~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Yes unfortunately but I wish he was still home. Having h home for 8 weeks was lovely and loved the support of him being here. I had a little cry earlier when he went to work but I'm okay now he's home. It will get easier. Xxx
Wish my OH could have paternity leave but he is self employed so had to go back to work today when we only bought Lucian home on Tuesday night. At least I will get into my own little routine pretty quickly.

Sorry you are having a bad day Caseysmummy. I can't imagine how hard it must be. I have found myself a little teary today but think it is just lack of sleep. Not used to it yet. X
You'll get there with it hun. I found the first couple of weeks after lily was home emotional through lack of sleep and I still get the odd day but now I'm more like a zombie in the night lol. It's such a shock to the system as my son slept so well as a baby, in actual fact they are completely different he slept well and was generally a laud back happy content baby, then a terrible toddler lol so far lily doesn't like to sleep and cries when not in someone's arm (although she's become better sleeping when on the sofa). I'm just hoping she will settle as she gets bigger and may be an easy toddler! I love that she's a little diva though! Xxx
My husband isn't grasping the paternity leave thing either and is even considering going to a meeting in Manchester tomorrow!!

I've seen BigBees thread on combo feeding. Alex got a syringe of my colostrum when born and we thought he'd taken little feeds since but discovered when he was screaming the place down last night that his suckling isn't right and so he likely hadn't fed in 24hrs and my nipples are purple! I demanded formula and he downed 55ml and then 4hrs later another 45ml and had had dirty nappies in between. I'm so much happier. Still trying to encourage my boobs with hand expressing and hope to bottle feed now with a combination of formula and expressed milk.

My question is, is this an okay rational or should I be trying harder with the breast? Not great support in the hospital x
Belfa- I express and then bottle feed breast milk as Lucian went down to SCBU after his first feed and therefore couldn't go straight on the breast. We have tried once he was better but his latch is poor and he falls asleep too quickly. Saying that I know I am very lucky to some degree (not so comfy for me) that I produce a lot of milk with expressing where as I know that lots of women can't. The hospital got me to hand express for the first couple of days so he was being topped up on formula and then on day 3 I started using one of their pumps and now have an ample supply for him to have breast milk all the time. My thought is that he is still getting the best stuff even if it isn't straight from the source. X
Belfa of cause that's ok to do! Better that baby has a full little tummy regardless of weather that comes from a boob or a bottle! If just get him fed on whatever for now ad then if you decide you want to breastfeed that's something that you can work towards in next few days/weeks baby wil be more patient and willing to try when not particuarly hungry .

Do babies have a 4 week growth spurt? I've been up every hour again. :(
My oh is a farmer so didn't get paternity leave. On the upside though he is home for lunch everyday and a coffee break at 3/4pm, we both wish he could have had some actual days off but he always taking an hour for lunch now instead if the 30mins he used to take.

Jessie I think some must have a spurt at 4 weeks. Emelia was feeding constantly again and when weighed this week she'd gained 1lb 4oz in 2 weeks and definitely feels bigger. I'm feeling shattered again from all the feeding

May be a delicate subject but do most mummies worry constantly about sids? I'm so frightened something bad is going to happen. I spend so much of the night awake listening to her breath I'm aost frightened to sleep. I know I'm going over board, is anyone similar? I just can't relax
Thanks ladies. Got a bit of a judgemental look from the MW there when I said I'd given him another bottle....whatever!!

Yes El1en I am. I bought the angelcare monitor with the mat and my DH's family think I'm insane! x
Morning, hope people had a reasonable night.

I'm nervous for maggies weigh in later with mw :( her feeding habits don't appear to have changed much since tongue tie sorted, although could be she's getting it more efficiently which would be hard for me to know. Nappies good but they always have been.

Just don't feel there's been any notable changes so can't imagine she will have gained. Might be expressing time I feel, gave to see.
Good luck Elliot xx

Ignore the judgemental looks Belfa, it's your decision and you don't need to justify it to anyone, do what's best for you, your baby and your family xx
Belfa, don't beat yourself up! There is so much pressure to breastfeed, but you have to do what's best for you and baby :) we've started to give a bottle of formula in the night so that I can get more sleep. Selfish? Possibly, but it will make me less exhausted and more happy = happier baby. I've also just bought a pump so will be expressing.

Jessie, I think babies have a leap at around 4 weeks. I've got an app that tells you when leaps are. Wonder weeks. I've also bought the book :)

Ellen, I am the same about baby's breathing. We have those sensor mats that you put under the mattress. Gives me a bit of peace of mind. I know it's easy to say, but try to put that at the back of your mind, as you being awake and watching baby doesn't do you any good.

They use due date to calculate leaps though.... So works out as next leap is in about a week and a half for you, Jessie.
Ellen I constantly worry about it hun. I did with my son too so bought a tommee tippee sensor mat and have bought one with lily too. The day before I went into labour with my son I went to an antenatal class and it was all about cot death it frightened the life out of me but after speaking to my hv after he was born she was very positive and told me the things to put into place to prevent it hun.

Babies definitely have a 4 week growth spurt and gosh they exhausting. I actual fact I'm sure they have one every couple of weeks at the moment as lily's up a lot more than she was at times! I'm shattered and not sure how to catch up!

Elliott I hope you get on well hun.

Belfa I didn't produce any colostrum really with lily so I told nicu to give her formula til I could express enough to feed her as I didn't want her to go hungry. Ignore the judgemental looks, you do what you thinks best hun.

Ive got councilling today. I'm pretty nervous about it but think it will do me the world of good to talk to someone who I don't know as I find it difficult otherwise as font want to upset anyone by bringing it up xxx
Caseysmummy, good luck with counselling. Don't hold back :) will be so great for you to get some worries off your chest x
Thanks bigbee for posting that, at least now I can understand why i'm up all night and that baby needs it right now. I was hoping for a nap this morning before going out but baby fought sleep all morning and i'm going out soon so that's now out of the question. He'll sleep all day now whilst i'm out lol. Oh well, I knew what I was signing up to.
What's the app called that you have?

Thanks for the reassurance that you've been through it too Casey'smummy.
Good luck for the counseling, I hope you get a lot from it and it lifts a weight from your shoulders just by opening up. Remember you can always pour your heart out here too, just writing it down may help xx
And yes I worry stupidly over sids. Especially as i've made the controversial decision to co-sleep. From what I can tell though, its' only more dangerous if you smoke or baby was prem/low birth weight etc so I try and rationalise it.

Caseysmummy did you find anything to help you co-sleep with Lily? What About those little beds/mattresses that go in your bed between you and OH, would that work?

I ordered a swing for baby last night, it was a godsend for my son and with my OH back at work I think i'll really need those 5 minute snatches that it gives.
Good luck at your counselling caseysmummy
Weight just about back to birth weight so been discharged from midwife care now And they checked me too and are happy with the heeling which was good to hear to. Felt like no one had looked down there in ages haha
Jessie, it's called The Wonder Weeks. It has basic info on leaps, and tell you what to expect.
Elliot fantastic news, I hope you feel reassured now :)
Hanks Bigbee, will have a look now.
Baby is clearly making up for no sleep last night, he's only woken for feeds and nappy changes since 10am he's slept near enough all day otherwise!
Hi guys. Sorry not been posting much, really struggling with emotions and lack of sleep.

I have a query about formula feeding, Can you make up a days worth of feed and put in fridge? And how do folk go about feeding when out and about?? Sorry if this is a really stupid question.

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