March 2012 Babies?

aww, auntie2mummy, :hugs: sorry you didnt get the house! I can understand you being disappointed, although im sure you will end up with one much better, these things usually work out that way! Ive kept my tests too, and have a belly, and symptoms, but still want it confirmed!! haha, can't wait for the scan. also, love the updated list, looks really good!

thanks wannabmummy, its nice to know what to expect at the appointments :D

hope everyones doing well :D

x x x
Hi ladies
Hope you're all safe & well in light of current going ons! And hope you're little beans are sprouting nicely :) xxx
hello ladies!

had my booking appointment today, went really well, my due dates changed to the 12th though haha, only a day different! Should get my scan appointment next week too :D

dont get though why my due dates gone to the 12th, but my midwife worked it out as me being 10 weeks tomorrow?? doesnt seem to fit in with any online calculator, even if i change cycle length ect :/

hope your all doing well!

x x x
im fine, almost threw up properly this morning for the first time, actually did throw up a little bile but as i hadnt eaten there wasnt anything there lol, so least i know its getting stronger? i guess lol. im off to a festival for 4 days tomorrow so i wont be around and i have my booking in app with the mw on tuesday after i come back so something to look forward to :)
i threw up for the first time a few days ago, im trying to think of the positives too!! haha, although ive done it lots now, and even when ive eaten ive only thrown up bile?? not sure whether thats normal :/ not very nice!!!! haha, have fun at the festival! what festival are you going to? i thought my scan would be after my holiday as something to look forward to, but my MW said she'll try and fit me in early :D exciting!! x x x
im going to bloodstock open air, its an extreme metal music festival thats held every year. i paid for the tickets months ago so its babys first metal fest lol. went to babys first metal music gig a few weeks back
Hope you have fun BevG!
Rosiee thats great eveything went fine! My date has changed a couple of times but i'm keeping it as the 9th! my GP told me 11th and midwife told me 10th. So i'm just gonna stay with mine until dating scan! :)

Finding it so hard to sleep atm! feel sick when i lie down0no matter which way i lie! Ruining the night for OH too he's not getting a great nights sleep! I'm just thankful i'm on school hols! :) Wouldn't manage to do this and work! but i do go back in less than 4 weeks now-poo!

I hope i get my scan before my holiday because i don't want to have to take work off until i have told everyone!!
Though I had been on here and wrote but cant see it! My brain is all over the place!

Anyway think my due date is 22nd march, maybe wrong but not had midwife appointment yet or scan, hate waiting for things!!

I am so so tired every day is a chore, I have done 4 tests now so def preggers!

Good luck to u all, look forward to getting to know everyone better over the next 7/8 months!xx
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I also have been throwing up a couple of times, and even though I hate it, it's kind of reassuring...*lol*

I had my scan at 9+4 and everything was fine. I could see the baby moving its hands and feet. It was amazing. I'm trying to book a new scan for when I'm 12 weeks now:)

Hope everyone is doing fine!


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love the picture! :) just got my scan date through but i will have to call them up and change it as i'm on holiday! hopefully they can do it a couple of days later as i want to have the scan before i go back to work! or it'd be even better if they could do it before i go away! will find out tomoz-they open at 9 so i'll be straight on the phone! :)
auntie2mummy: good luck tomorrow! Hope you get your scan date before you go away!
Hi all, glad to find this forum. I am expecting 31st March so today I am 7+1. Had first scan at 6+3 to confirm and could see that 5mm moving with strong heartbeat :)
Also have app booked with midwife on the 10.9. and another scan on the 14th cant wait. Feeling ok so far just very tired and very hungry every morning! BTW cant get enough chillies :lol: and my brain-v slow. still keeping the secret but seeing all family next week so need to come out. hope u r all having relax wknd!
I've only got 11 days to go 'til my first scan at 12 + 4. Soooooooo excited now. I've stopped feeling sick. But my tummy's starting to harden, so we're getting there. :)
Nonabean - how exciting for your 12 week scan!!! I have my 2nd early scan on Tuesday & can't wait!!
My tummy is really starting to show - at 8 weeks!! I showed very very early on with my son too, but this is REALLY early! I'm back to work tomorrow after nearly a month off & somehow I don't think my secret is safe!!! :D
Hope all of you other mummies to be are well xxx
Argh!!! i hate waiting! I just called up to change the date of my scan and she asked for my dates i can't do and said she'll have to send another letter out! Why oh Why she couldn't do it over the phone i have no idea! I just know the date or time is going to be wrong! just hope its on 2nd Sep-thats the day i get back from holiday so it would be lovely! otherwise i'm going to have to take time off work but seeing as i only start on 5th i don't really wanna do this yet as i haven't told anyone! but i guess i'll have to!

2nd thing i'm waiting for is to hear about a house we've put an offer in for--i hope they accept!

How are all you ladies? I haven't been sleeping very well lately and last night even OH was up most the night (but at seperate times so we didn't actually keep eachother company) :)

My symptoms aren't as strong anymore-i get cramping still and sometimes the sickness feeling comes over me strong instead of having it all day! And oh my-i feel huge!!! My mum keeps telling me i shouldn't be showing this early on with my first so is convinced i'm having twins! only way to tell is to wait!

hope you are all ok!
back from my festival and ive felt so crap the whole time, got cramps the first night, sickness and headaches from day 2 and backache lol.

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