~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Flosi, congratulations :)
Our little man was the same. Would only sleep on my chest, but would sleep in his bed in the day. Still is a bit like that to a certain extent. Will only settle on me/dad, and only then can be put in his own bed.

Button, we are the same. A suspected growth spurt :) (our little treasures share their birthday!) so fussy... Hates sleeping in the day :)

Agree about pads. Not a big fan.
Bigbee our midwife didn't seen concerned at a little bleeding from the belly button at 2 weeks, he quite often left a few spots of blood on his clothes, it's stopped now.

Flosi I hope you get home soon and can get some Propper rest, and yea most of us have been through / are going through the baby needing to be held through the night thing. It it really tough.
Very fussy baby here tonight, now 1.15am and I'm yet to lie down :(
We have had the odd bit of bleeding from belly button even now I pit it down to scabs coming off etc as long as its not weeping or heavily bleeding I would say its okay. Ring Hv is you're worried though there is no silly questions bigbee.

Well I managed it... the school run lol! Getting 2 kids ready and out the door at a certain time is a challenge. Oh is back at work today too so I'm chuffed with myself :)
I'm dreading the school run button. I think we're going to have to get practiced ready for September. I'm super tired today! Still got lots of housework to do. Xxx
Button, well done. We struggle to make it downstairs before 11, never mind do a school run!!!!

Caseysmummy, you've still got 3 months to get all your practice in!!!!
Thanks ladies, i was out by half 8!! Impressive lol Was lovely everyone cooing over her at the school too :)
Flosi our little one slept in our arms for the first 2 nights. He hated being put in his moses basket. I posted a thread on here about it and i think it was durham who advised us about the towel sausage. Its works a treat. He is sleeping at least 3 hours at night now. X
Hey everyone it has been so hectic hope everyone is well. I had my c sectio om Wednesday got out of hospital on friday n its just been crazy. Me and my little boy r doing great although im quite sore. Really hard to keep up with the forum esp with a toddler who isnt impressed he has a brother most of the time lol.

Any of you breastfeeding??
Hey cers. Congratulations!!!!

I am breastfeeding. Baby likes the boob :)
Hi cers congratulations!

I'm breastfeeding. Baby is very happy, I've been trying to teach baby to use a bottle the
Last couple of days so she can have expressed milk this Friday night when I go out for the first time for my birthday but she's not taking the bottle so far. Got a different type of bottle to try today so fingers crossed she likes it. I really want some grown up time with my oh on Friday night, just for 5 hours!
Nice to see you back Cers.
Sorry to hear your eldest hasn't adjusted to baby yet, still very early days. I can imagine you feel pulled in every direction right now.

Breastfeeding here too but between the poor latch, bleeding nipples, thrush and using nippe shields I wouldn't say I'm very good at it lol.
Congratulations cers

I'm breast feeding, really struggled the first few days in hospital but midwives helped me hand express, first couple of days at home I struggled to get her to latch and was a bit hit and miss, then I had one of the breast feeding specialist midwives come out. She made s slight change to the position we're using and now she latches every time.

Midwife said yesterday she must be getting plenty as she was 8lb 0.5oz born, 7lb 11oz end of last week and 8lb 4oz yesterday :)

Not sure how I'll ever be able to feed out in public as don't seem to be able to do it without getting my whole boob out!! I'm ordered a couple of tops that will hopefully hide me s bit more. Plus think I'll need to take a cushion with me. But for now just worrying about making sure we do it properly xxx
Breast feeders, odd question but what do you do with your bra when you're feeding baby? What I mean is, I unhook it and stuff it all underneath my boob. Same with maternity bras (havnt got enough nursing bras yet) so I just take boob out and ind of flip it on top of the cup. I'm noticing that all my bras are going a funny shape though. Am I missing some really obvious trick for what you're supposed to do with them?
I am expressing rather than breast feeding but I have some really comfy nursing bras from M and S ( take into account I was a G cup before my milk came in ) and could not sing the praises of a comfortable bra when nursing. I just tuck mine underneath and they seem to be fine so far.

Fingers crossed my little boy is coming home today. Me and OH are so excited. X
I do the same with my nursing bra, Jessie. The only thing is the bra sometimes gets a bit wet when the milk leaks from baby's mouth.
Hello ladies. Just got back from lily's hip check. Thought it was an ultrasound but apparently they have a quick look over first then refer you for an ultrasound to have a look. But so far all seems good but we will see how we go at the next appointment.

When breastfeeding I just tuck bra underneath boob too!

Congratulations cers! Hopefully your little boy adjusts soon hun.

Ok do in not missing something then? Just doesn't seem like my bras will last. 5 minutes! Why don't they have ones that onen and pull up? And yea I'm constantly walking round with wet bras Bigbee haha.

Great news that all looks good with Lily's hips casey.
I am breastfeeding and also do the tuck it under boob(i also lie a muslin underneath to catch drips and whatnot)

I got M&S bras from ebay which were £6!! As they are overstock ones, normally £30!!
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How did you know what size to get though? My boob size changed over the course of the day so no point me getting measured but I have literally no idea what to order :/
Caseysmummy, glad that appointment went well :)

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