~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I've taken to setting myself up for the night for cluster feeding now. He generally feeds from 6-11 so my my hubby does some work as he's self employed and then we watch something together about 10 :)

Anyone with another child struggling with the constant bf? I really feel so guilty on my 18 month old :( any ideas on keeping an 18 month old entertained during feedings? I use a sling etc so I am able to be relatively active and involved but I feel like he's getting a little jealous as Luca is strapped to me at the moment!
My little lady has been on the cluster feeding since this afternoon, gave her a top up of expressed milk with the hope we could eat tea, nope... Though she did nod off an hour ago for 15 mins so had a bath which really helped as been feeling quite tearful today, just that 10 mins of me time was great. I'm just gearing up for her wanting feeding until around midnight at least. Just hope she doesn't cry too much tonight as it's heartbreaking seeing her get so worked up. She is really windy and her hiccups upset her too.

Hope the rest of you are doing ok xx
My little lady has been on the cluster feeding since this afternoon, gave her a top up of expressed milk with the hope we could eat tea, nope... Though she did nod off an hour ago for 15 mins so had a bath which really helped as been feeling quite tearful today, just that 10 mins of me time was great. I'm just gearing up for her wanting feeding until around midnight at least. Just hope she doesn't cry too much tonight as it's heartbreaking seeing her get so worked up. She is really windy and her hiccups upset her too.

Hope the rest of you are doing ok xx

Lucy, sounds similar to me, just tried her on expressed bottle but she keeps spitting back up, she just wants to be on boob constantly, I've cried to much when sat feeding her! Luckily the midwife says me crying won't affect her as she gets the rush of hormones from the feed lol! X
My little lady has been on the cluster feeding since this afternoon, gave her a top up of expressed milk with the hope we could eat tea, nope... Though she did nod off an hour ago for 15 mins so had a bath which really helped as been feeling quite tearful today, just that 10 mins of me time was great. I'm just gearing up for her wanting feeding until around midnight at least. Just hope she doesn't cry too much tonight as it's heartbreaking seeing her get so worked up. She is really windy and her hiccups upset her too.

Hope the rest of you are doing ok xx

Lucy, sounds similar to me, just tried her on expressed bottle but she keeps spitting back up, she just wants to be on boob constantly, I've cried to much when sat feeding her! Luckily the midwife says me crying won't affect her as she gets the rush of hormones from the feed lol! X

What bottles do you use Karen? I have the tommee tippee ones which are meant to be similar to the breast for baby. My boobs are starting to get sore now too, especially the side she prefers so expressing eases that a bit.x
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Ladies hang in there, breastfeeding is bloody hard work by they say it gets easier around 6 weeks, for us it was like a switch and now it seems to be going really well and we can enjoy it .
Also to all the brand new mummies it really is normal to cry at everything for the first couple of weeks it's nothing more than hormones and everything will fall in to place xx
I agree with jessie. The first few weeks are so bloody hard. Baby's are constantly feeding to establish a supply. My son was constantly attached to me when he was first born. I'm no breastfeeding anymore but lily's still attached to me it's comfort for them I think, I try to think of it as her way of telling me she loves me ( if I didn't I would be loosing my mind) I also feel my son gets a little bit pushed put because of it bit I'm trying to include him in extra things, I'm crocheting him a monkey which he's very excited about and he's been helping me put the stuffing in bless him.
Tommee tippee bottles are brill I used them when weaning my son and using them again this time although not combi feeding.

We've tried lily on 4oz today and she's been a little bit more settled. She gets weighed tomorrow so hoping she's gained enough as it's been relatively slow but she's now looking like a newborn baby and not so tiny!


She's getting chubby cheeks :D
awww Casey you're right she's looking less like a delicate teeny preemie and more like a snuggly newborn :) She's definately got some squishy cheeks now :) xx
My little lady has been on the cluster feeding since this afternoon, gave her a top up of expressed milk with the hope we could eat tea, nope... Though she did nod off an hour ago for 15 mins so had a bath which really helped as been feeling quite tearful today, just that 10 mins of me time was great. I'm just gearing up for her wanting feeding until around midnight at least. Just hope she doesn't cry too much tonight as it's heartbreaking seeing her get so worked up. She is really windy and her hiccups upset her too.

