~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Oh, I've actually put on weight since giving birth. Haha not bothered though...yet. Need to sort my abs out again. Can't stand having fat on my stomach :(:(

Good idea about an appointment. I might do that, just for a peace of mind! Thank you :):)
I can't wait to exercise! Walking us how I'm getting my fix at the moment
Congrats here's hoping! Good to have you with us.
Bigbee I'm not sure about the check but at 4 weeks I went to the doctors to be signed off to drive and he literally asked if I could emergency stop and look behind me, I replied yes to both and he just said ok you're fit to drive.

I might book an early appointment to be signed off to drive. It's driving me nuts not being able to go out for an hour on my own at the weekends
Congrats here's hoping! Good to have you with us.
Bigbee I'm not sure about the check but at 4 weeks I went to the doctors to be signed off to drive and he literally asked if I could emergency stop and look behind me, I replied yes to both and he just said ok you're fit to drive.

I might book an early appointment to be signed off to drive. It's driving me nuts not being able to go out for an hour on my own at the weekends

It's been a lot easier being able to get about. The doctor actually said I didn't need an appointment and could have just requested a call back from him so it could be the same for you?
Probably a really dumb question but does everyone else's baby have wet shoulders through the night? He wears a bib for his feeds but obviously I can't let him sleep in that but for the next few hours he will bring milk back up which will go all over his shoulders. If he gets really wet il obviously change him but am I missing a trick here?
Yes Jessie my lo usually wakes up with one wet shoulder. She's never too bad as isn't sick much but she can be a little damp, not got any suggestions I'm afraid

Off to a baby group for the first time today, I can be shy so a little nervous. Hoping baby has a long nap afterwards as the house is a tip!
Thanks El1en.
The baby group sounds good, a reason to get out and about in to the sunshine as well. I'm going to a breastfeeding support group tomorrow and I'm really nervous for that too but my need for help overrules my fears.
Hope you get some help jessiecat. I found our local support group brilliant with my son.
Just been looking up groups, think next week ill do the weigh, stay and play (baby clinic) on Tuesday and the breastfeeding cafe starts up again that Thursday, shame can't go this week. Think there may even be some familiar faces which will help as I'm usually not good in group situations and tend to just shrink into a corner and hide :s

First day on my own today!!! So far I've had breakfast and Maggie has slept with a few grumbles. Should wake for a feed soon, after that might try for a shower?!?
Hello ladies. I'm shattered both kids slept right through but I woke at 5.44 and couldn't get back to sleep but feel tired now there both up. Lily's been wide awake since she got up which is new she is definitely becoming more awake.

We've got no groups round here really to go too. Sometimes wish there was so could get my little boy out the house more. Wondering whether to take him to the big town park today as he's already driving me nuts lol. Think I might actually! My week is much quieter this week only busy Wednesday Thursday and Friday! Xxx
We ended up going to to a couple of parks near the woodland nearby they had obstacles courses and stuff so was lots of fun. Lily slept the whole time too. Xxx
Can anyone recommend any remedies for a constipated baby?x
Tummy massage, bicycle legs etc have a you tube at some videos. Are you breastfeeding? Tend not to get constipated if bf as its a natural laxative.
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Ah yes YouTube! Thanks. No he's FF just now due to suckling issues however my milks in so getting to grips with expressing, he can't get my milk until tomorrow evening as I was given the wrong antibiotics for a UTI so need to get them out of my system x
Any nappy rash tips? Think Maggie might be just on the brink as starting to look a little red :( we're o lay using cotton wall and water still at the min.

First solo day went ok I think. I cried twice though, I'm not sure why...I'm happy she's finally here and love her to pieces but I keep having panics that this is my life now, and I loved my old life so feel I'm sort of mourning the loss of that in a way. Does this sound normal?? Welling up again writing this now!
Cooled boiled water my hv recommended hun. Just a little in a bottle. I usually give her that and if still not gone by bed time. I give her tummy a massage too xxx
That's normal elliott. It's also partly hormones too bit its a lot of adjustment having a baby hun. There's always the odd day you miss your old life too. I still get them especially when I'm stressed. And for the nappy rash if it's only just starting I find sudocrem works well hun and also helps to prevent aswell hun. I put it on after every nappy now as lily's skin seems very sensitive compared to my sons. Xxx
Re nappy rash I use sudocrem and I also make sure babys bum is completely dry before I put the cream and nappy on. Emelia started getting a bit of nappy rash and I think it was because the wipes I was using were very wet

And yes it's normal to miss your old life. Suddenly you have a little person dependant on you and if you're bf - permanently attached! It's a big change
Hi all,

Sorry I haven't posted much lately, will try and catch up on all the posts and post on here more often now.

We are off to register baby tomorrow morning :) I wasn't up to leaving the house last week.

Hope all mums and little one's are doing well xx

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