~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Health visitor called back and has arranged for us to go to hospital this evening tk get tongue tie looked at invade thatvis impacting at all. But anxious as it's quite a trip to the hospital we have to go to and it'll be right around when she's usually want feeding so it could be a little stressful but worth getting seen to see if it helps.
Elliott try not to let them stress you out hun. Lily doesn't gain lots and she's on high calorie formula for prem babies hun. She gained less than a pound in 2 weeks where as my son would gain a pound a week. I think sometimes it depends on there starting weight when born. I know because lily was so little we have to keep her wrapped up warm as if they get cold they use calories to keep warm rather than put weight on. She has to wear a hat and cardigan have layers of blankets so she doesn't drop her temp. Their temp ideally should be 36.6. What we do from the hospital is when's she is due for a feed in the daytime. We take her temp then change her nappy and feed her if her temp is less that 36 we add an extra blanket hun. Maybe try this as it could as something as simple as this. I didn't know this until lily was in the neonatal unit! Xxx
Ahhh how lovely caseysmummy!!

Elliot hope hospital goes okay
Cute bouncer :)

Elliott, let us know how you guys get on. X
Hope you get on okay elliott!

I've just realised I forgot about lily's injections today! I feel so guilty but it completely slipped my mind! Not sure why I feel so guilty because I'm also dreading it! Xxx
Tongue tie sorted, was all a bit upsetting seeing it done mind! And the one pair of disposable scissors they usually use wasn't enough and she had to use another pair which she said she's never had to do before!! Maggie was understandably not happy and me and OH we're holding back the tears (him more successfully than me) but she settled into a lovely feed almost straight after. I'm not convinced it's the answer but it's looking like it'll help so fingers crossed for Friday's weigh in now.

Apparently tongue tie isn't very common in girls and runs in families. Never knew! Don't think anyone on our families had it though?!?
Elliot, glad that went well. Must've been quite a stressful experience for you all! Hopefully it will really help with feeding now and fingers crossed the weight will pile on :)
Caseysmummy, Don't beat yourself up about missing appointments. There are so many to keep track of!
Oh Elliott bless you, fingers crossed it helps and she starts gaining more now x

We had another good night here, but I'm considering changing my name. At 6:30 I was woken by Aria grumbling at the side of me, Blake shouting "MUM, DOWN!" Then the cat grabbing me and insisting on giving me a wash! I just dont have enough hands!
Morning ladies.

Baby Alexander was born at 7pm yesterday at 36+5 so has skipped the queue! We had a 4hr labour with 10mins of pushing and he's weighs 6lbs.

He's a bit too tired to latch properly though he has had a couple of feeds and seems satisfied. No idea how I'll manage at home alone but he was in SCBU when first born so I might be in for a few days yet. His cord was round his neck and he's got a wee heart murmur but that could just be his speedy birth!x
Congratulations belfa! Definitely queue jumping :)

Durham, sounds like a busy busy morning already :)
Congratulations belfa!!

Well im back to working my business today, eeep!
Congratulations Belfa, quite a big jump in the queue

Hopefully things will get a bit easier now you've had the tongue tie cut Elliot, I would have cried getting it done

Emelia has colic, afternoons are particularly hard atm I feel awful not being able to make her better. We've got some gripe water so hopefully that will make a difference

Apart from the colic she's great, weighed again yesterday and she's 10lbs 8oz, very happy mummy, that's a gain of 1lb 4oz in two week
I've even started getting smiles!! I thought it was early at 4 weeks but they are definitely proper smiles, I love them. It's nice after an afternoon of crying due to the colic to get smiles and coos before bed, very Jekyll and Hyde. Fingers crossed the colic doesn't last too long as it's so stressful
With injections at immunising what are peoples thoughts on the rotovirus one? Ive heard lots of good and bad stories so I'm not sure about it 100% yet. I'm very pro vaccine but new things worry me as never had this with my son, whats everyone doing?
Congratulations belfa! I was a queue jumper too!

Hope your okay elliott and hope things go better with feeding hun. Your very strong to have to watch that hun!

Ellen how lovely that emelia is smiling! Colic is awful I feel for you hun. Have you tried colief I've heard that's meant to be good!

We took our little no sorry big boy to a school tour today. He loved it got to meet other children who will possibly be in his class! There was a set of identical twin babies there with another set of parents. It feels like the world's out to get me. They're everywhere now, when I was pregnant I didn't see or know anyone with them but since I've lost zara there everywhere, there's today at my sons school, there were some a lily's hip screening, even the bloke that come to fix my Internet happened to mention his brother has just had identical twins and when we go shopping I always see them too! Think I'm going to hibernate in the house for a few months!! Sorry for the rant it wasn't bothering me until today, it just feels like I can't go anywhere without it being in my face :(. I hope there will be a day it doesn't hurt to see it, don't get me wrong it doesn't bother me on here at all its the seeing it that hurts! Xxx
Congratulation Belfa!

I imagine that does sting Caseysmummy, I'm sorry you have to suffer that :( it's strange how you notice things more when you would really rather not isn't it :( xx

It's my husbands last day at home today after a month so I think I'm in for a shock tomorrow! I've managed to find a local breastfeeding support group so I'm just waiting for a call back from them for support regarding the pain in in whilst breastfeeding and the HV wants him checked for some kind of deep tongue tie, not he bit at the front so I'm not sure how that works but we certainly match the symptoms.
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Sorry to hear that caseysmummy. I can only imagine how you must be feeling :(
I'm feeling a big better this afternoon. I will get there just a bad day I think. Oh went back to work today also so was hard too.

Jessie hope you get everything with breastfeeding sorted hun. Hoping it gets easier for you and you get the support you need!

Thanks bigbee :) hope your well xxx
Back to work already! That must be hard. You are going to be shattered. Sorry you are having a bad day. We all have them but I imagine yours are worse than most. Hope tomorrow is a better day.

Congrats Belfa. What a quick labour! I was in labour for over 24 hours. Very jealous! Enjoy your little one x

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