** March 2020 Mamas **

I’m 19 weeks and have only gained 3 pounds so far. I’m 130lbs. Baby girl is measuring perfect. Doctor told me
I won’t gain weight till likely more close to the end of my pregnancy. Had a scan today she’s growing!! @SesameSeed

@SesameSeed - I'm 19 weeks tomorrow and 1lb gain so far, but I was still carrying a stone from my LB as I went from breastfeeding to pregnant again, so its not as restrained as it sounds! How about you?

Exciting about your gender scan! Cant wait to hear your news x
Last weigh in I had gained about 6 lb. which is the higher side of normal. Hardly surprising because of my appetite and the fact I have gone from cycling to work and min 3 high intensity workouts a week to basically zero activity. Now my energy levels are picking up I’ve started walking to and from work again and I’m going to start swimming tomorrow! Hoping weight gain will slow down now I’m getting more active again. Don’t want to pile on as much as I did with my ds :???:
Lovely scan photo @Bre

I’m 15 + 2 today and haven’t gained anything yet, however I had gained 11lb I’ve the six months prior to falling pregnant as I was dealing with the grief of 2 MC and I didn’t eat as well as I should’ve done.

Feeling like my bump is starting to appear now.

@Summerwine thank you. Very excited for Saturday x
I've gained loads pre pregnancy due to ivf drugs and loosing my last pregnancy I am the biggest I've ever been but keep telling myself I will lose it all post baby!

Excited to hear more gender reveals!

I had to work 16 hour shift yest as got called out. I'm so glad it's almost the wknd. Did 45 hours this week. I am meeting with my manager on Tuesday to be brave and tell her I can't do all thee I call extra hours now.. And need them reduced. They agreed to stop them after I cover new year week but I need less... They have given me another 4 weeks to cover before then and I can't do it.
That is a long shift @Alexis2017 have they done a pregnancy risk assessment? You should address the long hours in that.

Hope your meeting goes well xx
Hi ladies, so it was gender scan day today and we’re having a little BOY! A little best buddy for my DS :)

They told me today that my placenta is at the front and high up. Other than feeling the kicks a little less than most people, does anyone know if there is anything I should be aware of? X
Hi ladies, so it was gender scan day today and we’re having a little BOY! A little best buddy for my DS :)

They told me today that my placenta is at the front and high up. Other than feeling the kicks a little less than most people, does anyone know if there is anything I should be aware of? X
:love: congrats!
no experience with the front placenta I’m afraid.
Hi ladies, so it was gender scan day today and we’re having a little BOY! A little best buddy for my DS :)

They told me today that my placenta is at the front and high up. Other than feeling the kicks a little less than most people, does anyone know if there is anything I should be aware of? X

Ah congratulations . Another little boy to the group! :baby:

No idea about front placenta sorry xxx
Hi ladies, so it was gender scan day today and we’re having a little BOY! A little best buddy for my DS :)

They told me today that my placenta is at the front and high up. Other than feeling the kicks a little less than most people, does anyone know if there is anything I should be aware of? X


All the gender reveals are exciting. 1 girl, 3 boys and 2 surprises so far.

How is everyone feeling? I have my 20 week scan a week on Friday, I’ll be exactly 20 weeks.
@SesameSeed Congratulations!! Is your little boy excited?

I've lost near 11lb so far :( I saw Mw for 16 week check up and been advised to see gp for more anti sickness tablets now, I'm so worried they'll hurt baby I'd rather suffer but I'm asking.

Anyone have a mover in there too lol? This baby is moving like nuts. Doesn't stop, even moved from the doppler. And gets in most awkward positions, like pushing out so my stomach looks I have small ball poking out on one side.
Ahh lovely news @SesameSeed!! I'm loving all these gender reveals.

Ooh not long now @Clairexx89!

Oh no @SpiritedAway! That's a fair bit of weight. Baby will still get what they need, but your immune system might struggle! Glad you're asking about the tablets.

Aww that must be really nice all the movement!

I think I've got anterior placenta too @SesameSeed. It was suggested as a possibility at 12 week scan so I will be asking whether they can confirm at 20 weeks. I've been told it can make it harder to hear heartbeat during MW appts, and there is a higher risk of back-to-back labour but keeping reasonably active can help with getting baby into right position.

I'm starting to feel more regular movement but just the rolling sensation, no kicks or anything (due to placenta position I guess!) If I lie still for a while in the evening I can feel baby's head/butt raised next to my belly button haha.
@Summerwine it's the vomiting, it is getting to me, had a few crys and I'm running out of dry stuff I fancy.

Rolling and tapping sensations is what I get too :), I have a friend who had an anterior placenta and she started feeling baby at 22 weeks plus. Its weird isn't it? The body part sticking out was so uncomfortable I got into bed and I couldn't stretch cause it was so sore.
Congrats @SesameSeed team Blue! Yay

I've a meeting with my manager on tue about my oncall and extra hours.they have given me loads to do over next few months so I'm telling them I can't do it. If they don't support me I will just go to GP and get signed off all oncall and they will regret not supporting me better. I will also highlight to my union and go I've asked for a risk assessment and I'm almost 19 weeks and never had one done

My 20 week anatomy scan is 1 week on Wednesday! Can't wait!

I have a posterior placenta, baby likes to turn upside down at past 2 scans, he mostly moves at night time, sounds about right haha
@SpiritedAway im sorry your sickness hasn’t eased. It’s absolutely draining. I hope you get a break from it soon. I’ve had some anti nausea tablets and they did help, I only took a few when I really needed them but if you need it I would take it.
I swear I’ve felt movement since about 13 weeks. Getting stronger and more regular by the day. Love that it’s just me that can feel for now but also can’t wait for oh and ds to feel it too.
16 weeks tomorrow, this time next week we’ll know if we’re pink or blue! :pink::blue: We’re taking ds with us so trying to think of how we can reveal it other than the Sonographer just saying! Thinking about getting Sonographer to give him a card so he can tell us kind of thing... not sure yet.

I’ve got a killer couple of weeks coming up at work, not sure how I’m going to manage but I’ll muddle through. Got a 2 day event that I’ll be working well into the nights on :???: Thankfully it’s not a regular thing for me!

@Alexis2017 i hope your meeting goes well and they aren’t idiots about it.
@Niknaknoo Thank you hun x I'm use to it now but it has put me off having another. I really enjoy pregnancy but this is hard work so i'm gonna take them for 2/3 days a week.

Same here didn't feel DS until I was 18 weeks but earlier this time. DH been trying to feel but it's so random right now lol, it's an amazing thing.

Ah that's lovely, I love the card idea for him and telling you. I think that's really sweet. I know it's hard but try go at your own pace for work, look, after yourself x

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