~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Do you have to see a gp to get gaviscon or can the hv give it? Emelia's already been to see the go twice and I'm a nervous ftm worried they'll be counting how often I go
I didn't get any help with silent reflux as my HV thinks LO just has gas still although last night he projectile vomited over our bed. He's also still only taking 2 ounces at a time as I think it hurts him to take more - I guess that could me wind related. Ah I can't wait until this passes! x
It could be wind related hun. But lily's the same if I don't put it in her milk age will only take 2 ounces at a time and arch her back during and after a feed and cry and a put the milk out. Her weight gain slowed slightly and sges very sicky. My gp suggested feeding her less but my hv said no don't as she needs at least 660ml a day for her current weight just to maintain her weight.

Don't think hv can prescribe gaviscon but am not sure mine couldn't prescribe her lactolose or steriods cream. Don't worry Ellen they don't count how many times you go us mums worry and that's what they're here for support top hun and to put our minds at rest also.

My baby won't sleep tonight but my gosh when she smiles I can't help but melt. She keeps dropping off but waking up every 5 or 10 mins screaming xxx
That's exactly what Alex does! DH got really frustrated last night so I took over and ten got loads of smiles and it does totally melt your heart!

Just got a wisdom tooth out - not looking forward to night feeds!x
Hi all.

Sorry I haven't posted for quite a while. Hope you're all keeping well.

I'm so tired. Still doing really well with breast feeding, and at weigh in today LO is now 13lbs. She's 9 weeks 4 days and was 8lb 0.5oz born. She hardly ever sleeps during the day, health visitor and gp have said this is nothing to worry about and she'll sleep when she needs it. She sleeps when I drive somewhere or walk with her in the pram, but obviously I can't catch up on sleep then.

I feed whenever she gives me the feeding cues, so she's fed on demand. During the day she feeds roughly every 2 hours. At night I put her sleep suit on a few minutes before 9, so 9 pm I can shut the blinds in the bedroom, turn Ewan the sheep on and feed her. I always offer boob then even if she's recently fed. This is our quiet time and wind down for bed. Sometimes she's fed and asleep by 9:30 other times it takes longer (she sleeps in Moses basket next to my side of the bed). First part of the night is usually quite good with her sleeping 3-4 hours, but then it goes to pot with her waking every hour to hour and a half, which is pretty tiring.

Feeling really down today as had put 6-8 weeks check up (late I know but first date they could do) and although I kept seeing midwife and then gp and telling them how sore my episiotomy was and how long it was taking to heal, they kept saying it will heal in time. It's now feeling loads better and not painful to go to loo or walk anymore, but I can feel a bumpy but that shouldn't be there. Basically at check today doctor said where some of the stitches (I had a lot) had come undone, it had healed with part of it open so the underlaying muscle (which was also cut and stitched) is showing and there's a gap where the skin should sit together neatly and it doesn't.

So I've got to have surgery down there. It's taken so long not to be painful down there, the thought of being cut and stitched again now is horrible. Feel totally fed up and cried all the way home. I kept saying it wasn't right. Why didn't they fix it at the time when I was in pain anyway, now I have to go through all that healing process again :-(

Sorry for such a long post xx
Sorry to hear that blue eyes. They should have checked hun. At least you know you were right and they'll be getting it fixed hun so hopefully it's becomes no longer painful hun. Glad your lo is doing well also xxx
2 wonderful nights sleep and the last night up we've 2 hours. I a one very tired and cranky mummy. Been up for the last hour trying to get him to settle too. :-( xxx
Hi all,

Scotcher - We had two nights in a row like that the end of last week, he was apparently going through a growth spurt. Felt like hell to me! Hopefully your LO will give you some peace tonight. When did you finally get LO to settle?

Its been a while since I've been on here due to moving house and the summer holidays starting. Feels like I don't stop from when I get up to when I go to sleep.

I have been back and read up to date, it seems a lot of us are suffering with a little sleep deprivation. Hopefully our babies are getting to the stage where they go longer at night (although not always the case - I can only live in hope)

Lucas is doing really well and I am still breastfeeding (honestly thought I would have given up by now) but OH gives him a ff at bedtime for bonding purposes.

