~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Hello ladies. Councilling went okay. Was just initial contact session so we only touched upon things really but can see it will help when I'm having proper sessions.

Flosi I'm not 100% on making up all the feeds for 24 hours and putting them in the fridge as it says you can't keep it after it's mixed after 2 hours on my formula tin. I know some people who do though, what I do is sterilise all my bottle fill them with 3oz of boiled water and keep it on the side and add the milk just before a feed and warm in bottle warmer. But I'm thinking of getting a perfect prep machine soon as it will be quicker as water comes out at the right temp and can have a bottle ready I'm under 2 mins. Perfect for night feeds! As for when I go out I have a milk powder storage tub which I put the right amount of scoops in each section. Fill the bottles with boiled water and tip in when required for a feed and have a travel bottle warmer which is like a thermos flask where you keep your water to warm bottle up and a pot to warm the bottle in. Will post a pic of my milk powder dispenser for what I use for travel.


Lily's loving her new bouncer and settles in it much better

Thankyou caseysmummy. Assume you leave on side for the day and reheat when added the formula.
Sorry so many questions just paranoid about everything.
Not posted a picture of our little one.... Here it is


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Yeah that's what I do hun.

What a little beauty wishing! He's perfect hun xxx
Wishing, that's a cute little baby!!!

Caseysmummy. Glad your appointment went well and it looks promising :)

Can you please post a picture of your portable bottle warmer???

I've got little (tiny) Tupperware boxes which I was going to use for formula instead of buying a dispenser....
Ah.... Just had a look on Amazon for portable bottle warmers. Is it worth getting one? Was thinking just trying giving the baby a bottle at room temperature when we are out.

Babies need so much stuff!!!!!!
Hope everyone is doing ok . I don't get chance to get on here much at the min. My little one is going through a phase of not wanting to be put down!

We are formula feeding now and the way we do it is- sterilize all bottles ready, when a feed is needed i put an ounce of freshly boiled water into the bottle, add the powder and then add the remaining amount of water from a sterilized container that has cooled boiled water in, that way it's the perfect temp too.

For night time we take up the powder pots and do the same as in the day but instead of boiling the kettle we take a small flask of boiled water up with us as well. We also take these when going out or just the pots of powder and cool boiled water if we're going somewhere such as my parents where there is a kettle.

Our HV said not to put water in bottles ready as it won't be hot enough to sterilize the powder when it comes to making the feed. The water needs to be at least 70 c apparently.

X x
That's interesting jen. Will do that from now on I think. I use the warmer as lily likes hers slightly warmer than room temp otherwise she fusses with it. She's actually has slept for 2 hours in her bouncer. It's been bliss not having a baby in my arms for a couple if hours xxx
I presume 70 degrees is to kill bacteria...??

So when going out, you take a flask with boiling water, and a container with cool boiled water?
I think that's what you do bigbee...

Atm we're using the little ready made bottles we got in the hospital and he drinks that at room temp so I'm intrigued to see what he does with warm milk!

We got discharged today and DH drove us straight to the shopping centre to get me a pump in the hope my milk comes through tomorrow and a perfect prep machine! The thought of getting the bottles right was too much for him lol.

We've decided to stick with bottles and hopefully my milk comes in and he can get expressed milk and formula x
That's right bigbee . Unless we're going somewhere where we can use a kettle for the boiling water bit :)
Thanks girls. t's a bit like rocket science!!!

Belfa, baby might be a little confused when you give him warm milk ;)
Morning ladies. How's everyone's night been. Lily slept through from 1-7 last night but my son was up from 2 being sick!

Bigbee I agree formula can be difficult to get your head around especially when they change the guidelines so frequently as when my son was put onto formula my hv recommended to make enough bottles for the day up and store them in the fridge but now you can't do that anymore either that or you were never supposed to and my old hv gave me bad advice I'm not sure.

Today I've got to catch up on all of my washing! I've got so far behind I'm struggling to catch up now!

Morning, casey I got excited when you said how long lily slept for u too I read he bit about your son :( hope he's ok now.

Our night was ok I think. Seems to be a last feed at between midnight and 1am, then we seem all quiet until our alarm goes off after four hours for a feed so at around 5am. Then usually get a bit more of a nap until around 7-8 when she starts to stir. Midwife said to extend alarm from three hours to four and stick with that until next weigh then we can just leave her to wake up herself if hungry. Don't know how people cope with other children ! Impressive stuff!

As for formula I remain clueless at the min. In starting to think I need to prepare and research expressing and all that involves as I really want to start that when I can, think the guidelines are to do it at around four weeks. So two weeks to go in theory.
He's absolutely fine this morning which is bewildering as he was sick such a lot. We had to change all the beds! That's really good elliott. My son used to sleep like that at that age and he was breastfed also. Lily's just nocturnal I think lol. I sometimes struggle to get through the day with both children if my sons having a bad day behaviour wise. Nursery helps as it gives Mr a break on them days, I mean this morning he's already drawn on lily's sofie the giraffe and we've only been up a couple of hours together :( add a noisy parrot into the mic whose learnt lily's cry! I feel like I'm going insane lol. Might try to get out the house soon xxx
My HV said I could store made bottles in the back of the fridge for 12 hours. Once out the fridge they need to be used within 2 hours. Been doing this for 3 weeks with no problem.

And When out yesterday I put boiled water in a bottle ready, in a bottle bag at home. Added the formula powder I'd measured into a pot when we were ready.
Ahh she seems to want to feed every hour now!! Not for long but she's not settling at all and cuddles and interaction only keeping her entertained for so long. It's been feed then sleep for a couple of hours at least up to now haha been spoilt!
Thanks girls. Still trying to work out what to do with feeding when out.

We are waiting for our treasure to wake up so we can go out for some food.

He slept for 4 hours straight last night! That was after feeding most of the day and most of the night. Was obviously full up. Then woke up for some boob and back to sleep!!! I'm still knackered.
He's doing well bigbee. He will certainly get there hun.

That's brilliant elliott, she may be going through her first growth spurt om sure they have them every couple of weeks.

Oh BTW I'd anyone's interested in buying a medula electric breast pump. Ive just listed mine on ebay for £50 as it was hardly used and has brand new breast shield on it. Will link it when I get chance for anyone whose after one. It was a lifesaver for me when expressing. Xxx
Ah, caseysmummy, I've just bought a manual medela pump!! :( washed it and through the box out, otherwise I would've got yours off you... Good luck selling it. £50 is a good price, hope you sell it quickly.

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