** March 2020 Mamas **

Aiming natural but as long as baby gets here safe I don’t really care how it comes out!
Couldn’t even contemplate a home birth @Summerwine ! Give me a hospital with doctors and drugs any day!!
Morning ladies, woke up this morning and been having pink bleeding (light for the last hour). Absolutely panicking and going to call EPU when they open at 8am
Thanks ladies. EPU can’t see me until tomorrow morning.

Everything seems to have settled for now. Really hoping it’s nithing serious. Will let you know how tomorrow goes xx
@SesameSeedet us know how it goes, thinking of you.

I was sick for the 1st time in my pregnancy today. I'm 17 wks tmrw. This burning sensation up my oesophagus was getting worse v gradually until today walking out to my car to go home from work I started to boak and was sick... In front of all these Co workers... I couldn't stop it. I didn't even think I was going to be sick till a out 5 seconds before I was.

The burning is like swallowing fire and it makes me feel so sick. I had to drive home with wi Dow down and trying my best not to vomit in the car.

I took some Gaviscon and it settled eventually.

Madness how I've managed to get to 17 weeks and not be sick. I was worrying something was wrong cos it was out of the blue and not one of my normal symptoms.... I've been told that this can happen around this stage as baby pushes everything upwards and everything is relaxing. I'm worried it happens again tmrw!

2 more sleeps till our gender scan. I might buy some gender reveal stuff for my friends as having a wee afternoon tea with 2 friends on Sunday.. Maybe buy a balloon to pop or something . 1 of them is my friend who's secretly preggers. I think she will tell my other friend that day too so will be a very happy day.
Thank you Alexis.

Ohh the sickness experience doesn’t sound very pleasant, hopefully it won’t happen again for you. Aww a little lunch and gender reveal will be lovely!
@SesameSeed thinking of you this morning, hope it all goes well!

@Niknaknoo haha well it's only a pipe dream currently. Everything has to be textbook to have one so not getting my hope's up too much! Hahaha well I managed on gas and air last time (15hours) and you can have that at home. The thought of the other drugs scares me lol x
@SesameSeed thinking of you this morning, hope it all goes well!

@Niknaknoo haha well it's only a pipe dream currently. Everything has to be textbook to have one so not getting my hope's up too much! Hahaha well I managed on gas and air last time (15hours) and you can have that at home. The thought of the other drugs scares me lol x
I had gas and air and pethidin. Then a bloody spinal for my stitches! Had I known I’d have to have one anyway I’d have gone for it from the start! I went all the way overdue last time and had to have the drip to speed up the contractions. If that happens again I’ll go straight for epidural (not an experience I want to repeat!) If it happens naturally I’m hoping to do the same as last time.
Really hoping to go myself this time so I can use the tub!
I had gas and air and pethidin. Then a bloody spinal for my stitches! Had I known I’d have to have one anyway I’d have gone for it from the start! I went all the way overdue last time and had to have the drip to speed up the contractions. If that happens again I’ll go straight for epidural (not an experience I want to repeat!) If it happens naturally I’m hoping to do the same as last time.
Really hoping to go myself this time so I can use the tub!

Oh noooo how bad were your stitches?? Do you know I'd take labour again any day over stitches. Praying I won't need any this time.

Yeah I was induced last time too. Luckily pessary worked for me, 13 days overdue. Fingers crossed our bodies might remember how it works!

I would love a water birth but our hospital only has 1 pool which is why i have this crazy idea of being home haha x
THey never actually told me! Bad enough that I needed a spinal and was done in a theatre :???: I try not to think about it!
I’m definitely doing the massage this time in the hope it’s not as bad.
@SesameSeed hope everything went okay today xxx

I had my ‘16 week’ midwife appointment this morning, although I’m 15 weeks.
She was great we went through the combined test results and she’s made me feel a lot more relaxed and calm about things.

I was hoping to hear baby’s heartbeat (although hubby said I wasn’t allowed with him not being there ha ha) but she didn’t try for it as apparently they only do that for 16 weeks and over.