The issue we have is that he wont fall asleep anywhere other then my/our arms apart from bedtime, he has also taken to cat napping in the afternoon. So from 2pm onwards he will only sleep in my arms for no more than 30mins at a time (and for no more than 1.5hours) until bedtime at 9.30pm.

I feel like I've made a rod for my own back but don't know how to change it regarding how he falls asleep, yesterday I had to make a spag bol whilst he was snoring over my shoulder (didn't think it was possible to cut cherry toms with one hand!)

Hope everyone is enjoying their little ones, the time has gone so fast.

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He settled about 7 but was up again at 9. I am now sitting watching TV trying not to fall asleep.

Got his Jabs today so not hopeful for a good night tonight. X
I feel exhausted this morning. Was up late with a lot on my mind as couldn't stop thinking about zara and the birth keep replaying in my head so was up til after midnight if not later. Just feel so alone with it as don't want to upset people by talking about it but not talking about it is killing me it's a vicious cycle. Then lily woke at 7am which wasn't too bad. I fell back to sleep for 8.30 and she woke an hour later and I feel worse. Ive officially ran out of gaviscon so need to get that sorted asap as the last 2 bottles have been hellish and I hate seeing her struggle so much xxx
Blueeyes how awful :( so sorry you have to go through that again. And so annoying when you shouldn't have had to wait so long, like you say they should have noticed straight away!

Caseysmummy, if you ever want to just get it all out and talk about Zara, pm me. It might help to just write it all down. It must be so tough having to soldier on for every one else when actually it's you that will need holding up right now. From what we can see on here you're an inspiration, you're doing so well at raising your at home babies whilst keeping Zara's memory alive with them. Casey especially (as he's older and has more of an understanding) sounds like a very proud big brother to both sisters. And Lily will always have that unexplainable connection. You've spoken very little about the birth and if that's something that you think will help then please just get in touch. xx
Ps I have gaviscon here, I'm sure you'll be able to get some today but if not let me know ASAP and I can get it to you for tomorrow morning!
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Oh thank you Jessie. I will do hun. I just have days where I feel like giving up and collapsing under the grief buy I just can't for the sake if my kids but sometimes feel like it would maybe help. Have you still got the same number as I can text you if you don't mind hum. I have a new number but still have yours saved. I'll let you know about the gaviscon I'll see if I can get any but if I can't you'd be a lifesaver hun xxx
Ah Caseysmummy you should never feel like you can't speak to people about it. Do you have a good friend / family network?

Pismo do you have a Ewan the Sheep? Might help get him to associate Ewan with sleeping if you play him when he's in your arms?

Alex has some kind of eye infection, it's leaking thick yellow stuff so GP gave us a prescription over the phone which is fine but I'd like an actual diagnosis x
Yea still got the same number, text anytime. And no problem about the gaviscon. I'm going out about half 12 so can stop at post office if you know by then. Sorry for short message, baby waking just just text me hun :) xx
Caseysmummy don't ever feel like you can't talk about what you have been through, I do understand after my cousin went through the same with their first born, they like to keep his memory alive. We will always listen. Xx
I don't think I have ever been so tired. After being so good Monday and Tuesday night and sleeping for 5 hours at a time the last 2 nights we have been up every 2 hours. Be alright if u could stay in bed all day but had stuff planned both days. I wish I liked coffee. X
I find it easier to get out the house. My boy doesn't really let me nap so if I have a bad night (worse than the normal 2 hours I mean) I plan to be out he house all day. Then I can't focus on how tired I am and it keeps kids entertained.
Thanks ladies. Means alot. Well lily's finally resting more now she's got her gaviscon thank goodness! We're going out today to keep busy as we had a hard time leaving the house yesterday as she was so unsettled so hoping today we can go out and get a few jobs done for my dad's birthday meal on Saturday. Xxx
Quiet on here the last few days.

Anyone else find that people don't believe you when you say your Lo is grizzly or fussy as they are little angels when you are out with other people, lol.

This afternoon I resorted to taking my Lo out to the shops in the car as he had been fighting sleep all afternoon. Funny enough he was fast asleep by the end of the road. X

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