed feed and stick a frozen cabbage leaf on it xx

Caseysmumny E is teething has been for a few weeks now, super drooly and chewing hands like mad, can also see white through her bottom gum!! So early bless her!
Oh and think I'm starting my period have cramps this evening... How unfair I'm ebf and hoped they'd stay away longer :(
ahh maybe she is then, shes super grumpy, she gets so frustrated trying to keep her fist in her mouth. my mum said my sister teethed at 3 months, i wasnt sure if i needed to go by her adjusted age for it or not, its so confusing lol. im seeing my hv tomorrow so might mention it there.

oh jess that sounds awful, i hope your better soon, have you seen you gp hun?

im so annoyed tonight, my silly puppy over the last 2 days has chewed through 2 dummies ( i had 3) and a teething dummy for her front teeth and only have the ones for the back teeth now, i put them up and she still manages to get them, going to get a dummy case to store them in now, she hasnt bothered with them before and weve had her for a month now and she has her own teething toys. the thing is lily on likes the tommee tippee dummys so im going to have to stock up again i had one for wash and use and a spare in case we ever lost one.

I was wondering if my ds was starting to teeth but thought it was far too early at only 10 weeks. I read though that it can sometimes takes weeks or months for them to actually come through.

Button, I feel for you as I started my first period yesterday... all I can say is yuk. Started the pill today so hopefully that will make it better for next time.

Hope you feel better soon Jess. That sounds horrible. X
My son had his first tooth at 6 weeks and second by 12 so it's definitely possible.
Oh Jessie not that!!! Its what I fear most its actually awful :(:( feed feed feed and stick a frozen cabbage leaf on it xx

Caseysmumny E is teething has been for a few weeks now, super drooly and chewing hands like mad, can also see white through her bottom gum!! So early bless her!

Button, our baby is super drooly too! And constantly chewing on his fists. I saw a couple of white bits on his bottom gum and did wonder whether he is teething, but I do think it's a little early, no? (I know some babies are born with teeth though) I'll take a photo of his gum tomorrow, I if don't forget/manage.

Jessie, that's awful! :(
Bigbee my friend little boy got his bottom 2 teeth in at 10 weeks I fear for my poor nips haha!! But the hv said they can teethe but not actually cut teeth they do alot of moving around in the gums and rise up?!
Ooh so many teething babies!!

Thanks for all the well wishes. Well it was a long night of feeling so terrible and doing so many night feeds but we got through it. Hubby took me to walk in last night to start antibiotics so hopefully il start fighting it soon. Still feel horrendous, every muscle in my body hurts. Button I feared it too and thought we'd escaped it this time round but I guess not. I hope you don't get it! It's really awful.
Hi everyone, been a while since I've had time to type on here, again!

Jessie that sounds awful, do you know how long it usually take to go away once antibiotics are stated?

Can't believe how many of your babies are teething! I dread the drooly stage, I just hate that kind of mess!

My little lady is doing well, she had her second lot of jabs last Thursday and we had a hard day Friday, just very clingy and hard to settle with a lot of crying. My oh was home and I think he saw for the first time how tough I have it some days, he's been very helpful since away!

I've been trying harder to get us In to a routine. I'm still pretty rubbish at it thou although bed times are much easier. I'm curious to how often your breast fed babies are feeding now?

At 12 weeks I still usually feed every three hours during the day and at night it's usually 9pm, 1am, 3.30/4 and 6.30am. I would love to cut out one of the night feeds but she's always fed the same, only on the boob for 5minutes 8 tops so surely even as an efficient feeder she can't get enough in that time to last her from 9pm until 3am

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