~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Blueeyes, how are you feeling??? Congratulations again :)

Jessie, I've considered cosleeping, as the little man loves cuddles, and would happily sleep next to me/on me...but I'm not confident enough to try it! Baby and I sleep in the spare room, and we have a super king bed in here, so it would probably work, as I can always just move away from him once he is asleep....I am just not sure though.
Morning ladies and babies

Congratulations Blueeyes! Lovely name, I had to read it twice as it's only one letter different from my girl :love:
Great news for Flosi too, hopefully she won't be long in joining us in here.

I'm feeling much stronger now, I've managed to join some support groups and a charity who have sent me an information pack on Arias condition. I'm much more confident around the harness now and have given her a good wash and moisturise this morning and washed her hair too. She smells much nicer as a result! Clothing wise she can only really wear tops or dresses, so it gave me a good excuse to shop.

Her next scan appointment has come through and it's only just over a week away now. It gives us something to focus on and look forward to seeing if the treatment is working.
Glad to hear you are feeling much more positive Durham. Just think, only a few weeks of harness wearing will help your little girl :) and support groups will certainly help :)

She is a brave little trooper :)
Good to hear you feeling better Durham. There's lots of beautiful dresses in mothercare at the moment! And glad your getting the support you need!

I'd love to co sleep with lily! I just panic when I wake up if I've accidentally fell asleep with her in my bed to see if she's okay as my little boy has started getting into our bed again in the night!

We had a much better night with lily although she was up 3 times in the night when I put her back into her bed she slept! She was very clingy yesterday day and wouldn't be put down unless in the car seat in the car and I can't keep her in there in the day. What bouncers have you all got that babies are liking? Mine sit up too much for her I think?

I plan on giving the house a Good going over today as got a very busy week! Xxx
I've not got a bouncer as such, in the lounge in the day Maggie is in the rocker napper we got but still only used it in flat position not upright at all.

We had an alright night last night but if we hadn't woken her after three hours she's have slept a lot longer I think and Tom a nappy change to wake her up enough to get her thinking about feeding.

Within a three hour period it's always adding up to her getting 20-30mins, sometimes in a couple or three stints but she's definitely getting something. Just hope it's enough. And woah we knew when midwife was coming.

In laws visiting for first time to today as well which is making me feel on edge :s
Elliot may sound strange but is she a little jaundice as this can make them sleepy. Lily wouldn't wake for a feed when she had it but since it has gone she's been much better xxx
Doesn't sound silly, she was when in hospital but got the all clear before we left.

Me visit went well, 70g gain in 48hrs which they seemed really pleased with. They checked her over too and said all looked good :) hv coming on Wednesday and another me weigh on Friday.
That's good hun. You may find the bigger she gets the more she will want. Lily's 8 weeks tomorrow and over 6lb weigh day is Wednesday and she's getting hungrier I'm finding. We have her first set of jabs on Wednesday afternoon. Dreading it as her little legs have hardly any fat on them! My son was a chunk when he had his so I think it's going to hurt her more. Oh is still off so glad he will be with me! She's also got her hip scan Tuesday! Poor girls got a busy week of prodding bless her! Xxx
Elliott - yes we didn't have the same due date but ended up with the same birth date :)

Bigbee - feeling a lot better than I was. No more new blisters and exsiting ones are a lot better than they were, although still very sore. It seems the medication is working.

Durhamchance - Thanks, yes just one letter difference in their names :)

Hope everyone and their little one's are doing well.

How long for those that had episiotomy before things start to feel a bit more comfortable down there?

I had one with my son and after 3 weeks i was dandy! I found the bruising/swelling the worst part for sitting etc
How long for those that had episiotomy before things start to feel a bit more comfortable down there?


I had an episiotomy, I felt much better after a week, after 2 I barely felt any discomfort only when I was out walking. I had a look down there last week and it all looked great, very neat. Now 4 weeks pp I feel like I want to try having sex. I was told to rest but I hated sitting still so started walking the dog after 5 days and I actually think that helped

Everyone is different though, my best friend couldn't walk for two weeks
I've not felt too bad from the episiotomy, walking was a little uncomfortable initially but now nearly ten days on I'm ok until I sit on something hard haha. Sat on toilets eat, lid down, to give myself an injection and that's when I realised this, wasn't agony but notable.

It's just the genral bleeding that's getting me down. As predicting I'm hating the feeling of having a towel in all the time and especially at night :( that's the part I can't wait to be over with!
Blueeyes, I am please it is getting better for you! The blisters looked awful in the pictures :( I really do hope you are not suffering any more. Great that Ania is doing well though :)

I had a 3rd degree year, and had to be stitched up. Was fine walking around pretty much straight away. Plus painkillers helped. Couldn't do long distances though, mainly due to the maternity pad rubbing my bits! Baby was born 16 days ago, and I feel fine. Did a 7k walk yesterday :)

Ellen, wow. Sex after 4 weeks? I don't think I'll be going down that road for WEEKS yet!!!

My son's belly button has been a little bleedy. His cord came off 9 days ago, but belly button still bleeds. It's not much, and I think it's just the scabs coming off. We are going to only wear babygrows that do up on the side for the next few days. Is that normal???
Thanks all, guess I need to expect soreness for a bit longer then.

Bigbee Ania's cord fell off Friday and today she's had a messy baby grow as the scab has fallen off.

Can't settle her tonight, she's been crying s lot this evening, the only place she will settle is laying on my chest (where she currently is) xx
We've got a fussy baby here tonight too Blueeyes. No amount of milk is settling him but he has mouth thrush and a little reflux so I think one of them is upsetting him :(
Hope Ania settles and you get some rest.

Blueeyes you might be better off putting baby in a normal babygrow and leaving the poppers open that go over the belly button (no vest). the best thing for it is to keep it clean and let it dry out in fresh air. Midwife was telling us that when they're tucked inside a nappy and clothes they never heal whereas a bit of fresh air will have it sorted out in no time.
Definitely let air get to belly button will help it dry out quicker. My sons was like that but lily's dried out quite quickly as she was under a blue lamp for jaundice.

Lots of fussy babies tonight. Lily's done really well all day but tonight won't be put down and I'm shattered! Treated myself to doing my hair today! I've put more ombre in. Looks really good! I've only ever done it for other people so was new doing my own. Not as hard as I thought, not got time to go to my hairdressers. Next job to tone my belly up... not sure where to start with that though. Xxx
Argh no sleep since Thursday, still in hospital and tonight only place liv will sleep is on my belly!!! All MW said was it os normal for a newborn!!! Ok then why will she sleep in the cot during the day ? Loosing the will they best let me go home in the morning x

Hope everyone else is ok x
My Lo has been unsettles today, feeding lots and super tired but fighting it, apparently theres a big 2 week growth spurt so guessing its that bless her.

Glad you're blisters and rash is slowly improving blueeyes that looked so sore :(

Wearing pads is just awful I cannot stand it, feel all sweaty and rank wearing them!! Cant wait to not wear them!!
Thanks girls. We fold the nappy away from the belly button, just like they say you should do when the cord is still attached.

What we do need to start doing more regularly is to take the nappy off him, wrap him in a cloth and let him chill like that for a while. He has a bit of red bum as well, so we've been using sudocream. Letting air get to his bits should definitely help :)

We were concerned whether a little bleeding is something to be worried about. He doesn't seem bothered by it (I don't think). Was going to call my HV tomorrow, but I don't want to seem like a paranoid mam if this is nothing to worry about :)

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