~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Glad I am not the only one finding keeping up with expressing hard. One boobs still giving off about 4 Oz but the other only gives half that if I am lucky. Keeping up with pumping is hard too.

Little man has been really clingy this afternoon so got nothing done but thankfully seems to have settled this evening. X
Ladies. Question! Our little man has spent this evening (what seems like an eternity!) wailing. No apparent reason. Thought he might be hungry, tried giving him boob but no luck. He screamed for ages, and then just fell asleep.

There was nothing I could do to calm him down. So upsetting :(

He did the same on Saturday night too... :(

Anyone else experience this? Why was he crying so much?? :(
Ladies. Question! Our little man has spent this evening (what seems like an eternity!) wailing. No apparent reason. Thought he might be hungry, tried giving him boob but no luck. He screamed for ages, and then just fell asleep.

There was nothing I could do to calm him down. So upsetting :(

He did the same on Saturday night too... :(

Anyone else experience this? Why was he crying so much?? :(

You're combi feeding now, is that right? Does he maybe have colic?
Could he be a little constipated bigbee? May be a little tummy ache, colic usually is daily think and at the same time in the evening usually from what I've heard but can go on for hours like you've described. Try rubbing his tummy or bicycling his legs or maybe offering some cooled boiled water xxx
Thanks girls. I did think whether it was colic. There was nothing that could calm him down! Heartbreaking. Then he just suddenly stopped and fell asleep (with some shhhhh-ing and rocking).

Same happened on Saturday night, and not Sunday. I'm dreading tonight!!!
Ladies. Question! Our little man has spent this evening (what seems like an eternity!) wailing. No apparent reason. Thought he might be hungry, tried giving him boob but no luck. He screamed for ages, and then just fell asleep.

There was nothing I could do to calm him down. So upsetting :(

He did the same on Saturday night too... :(

Anyone else experience this? Why was he crying so much?? :(

Bigbee my little lady has been exactly like this last 3 nights, nothing can settle her. Finally think she is asleep, put her down and wakes upset again. She suffers from quite a few hiccups too.
I found it quite upsetting last night as she got so worked up. :(
How do people find time to express!! I thought a good time was after she feeds but realised that time is usual spent trying to settle her or keeping her amused if she's wide awake.

Can you literally express anytime you like?? Just straight after might be more productive say
Sophie ended up crying and wanting boob from 1-10pm, no sleep- wide awake. Ended up caving and giving her formula to settle her and she slept til 1am then. Gutted I used formula but I was so upset and stressed and did not know what to do :(
Oh god Karen your poor nipples! Don't be harsh on yourself - a stressed out mum = stressed out baby. So you had to do the best thing for your own sanity! I had a much easier time than you and still caved onto formula!
So theres a new vaccine added to the 8 week ones now which they didn't have with ny first, the rotavirus one! Anyone giving their LO it or opting out? I'm very pro vaccine etc but live ones im wary about and also the fact my little girl is EBF and still has virgin gut from that I worry about this one to be honest. I've read its not as effective is soley breastfed too. I'm stuck!!
Oh god Karen your poor nipples! Don't be harsh on yourself - a stressed out mum = stressed out baby. So you had to do the best thing for your own sanity! I had a much easier time than you and still caved onto formula!

My boobs killed during the night as so full so maybe she was upping supply- but for 9 hours!!! Got first health visitor app today, hope she doesn't think I'm an emotional wreck!!!
Button lily had this. She is formula fed but I'm not sure what the difference is. I opted into it because my little boy had rota virus the day after his first birthday and he had a febrile convulsion dye to his high temp not wanting to go down. It was so scary for me as I was home alone with him and he just went blue and floppy but by the time I ran to my neighbours he was just coming round. It's an oral vaccine and lily quite liked the taste. She had lots of poos for around 2 days but never got a temp or anything with them. I would ask your hv for advice on whether it will work with her being breastfed hun. Xxx
Karen - have had the same thing the last two nights. Have concluded that it's cluster feeding due to a growth spurt and the only advice I was.given was to keep.offering boobs and plenty of skin to skin. My poor left nipple has taken a bashing. Well done for coping so long with it, so frustrating not being able to do anything whilst feeding.

Registered little man today so he is now a real person :) He has also gained 2oz since birth so.pretty proud of.my boobies!

Still getting really emotional, especially when I think of OH going back to work. I'm sure we'll manage but I worry about coping with school runs etc on my own.

Has anyone else braved any baby groups yet? Conscious that I have zero friends where I'm about to move and can see myself getting very lonely...

Hope you are all doing well ladies

Thanks caseysmummy glad to hear a more positive response to it google is evil sometimes when researching!!

We go ti baby groups i was like a shitting dog at first haha but im better now and have met some lovely ladies there which for me is a huge thing as i had no one with my son!!
Karen - have had the same thing the last two nights. Have concluded that it's cluster feeding due to a growth spurt and the only advice I was.given was to keep.offering boobs and plenty of skin to skin. My poor left nipple has taken a bashing. Well done for coping so long with it, so frustrating not being able to do anything whilst feeding.

Registered little man today so he is now a real person :) He has also gained 2oz since birth so.pretty proud of.my boobies!

Still getting really emotional, especially when I think of OH going back to work. I'm sure we'll manage but I worry about coping with school runs etc on my own.

Has anyone else braved any baby groups yet? Conscious that I have zero friends where I'm about to move and can see myself getting very lonely...

Hope you are all doing well ladies


Good to see I'm not alone!! She's also being really fussy on boob n yanks her head around which hurts! So frustrating, didn't know I had so many tears to cry!!!
karen have you tried expressing a little bit of milk to help her latch on hun, ether that or maybe try a new position, maybe the football hold ( like a rugby ball actually), Breastfeeding super hard hun, it takes time to establish too hun.i promise it will get easier xxx
I'm desperate to go to a baby group! Apparently the baby and toddler groups round here only run in term time so I will need to wait until August now to start. We do have some fitness classes and baby sensory locally but I want to wait until my 6 week check. Apparently new borns can go to baby sensory but I can't see how they can get anything from it?

Those of you with experience with formula, how do you know when you're giving your baby formula that suits them? Alex gets Aptamil just now but does have colic despite being on anti-colic bottles (we're about to change bottle brand as we can see he's not using the teat properly on the tommee tippee's) but I'm wondering if we should try a different formula to see if that helps the wind he has? I always see people posting that certain formulas didn't work for them but I wonder how they knew to change x
karen have you tried expressing a little bit of milk to help her latch on hun, ether that or maybe try a new position, maybe the football hold ( like a rugby ball actually), Breastfeeding super hard hun, it takes time to establish too hun.i promise it will get easier xxx

Yeah have tried expressing a bit first and also do the football position mostly as find she latches on better like than normally. Hoping this is just a phrase and she'll feed with more gaps again soon, she's definitely not sleeping as much as newborns should as just on boob fussing for hours! I am counting on it getting easier, have ordered an electric pump to express a bit more so don't feel so tied to the sofa!! Xx
Have taken myself off to the bedroom in anticipation of cluster feeding all evening again. Was super organised and got everything done earlier. Just feel bad for ds as he's downstairs with OH watching you've been framed and wish I was down there with them.

Belfa - the ones I know of only run in term time too :( how else have people made new friends? As for formula, it's just a case of trial and error, heard good things about hipp organic although I haven't any experience for you.


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