Hope your heartburn has eased now Buttonbear.
Elliott when I went for decreased movement, I was told they would much rather you phone and get checked out than sit there worrying, hope all is ok. Let us know how you get on.
I'm so tired today. What with us suddenly having a water feature in the lounge last night
the plumber put a hose in to drain the tank, however it was still constantly dripping through the night, so every time I got up for a wee I had to change the towel under it to stop it running through the ceiling any more
The plumber is coming back today to fix it, really hope he will sort the state of the ceiling out too.
Just in case you think I'm mad expecting him to do it, we only had the bathroom, immersion and pump fitted (by same plumber) 7 months ago, and spent a fair amount of money that we had saved for, having a totally new bathroom fitted, so really not happy about it. The pump on the shower went on sunday night and was making a burning smell, when he came to fix it yesterday he broke something on the immersion but said 'it will be OK i'll fix that tomorrow when I fix the pump' however a couple of hours later water started pouring through the ceiling
Sorry I'll stop moaning now, and get on with my work!
Hope everyone has a good day, I can see the sun peaking through the office blinds xx