thanks auntie2mummy

is the peeing for a pregnancy test? Im wanting her to do one so I can have someone official tell me i am, haha!!
As for sleeping on my front, Ive been trying not to. I know its not supposed to be harmful now though, and I know people that have done, but I read that later in pregnancy you should try and sleep on your left side because of it being better for circulation, so Im training myself!! haha
I've always said when I have a baby Im not going to find out the sex, as has my OH, but now its getting closer, we're both getting tempted! I dont know what to do really. Ive always wanted it to be a surprise, but we may suddenly decide to last minute

so I can completely understand where your coming from! I always thought it would be nice though, to have it as a surprise, but im already getting impatient, so not sure if I can last the whole 9 months!
It must be so nice not feeling sick anymore! I cant wait for mine to stop- i thought for a while yesterday it was getting better, as i was wanting food with some flavour, but after dinner realised that was a big mistake! oh well, hopefully it will stop soon.
x x x