* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

I just want our lil girl here now. I realised last night I'm not going to be good with the pain!!!! Which now means I'm scared :( x
Oh ladies! These little darlings are being awkward already haha! That's how I felt last night TT - it was so painful! Oh dear! What have I done?! X
I know I thought I wanted one to make her hurry up but then last night I was thinking crap this hurts!!! It was tightening but painfull!!! And to think I'm no further this morning is disheartening :(

I guess it clearly hadn't hit me ay!!!
So sorry to hear you're all not sleeping well. I must be quite lucky as I sleep like a log at the moment, though when I wake up my bladder is killing me because a whole 5ml or something has accumulated in there lol!

Walking is my annoyance right now. Baby's head is pressing right down on my bladder with every step, I really would like him out of there before he gets much heavier!

I just want our lil girl here now. I realised last night I'm not going to be good with the pain!!!! Which now means I'm scared :( x

Labour pain is so different from the general aches and pains of pregnancy hun, you will be fine. :)
With you on the bladder Hun! So painful! I only get up once a night luckily xx
Oh what a bunch we are! I totally feel hugely pregnant today!
Baby keeps doing something funky to a nerve in my left hip when I walk, nearly end up on the floor!

Currently bouncing on my ball, but it's just giving me back ache. I think I have a giant baby!

Midwife Wednesday and my mum is coming with me, back up to make the pants midwife do a proper job this time! Xx
So I've just heard my sister in law to be who is due one day after me has gone in to be induced as the baby is possibly on the small side.

I feel really excited for her as there not too concerned but she lives in NZ where my partner is from and things are handled a bit different.

On the other hand she really wanted to go overdue for reasons of their own and I can't help but be a tad jealous after being up all night with false contractions.

I know that must sound really bad right ???

TT254 it doesn't sound bad at all, you wish the best for your SIL but it's only natural it'll make you want your baby more.
TT it's not bad! It's only right that you want your baby here too!

I am feeling mega grumpy today, although actually slept well last night. X
She's been sent home until Monday morning which is tonight our time. But I am still so jealous and feel awful that I am.

Going to have to take my mind off it I think as this lil one isn't budging at all x
1 more sleep to my sweep :) I so hope it works , havnt lost no more plug think my body is teasing me gah having some bad Braxton hicks tho so my body is defo getting ready :) , I better be favourable for the sweep or I might cry lol xx
TT it isn't bad at all! Try not to feel bad about it. You'll have your baby soon Xx

Had a lovely night at friend's house with takeaway and Eurovision last night! The three of us had pizza, crisps, doughnuts, chocolate cake and some lovely non alcoholic fizzy drinks! Had an awful sleep again though, just waking up all the time! Argh! Headache now too! 39 weeks today though and I'm catching up with my parents who I haven't seen since January! Xx
I'm off to do the food shop and get out the house. Thank god my oh is home tommorow then I have 5 days of being on my own again!!! I think that's why I'm going crazy really!!!! I can't go very far on my own in case and we live far out in the sticks and all my friends live in another county!!!

Going to buy pineapple and pineapple juice lol!!! Spicy food lol!!! Topped with heartburn control lol!! More sex on all fours as that seemed to cause the contractions lol!!!! And surely the contractions must do something lol x
I've been having back ache and period type cramps since last night. Not amounting to anything though and they're not regular. I guess my poor body is getting ready for the mammoth journey ahead. I feel fed up, achey and a bit scared!! Don't like the idea that I could have another four weeks of this. X
I kept thinking I would go fully overdue but I secretly wished I wouldn't but another 2 and a half weeks!!!!

I won't be able to have a sweep til 5 days overdue so there's not anything helping to encourage her x
I don't think I've had any true symptoms yet.

I'm gonna have a curry tonight, go for a walk and then might attempt something sexual with the oh - not that he seems willing to do anything other than pat me on the head recently! X
Lol jazzy, my oh now won't let me have sex with him either.. He begged me all through pregnancy and now I'm asking him, he's taking great pleasure in turning me down!!

Finally got my hospital bag sorted yesterday and also rearranged bedroom for Moses basket so I'm actually feeling (almost prepared!! X
I have yet to rearrange my bedroom to accommodate the Moses basket, oh is insistent that we don't need to!

Our friends are 100% sure it's what kicked off their labour. X
Ha ha! Think we're having curry tonight as well. Wonder if I should get a vindaloo?! No sex in our household so need to ramp up the efforts with the other tricks ;) x

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