March 2012 Babies?

Hi everyone, found this website and needed to add to the March dates :) I am expecting 28th March, found out yesterday and only have told my bff as she has known we have been trying for over a year !! ekk. took its time but its now here :) Congrats to everyone on here :)
Congrats hun. Good luck. Here's hoping for a happy and healthy 9 months. Xxx
Hi all, have my app. with the midwife this morning! should really start getting ready! Have been annoying my mum and OH asking questions about the family history! Hopefully i'm well prepared! :) haha looking forward to it!
Also don't know if you have noticed i have started putting the names on my first post! Will make this prettier as time goes on! :)
Hello girlies!! How is everyone getting on?? I am still only feeling sick when I am hungry, then once I eat it goes away! Symptoms have been nice to me so far :) got my dating scan on 17th so really looking forward to seeing my little bean then! Hope you're all doing ok too xxx
Hi wannabemummy
I'm same as you. Tired & nausea that goes away with eating - so eating lots!
Had scan on Thursday & saw heartbeat which was reassuring. Back on 16th for follow up scan so hoping to see hb much stronger by then! Arent you able to get a sneaky scan beings you're a midwife ;)
How is everyone else doing?? Xxxx
I've got my dating scan two weeks on Thursday, can't wait. It's dead exciting. :D xxx
The scan for the 17th is my sneaky scan :) lol. I will be about 7+4 I think then so will be good to be able to see baby is doing ok before 12 week scan! Glad I am not the only one with sickness that comes and goes!! I know I should feel lucky that my sickness isn't all day every day but you kind of want the maximum amount of symptoms for reassurance! I know it's all ok though :) glad you're doing well pushca - how many weeks are you now? xxx
7 weeks on Tuesday so my scan on 16th I'll be 8 weeks exactly!!
7+4 you'll be able to see heartbeat by then so very exciting!!! 12 weeks is a long time to wait so I'm all for early reassurance scans.
I'm feeling particularly porky at the moment & I'm sure it's not baby bump yet, so going to attempt some zumba tonight which I hear is ok in pregnancy!!!
Hope everyone else is well xx

This is our 2nd baby.. how blessed are we!! We are also not telling anybody shhhh ;-) xxxx
congrats everyone!! i feel so sick and tired all the time, i just want to get to the next trimester!! haha :D got my midwife appointment this wednesday too, really looking forward to it but a bit nervous too! anyone else had theirs yet? x x x
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hi ladies, not feeling too bad today-i don't think i've felt sick at al this week! which is great! hating this waiting for a scan-wish i could get mine soon! Has anyone got theirs coming up?

It was mum ands dad's 30th wedding anniversary party yesterday and 2 people guessed from that and they're not even close to me-so i'm a bit worried more people know that didn't say about it! never mind once i've had the scan everyone can know! :)

Just a random questions for those that sleep on their you still sleep on your front??

Also wondering do you think you'll be finding out your bumps sex? We're very stuck on this we want to know but we also don't! :)

Rosiee: had mine Friday, she'll ask you loads of questions-go there prepared to Pee and she may take blood. I had blood taken and was not prepared to Pee at all! :) she'll ask about HBP and Diabetes. and other things that could run in the family. don't worry-everything will be fine! good luck for wednesday! :)
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Feeling sooooo tired :( Being pregnant & havin a very active 9month old son is proving hard work!! Hope ur all okay xxxx
thanks auntie2mummy :) is the peeing for a pregnancy test? Im wanting her to do one so I can have someone official tell me i am, haha!!

As for sleeping on my front, Ive been trying not to. I know its not supposed to be harmful now though, and I know people that have done, but I read that later in pregnancy you should try and sleep on your left side because of it being better for circulation, so Im training myself!! haha :D

I've always said when I have a baby Im not going to find out the sex, as has my OH, but now its getting closer, we're both getting tempted! I dont know what to do really. Ive always wanted it to be a surprise, but we may suddenly decide to last minute :) so I can completely understand where your coming from! I always thought it would be nice though, to have it as a surprise, but im already getting impatient, so not sure if I can last the whole 9 months!

It must be so nice not feeling sick anymore! I cant wait for mine to stop- i thought for a while yesterday it was getting better, as i was wanting food with some flavour, but after dinner realised that was a big mistake! oh well, hopefully it will stop soon.

x x x
to be honest i can't really remember what i needed to Pee for. She said that every midwife app i will be expected to give a sample. I've not had one person confirm it yet so i just keep looking at my BFP which i still have don't want to get rid of them yet as its my only proof-well that and my belly! :)

I thought i would come on here as i have just got really upset that a house i was going to look at has been sold! Can't stop the tears-what a loser!
Hi girlies, the pee is to check for urinary tract infections (UTI's) to make sure you don't have one, as having a UTI needs to be treated when pregnant, so you will be asked to pee in a pot every time you go and see your midwife girlies so make sure you drink plenty before every appointment :-) xxxx
to be honest i can't really remember what i needed to Pee for. She said that every midwife app i will be expected to give a sample. I've not had one person confirm it yet so i just keep looking at my BFP which i still have don't want to get rid of them yet as its my only proof-well that and my belly! :)

I thought i would come on here as i have just got really upset that a house i was going to look at has been sold! Can't stop the tears-what a loser!

hello....we are same time along and my sickness has also subsided lots this week. So pleased to hear i am not alone....i was starting to worry a bit....but must be that we are just lucky :) xx

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