~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Girls, do you dry the bottles when they finish sterilising???
We were told by the hospital that whether it is cold water or steam you shouldn't rinse or wipe as that then contaminates it again. I sometimes wipe the outside with a bit of kitchen towel so it doesn't drip but don't wipe anything that will come into contact with baby or the milk. X
Thank you babyscotcher. That makes sense. I've just wiped my pump...will be putting it back in! :)

What do you guys do with the bottles after they have been sterilised? Do you take them out and put on the side, or just keep them in the steriliser?

(Apologies for thousands of questions!)
I keep them in the steriliser until Im making the bottles up. They stay sterile so long as the steriliser isn't opened.

If I were making each bottle fresh, I'd use my microwave steriliser that does 1 bottle at a time.
Sterilising is a pain isn't it!! I'm using nipple shields so I'm currently sterilising for the sake of a tiny peice of silicone. Baby is loving evening cluster feeding as well so it's a constant cycle.

Ladies are any of you suffering headaches? I've read they can be normal up to 8 weeks post natal but I'm getting them about 4/5 nights a week and are so painful! Pain killers don't touch it. Makes my eyes go funny! Anyone else getting these?
Had an over emotional day, and hat just after one day of constant feeding. And I know it's good she's getting lots so next weigh in should be great. But I'm not enjoying feeling so restricted. In hoping the feelings will pass and with each day the feeding will get easier, it still takes a bit to get her started sometimes, she thrashes about a bit :(
Jessie i had a migraine and then headache for a few days after last week, not pleasant!!

Oh gosh the sterilising and bottle making seems so confusing!! I'm glad we are still managing to just breastfeed, with her being a big baby mw was worried she would need topping up but thankfully she has been fine!
Elliott, hang on in there! It can be very disheartening :( I know how you're feeling :(

Ok. So if I leave bottles in the steriliser but they don't completely dry, I can just use them as they are, i.e. wet?

We are still breastfeeding, but having a bottle at night. I'm also figuring out what to do when we go out, as i don't feel comfortable breastfeeding in public :(
Bigbee - I'm still anxious about the feeding in public. Not sure what to dither than just go for it and power in through and hope it goes ok. If she always went straight on is feel more confident. I always think if you do see someone feesing you hardly notice, the way we are doing it at the minute it's hard to be subtle about it!
It sold quite quickly. Couldn't believe it! I leave my bottles in the steriliser and get them out as I use them, I was wondering what other ladies did.
I also use them how I get them out the steriliser as at hospital I was told not to dry them just shake them as best I could.

I never fed in public with my son. I would always use the breastfeeding g room/ changing rooms if I could and I never went anywhere like a restaurant etc whilst breastfeeding as font socialise that much. Xxx
I just feed anywhere but this is my second time breastfeeding, i wear a vest under a floaty top and just slip the vest down a bit and the top up. As its floaty it sits over my boob and nothing shows. :)
I need stretchy vests, don't think anybody have would go down past boob. I'll look in track today!

Maggie let us have a break from the hourly feeds last night and slept from 12 to 4:30. Thankfully! Showed no signs of slowing before that x
I don't have any issue feeding in public, like you buttonbear I wear a vest with a loose top on top and if needed I'll cover her a bit more with a muslin or blanket. I panic when she starts screaming in public so I'd rather just get her fed before she starts being a diva
Hi ladies, hope to join yous on this thread. My beautiful baby boy was born on Wed 3rd June after induction weighing 8lbs 12oz. I had a vbac and luckily had a quick labour with the help of waters breaking and drip. Didnt have time for an epidural much to my distress but managed with gas and air and a lot of squealing lol. I escaped with just grazes and a lot of swelling although im finding it very painful and uncomfortable.

I got home next day and trying to bf but hes such a greedy boy ive had to start combi feeding which i feel really guilty about. Hes such a milk monster my nipples are sore and bleeding, i need the bottle just to give them a break! Apart from that all is good and im very much loved up with the new addition. So happy hes here safe and sound. x
Congratulations, heres hoping!

Don't beat yourself up about Combi feeding. We are doing it, just to give me a break. I was really anxious when we started but now I'm not really bothered. You could always try to exclusively BF later on :)
Girls. What happens at the 6 week check up? I've been told that I have to wait until then before I can return to exercising.

I cannot wait another 3 weeks. It's driving me insane!

If the check up is a simple "you feeling alright?", I'm not going to bother waiting. However, if it's a proper "inspection" then I will hang on.
Congrats here's hoping! Good to have you with us.
Bigbee I'm not sure about the check but at 4 weeks I went to the doctors to be signed off to drive and he literally asked if I could emergency stop and look behind me, I replied yes to both and he just said ok you're fit to drive.
Congratulations here's hoping. Don't feel guilty about using the bottle. I had to switch to bottle with my little one as my milk ran dry with being on and out of hospital, I hadn't enough time to pump and my little girl couldn't latch properly due to her being prem. I recommend lasinoh nipple cream for your nipple though as works wonders hun.

It's not a proper inspection bigbee. It's more questions and talk about contraception. They checked my blood pressure and possibly my temp. Bit didn't even check my scar from c section. In actual fact she asked me how the birth went even though I'd been to see another gp a couple of weeks before to discuss councilling I would have thought it would be on my notes that I'd had a twin pregnancy yet I'd only got one baby with me. I'm pretty certain it should have had the fact I'd had a stillbirth on my notes also considering it was my 6 week check. Ive had 2 of them at 2 different gp surgeries and both were the same sort of thing also hun. You didn't have a c section did you hun? Xxx
Caseysmummy, no, I had a natural birth but had a 3rd degree tear. That's why I've been told to wait.

I think my bits are fine now. So if I get back into fitness, I'm going to take it easy, no heavy lifting straight away, just want to get my heart rate up :):):)
I think you'd be fine doing that hun. As long as you start slow and build up slowly hun. You could perhaps book in to see your gp to see if they could check everything and clear you for a bit of exercise hun. I'm ready to start now. Ive lost all pregnancy weight. Just need to tone up again as my tummy muscle are shot! Xxx

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