~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I got the same cup size but a bigger back size(its best way to fit nursing bras apparently). I would just return if wrong jessie
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Glad Lily's appointment went well Casey, we've got our next appointment next Tuesday.

We were discharged from the midwife this morning, Aria is now over her birth weight and I'm almost healed. I think I overdid it this evening though when I walked to the train station and back to meet my OH from work :roll: "everyday I'm shuffling" :whistle:
I can relate to the wet bras. Im breastfeeding and the milk is pouring out lol. My sister sent me a link to breast pads on amazon that catch the milk so u can save it lol. I am thinking about getting those. Hows everyones little ones sleeping for them? X
I was up at the same time as you Cers. Aria slept 9pm-1:20am then 2:20am-5:20am. The little madam is still awake now and fighting it.
Durham, 9-1.20 is amazing!!! Are you bottle or breast feeding?
Bottle, she's taking up to 5oz at a time now even at only 7lbs herself! I've not worked on trying to get her to take more either, she was draining 4oz and asking for more for three days before I agreed to up the bottles :roll:

My biggest problem is getting her wind up, the harness prevents her from stretching her legs out, which is why it takes me an hour to get her back to bed. I mentioned using infacol to my MW and she wants me to avoid it for as long as possible.
Last night I think baby had a poorly tummy, he cried most of the night:(
He finally fell asleep at 2am until 4 and then 5-7.
Now time to get ready for school run ::
Oh bless you Jessie x there's nothing worse than no sleep and having to continue with a normal day.

I've got a shower engineer coming today from 7am onwards so I had no choice but to get up and dressed.
Morning, hope people are managing to keep their eyes open today! Maggie is still not a massive eater at the min and we had to wake her in the night for a feed, she only fed for 8mins then about another 20mins to settle her. Again this morning it was getting to over three hours since last feed so whilst she was stiring but would have gone back to sleep in sure we changed to wake and fed again.

Got HV's first visit today so bit anxious still about weigh in but she's certainly eating, either ehen she shows signs initially or when we coax her into it haha
Elliott, fingers crossed Maggie has put a bit of weight on! My son doesn't feed for long at all. Maximum 8 minutes. But his nappies are always dirty/wet, and we have HV clinic today so she will weigh him.

Jessie, well done for powering on with your day :) we've got a group at 11 and I'm not sure how I'm going to manage getting us both ready. Again, respect to all the girls with more than one baby!!!!

Durham, why does your mw want you to avoid infacol??? We've been using it since baby was two weeks. It definitely helps his wind.

I've had enough of less than two hour sleeps :( was going to try Combi feeding on Friday night, but I think we might start tonight! I am absolutely exhausted. Feel like crap (emotionally), so if we can get a bit more zzzzzzz, mammy and baby will be much happier :):)
First night home with my little man last night and was a little bit challenging... I am glad I am someone who can nap as caught some sleep in between feeds. He wants feeding about every 2.5 hours which isn't too bad but it still takes a while for him to take a whole feed.

He was fine settling himself after a feed too until about 5am when he wouldn't settle but didn't seem to want anything. In the end gave him a dummy to suck on (in our eyes better than a thumb or fingers as we can take it away) and he has slept fine for 3 hours before waking. Hope not to make a habit of using it but at least we know it works for him.

Think I will be flagging come later like some of you other girls but OH is here today and he didn't wake up so had a good nights sleep. Think I might take advantage and have a nap later :) x
We can get 9-12 ish then 1-7 or she will do 11-4ish then back till 8. Prefer the 1 till 7 lol!!

LO has woken with a sticky eye today :( breastmilk to the rescue!! Yum
Morning ladies. I'm shattered lily's become so fussy at night. She cries on and off all night as she wants to be cuddled, I'm so tempted to co sleep is unreal. Is there anything I can get so it's safe? My lbs at nursery for 10.30 as he's meeting his school teacher for the first time today! Then I'm hoping to take lily to be weighed at the local children's centre! She was 5lb 15oz last time I managed to get her weighed, I thinking she's going to at least be 7 or more now. She feels heavier and is eating lots of milk.

Durham good news on being discharged from the midwife! I find the best way to wind lily is to sit her up right so she can't slouch over and slowly rock her back and forth. Brings her wind up everytime.

Cers my lo is not sleeping very much atm :(

Jessie hope your little boy feels better soon nothing worse than a poorly tummy and having to get up early on lack of sleep!

Elliot my little boy was the same. He would have short feeds and fall fast asleep and would have to wake him at times to be fed. He started to pile the weight on once he got going.

Bigbee, you've got to go with what feels right for you hun. You definitely need to get some sleep hun so combination feeding is definately worth a try hun. At least then your oh can help in the night sometimes for you! Plus you may find he goes slightly longer between feeds. You'll get there hun I promise you, xxx
Glad little man is home babyscotcher! We also use a dummy for lily at times as sometimes she's fed, changed and fine but go to put her down she screams so a dummy helps her settle in her own bed at times! Lily also sucks on her thumb a little too if she's hungry! Definately take advantage and have a nap later.

Hope it clears up soon button, I read not so long ago about breastmilk helping with things like that! Quite amazing stuff isn't it really! Xxx
Bigbee, she said it can cause more problems than it solves? I remember using it with Blake, but he was at least six weeks old by then and had colick. If combi feeding feels right hun, go for it x
We use a dummy here too, although she will give me a disgusted face and spit it back at me if she's hungry!
She's still not really gaining :( hv speaking to mw to come up with plan. She's all ok other than the silly number on the scales :(
Elliot can you try hand expressing some of the watery foremilk out and then put LO on so she gets the thicker hindmilk which may help her gain? Especially if she isn't on the boob for long she nay not be getting a lot of hindmilk? They put a lot of pressure on us to get them to gain weight, I'd say as long as she is happy and weeing and pooping she is fine not all babues gain fast!

We use a dummy for the fussy/just wanting to suckle moments as she does love to use booby as a dummy. She does the same thing as Aria durham when she's hungry haha
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I've not got the hang of hand expressing, it works when someone is here to show me but when left on my own I can't do it again! She'll get to about 20 mins in 5-10min chunks in an hour and I stay on one side for that so I was hoping that might mean she's getting to the good stuff. I don't know. She seems happy, head circumference and weight are all in proportion, she sleeps, she wakes and can be alert and watching things, she's a good colour, regular dirty and wet nappies, urine nice and clear. She doesn't cry a lot just when changing nappies or clothes if it takes and while otherwise she just grumbles a bit of wanting feed or attention.

It all seems good apart from the weight. Trying not to stress it as know that won't help.
I think the hv/mws are stressing you too much she hasn't lost weight and like you've just said she's happy and content I would continue how you are going seems its working and I am sure she will start gaining, she's still weeny afterall and BF takes time sometimes.

Re hand expressing I would try in the bath/shower when everythings all warm etc. Massage the breast before as well to release the milk(also skin to skin is good for this too) and try hand expressing again. It does take a knack to get milk out you kind of squeeze in a downward motion, squeeze the areola part i find is best.

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