Hope the rest of you are doing ok xx

Lucy, sounds similar to me, just tried her on expressed bottle but she keeps spitting back up, she just wants to be on boob constantly, I've cried to much when sat feeding her! Luckily the midwife says me crying won't affect her as she gets the rush of hormones from the feed lol! X

What bottles do you use Karen? I have the tommee tippee ones which are meant to be similar to the breast for baby. My boobs are starting to get sore now too, especially the side she prefers so expressing eases that a bit.x

I've used the Mandela one as she has to suck properly to get the milk coming through x
Morning ladies. Had my hv out this morning lily is now 8lb! Shes still not as big as my son born yet bless her. The hv thinks she has mild colic and that's why she's never settled( I was naughty last night and let her sleep in my bed! Just to get some sleep) going to try some infacol or colief o think she if it helps. I'm so angry with my hv as she's told me I need to let go about zara now and move on with my life pretty much and focus on my living children. I do focus on lily and my little boy but I'm not going to forget about zara and no go to visit her anymore as she was also my baby and she was meant to be and I would feel incredibly guilty and sad to think that I could just go on with life not remembering her as she existed and she deserves to be remembered and loved still even if she isn't here with me today and I know it's okay to miss her. I just couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth she said it wasn't fair on my children to be visiting her grave regularly (my son asks to go, it's very beautiful and peaceful there). My son also knows she existed too so would be confusing for him to just not talk about it anymore. I'm still fuming. I'm usually very laid back but actually got angry and snappy with her a little bit. She made me feel like I was doing something wrong in grieving for my baby, it's taken me 11 weeks to come to terms with it and start grieving and then to make me feel like a bad mum to my other children for doing it wasn't on? If I knew who to complain to I would complain. Rant over will forget it now and move on. Hate feeling angry.

On a positive note lily is cooing now and enjoying being talked too and she coos back when I talk to her, makes my heart melt xxx
That sounds really irresponsible of her Caseysmummy. I don't think she's qualified to tell you when to move on and if you find peace in visiting her grave and your son asks to go then I can't see why it's a problem. Lily will be wanting to learn about Zara too at some point and you need to be in a good place for that so need to lay the foundations now.

She certainly does look like a newborn now! Alex is starting to outgrow his tiny baby clothes now but he's still a bit little for 0-3month clothes. He was up every hour last night taking an ounce of milk at a time and looking to be held, must be a growth spurt x
It sounds it belfa. Lily's not quite at 0-3 but I can see it won't be long looking at the 0-3 although some of the first size she wears is still a bit baggy. I think it's all dependent on shops. I find tesco to be on the smaller size so predict she will be in 0-3 in theirs first where as primary are fairly big as is asda so it will be them she fits into last. My little boy went straight into 0-3 its crazy to think as he seemed small to me back then. I'm taking what she says with a pinch of salt as I don't want to bottle it up and end up feeling like it's wrong to express it. I think it's better to get the worst out the way while my children are still too small to understand as I don't want to upset them. I tend to do my crying after their in bed anyway if I need to rather than distress them. It's crazy as both my gp and hv have the same ideas on grieving for a baby where as my bereavement midwife says everything I'm doing is perfectly fine. Xxx
Ahh caseysmummy!! She is so adorable! 8lb is a good weight. My little man was 8 lb at birth. She is bigger than a lot of new borns, so we'll done to you all!!!

Little man is cooing and loving tummy time!!! So cute. Still loves sleeping on me in the day, I am enjoying it though :)
Hi ladies! It's been a while since I've been on here hope everyone is well and getting used to the lack of sleep and breast feeding.

Caseysmummy that's awful what your hv has said. There is no time limit on grief and i think you're right it would probably be confusing to your little boy if you suddenly stopped going to the grave and talking about Her. I would have been furious!