Next midwife appointment isn’t until 3rd December at 25 weeks which is crazy!!

Just been reading your comments @Niknaknoo and @Summerwine i think I’ll just be taking all the pain relief they offer :rotfl: xx
Sorry ladies if we’ve put the fear in you...it’s worth it in the end!
Early days and I’m sure no one is even thinking about a birth plan yet, but my advice is don’t go in thinking what you want is what is going to happen. You’ll end up more stressed, and most likely disappointed. the best birth plan is ‘get baby out safely’.

Also top tip for heartburn...love hearts!
Hi ladies I had also had my 16 week midwife appointment today, she said I was 16 weeks and 4 days, but I think I’m 16 weeks and 6 days, heard the heartbeat 128 bpm, I think that is supposed to mean boy based on the theories, other than that I just had my bp and urine checked, didn’t really had chance to ask any questions. Glad your appointment went well Nattles33 OH didn’t bother coming with me as it was in the afternoon
So jealous you got to hear the heartbeat @Clairexx89
My husband didnt come either as he was working.
Glad your appointment went well too xxx
Hi ladies. Baby is absolutely fine. No explanation for the bleed. But baby was laid there drinking water ... amazing . So relieved.

With my DS I was induced due to HBP at 39+3 however because he was back to back they recommend having the epidural put in prior to being induced by drip as those labours are known to be longer and more painful as sound on spine when contacting. I’d had him within 4 hours by emergency c-section. My birthing plan was water birth with gas & air only haha!

I’m going for an elective c-section thistime.

Is anyone considering hypno birthing? I’ve heard amazing reviews .
Hi ladies. Baby is absolutely fine. No explanation for the bleed. But baby was laid there drinking water ... amazing . So relieved.

With my DS I was induced due to HBP at 39+3 however because he was back to back they recommend having the epidural put in prior to being induced by drip as those labours are known to be longer and more painful as sound on spine when contacting. I’d had him within 4 hours by emergency c-section. My birthing plan was water birth with gas & air only haha!

I’m going for an elective c-section thistime.

Is anyone considering hypno birthing? I’ve heard amazing reviews .
Glad all is well!
My cousin was well into hypnobirthing, she lent me all her books and I think I’ve still got the audio somewhere.... It’s not for me but if you’re into that kind of thing it’s really good.
Haha sorry @Nattles33! Didnt mean to worry anyone. It cant be that bad right because my LB is only 1 and I couldn't wait to do it again!

Super jealous that you got to hear the heartbeat @Clairexx89! Our team wont do that until 24 weeks :(

So glad all is okay @SesameSeed. Ooh so youll have an exact date then? That must be quite nice for planning!

I'm not sure about hypnobirthing but I hear good things so will probably look into it after the 20 weeks scan just to see what it's all about!

@Alexis2017 I'm super excited for you today. I hope baby is led there compliant with legs open :rotfl: cant wait to hear about it!

Happy Friday all. 18 weeks today over here. Feeling baby wiggle regularly now but no other real pregnancy symptoms still (which I'm grateful for!)
I am so excited I find out the gender tonight 7pm!!, eeekkkkk

@Clairexx89 That sounds like your appt went well. My baby's heart rate is about 155 so I've read that's a girl? Will find out tonight. I've got a doppler so I listen to the wee ticker most nights. I can here the baby moving about in the doppler it brings my anxiety levels down. I k ow it's not to be used as a check though once movement patterns start!

@SesameSeed That's amazing, glad baby is doing great!

I'm scared of a C section... Always have been!
@SesameSeed Glad you're OK hun xx

I'm really into hypnobirthing, if you're interested in it, Your Baby, Your Birth by Hollie de Cruz is really good. It's basically concentrating on breathing technique and positive thinking without the need of pain relief, like mindfulness. I'm quite good with pain anyway but I hypnobirthed with the induction drip in.

Is anyone doing their kegals? I started but I think it's causing me more cramps and stomach tenderness :(

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