Emelia and I are doing well, weighed today and she's 11'8 (7 weeks old) so dropped just below the 91st centile. She's started taking a dummy this last fortnight so not feeding for comfort which I think is why her weight gain has slowed slightly

How much do your babies sleep during the day? I'm finding from about 7/8am Emelia sleeps maybe 2 or 3 hours during the day until 8pm. It doesn't seem like much to me
Caseysmummy, what your hv said sounds awful, I kinda get where you are coming from, my cousin lost a LB at 38 weeks, he would have now been 12/13, they have always been open to their other children about their big brother who isn't here and they talk about him and keep a special photo of him in their home ( I know everyone is different) but getting over it takes a long time. Silly woman. lily is gorgeous too. Glad she is gaining weight well now.

Well had a proper mummy panic earlier, was sitting at the dining table with little lady while hubby done some hoovering in the lounge and she threw her head back into a laundry basket on the table, luckily it was rounded edges.. Left a little scratch on her. ( luckily the hard part of her head) I got quite upset and worried I hurt her, called mw for advice as still under them, she reassured me. She is ok though and feeding well. Guess they get things like that all the time and worse.
Hi all.

Hope you are all well. I'm pretty tired but think I'm in the same boat as everyone exclusively breast feeding. Not expressing or anything, so only me that can feed her when she's hungry, which at the moment is very frequently!!

Caseysmummy that's awful what your hv said. I think you're right that it would be confusing for your son. Lily looks so cute and that's great that she's now 8lb

Caseysmummy, I also think that what your HV said is irresponsible and thoughtless. Seems she lacks compassion and empathy, have you decided to make a complaint? Lily is definitely getting those newborn chubby cheeks going on :D

Seems there are a few of us dealing with cluster feeds at the moment. Lucas has been on the boob so much this week I now have one very sore left nipple (got to the point of bleeding the other day).

I have bought one bottle of premade aptamil just in case it gets to the point of me not wanting to do the next feed. Will see how we go, taking it feed by feed at the moment.

Last visit from my midwife tomorrow, am I weird to be sad that I wont see her again. Its strange, its not like we're friends but I guess we've built a rapport over the last X months. Felt the same when being discharged from hospital about the midwives and the ladies I shared the room with.

Pismo, how many days is your LO now? I'm also feeling a bit sad that I'll be finishing with the midwives soon. Got 10 day appt ( even though she will be 9 days) tomorrow, I know it'll be soon. They have been brilliant and great on the end of the phone the past few days on any worries I have had.
I don't know who to make a complaint too. I do know it definitely want right what she said. I'm quite sensible and wouldn't let it hurt my other children no matter how I was feeling, it feels like she doesn't trust me as at my first app she asked me who my children could go to if I couldn't care for them? I was never asked that with my son and if I was ever taken ill i would arrange childcare or my oh would if I couldn't and he needed to be with me. She just makes me feel belittled where as my last hv was brilliant so I don't know. My current hv knew me from when I went to baby group with my son so it's not as if she thinks I may struggle because I looked after my son perfectly fine for the last 4 years and things aren't about to change now, she makes me feel so angry.

Ive done a little retail therapy today and bought myself some new tops! I really need to loose my jelly belly bit not sure how it will go back after my c section or how much worse my skin will look its pretty loose as it stretched beyond what it wanted too lol and my skin is saggy. I'm not sure how I will reverse that or if I can reverse that. Xxx
I agree it is odd being discharged from the midwife. I found it even more wired as had been poked and prodded every 4 hours for 10 days while I was in hospital. Am still having to go backwards and forwards to the Dr's as my BP hasn't gone back down.

Fighting a combination of insomnia and tiredness at the minute. OH is annoying the hell out of me at the moment too now we are all settled into a routine and I am getting out and about a bit more. X
I didn't like being discharged from the midwives either. Because I was house bound the first 2 weeks due to DH having the car I felt like seeing them was part of my new life and felt quite low being in the house without anyone coming in.

Casey my stomach is terrifying me. June mummies will know I have pretty bad stretch marks and now I have the jelly overhang to go with them. Physio in the hospital recommended wearing Spanx type knickers to help your stomach get back - does anyone have them or a belly bandit type thing? I wore primarks version of Spanx and it was nice to have support at my stomach but they were uncomfortable around my pant line on my legs, think I'd need the type that is like long shorts rather than pants x

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