Labour and Birth - Things the Movies don't tell us!!

I'm having panic attacks again thinking about it, feel like I cant breathe properly. Keep trying to focus on the excitement of finding out if its a boy or a girl.

Really upset about having to leave my wee girl while i'm in hospital too.

it will go so quick'll be in and out and back with you little girl before you know it xx
Maybe I a lucky, but i never had the stinging but I had episiotomy. And doing number 2 wasnt that bad.
It does hurt to give birth but it doesnt have to be horrific and epidural was great
Well today's induction day for me - fingers crossed I'm a lucky lady and I don't need a bum pill :lol: x
Thought I might give this a wee bump and add my tuppence worth now that I've been through it!!

Can honestly say gas and air is amazing!!

Nobody told me though that if you have a c section you can't be induced again, or that contractions on the drip are horrendous! Xx

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No one warned me how sore you can be after and how emotional you are. Also if you have a difficult labour it can be harder to bond and you can feel gutted and cheated out of 'the most amazing experience of your life'. Cos although she is amazing and the bond is finally there now, delivering her is still the worst experience for me.

So just be prepared not to have all sweetness and roses thoughts and memories initially.

Took a lot to admit that to start with but i now can. xx
Nobody told me though that if you have a c section you can't be induced again, or that contractions on the drip are horrendous! Xx

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This depends entirely on the trust you are in :) sometimes some trusts will say no induction, some will say they will offer you one pessary and that's it and others will go straight for the drip and nothing else.
No one warned me how sore you can be after and how emotional you are. Also if you have a difficult labour it can be harder to bond and you can feel gutted and cheated out of 'the most amazing experience of your life'. Cos although she is amazing and the bond is finally there now, delivering her is still the worst experience for me.

So just be prepared not to have all sweetness and roses thoughts and memories initially.

Took a lot to admit that to start with but i now can. xx

:hug: it took me over 9 months to admit that so you've done amazingly.
It's been the toughest five weeks of my life to be honest. But I am getting there xx
The things I didn't know before hand.

*How long the pushing part took and for me it wasn't all that long maybe 45 mins?, but on the films it always seems like 2 pushes and babies out. I kept saying is the head out yet as it felt like it was and they said no but we can see a 'bit' of it! I replied 'A bit!!!!'

* I thought i'd be able to walk around during contractions but in fact I was so tired from having no sleep and focusing all my attention on the hypnobreathing that all I wanted to do was lay down.

* I was unable to walk after birth for a few hours, my legs were like jelly and i felt like i'd run a marathon, I wasn't aware of that possibility beforehand!

*I didn't cry straight after she was placed on my chest and I fully expected to. The emotion hit me like a ton of bricks when she was placed in my arms after the stitches. It was really full on at that moment, sobbed like a baby.

* The blood (lochia) after you give birth smelt quite gross to me, and I kept reading up on sites to hear that it smelt earthy and natural (mine didn't to me) I was told quite a few times when I asked MW's that it does smell strange and i probably didn't have an infection, but after it was still sore 2 weeks in I went to docs and I had a 'bit' of a infection. I knew nothing about all of this before hand as just concentrated on the labour I suppose.

*I am still getting over the stitches after 5 weeks, it feels odd down there and aches at times.

* how many muslins you get through with the milky spit up.

* the babies creases you don't think about when cleaning them, right in behind the ear crease and the crease under my babies chubby neck. I'm ashamed to say they were getting a bit cheesy and I hadn't noticed as it had not revealed its cheesy smell til it did iykwim. So I wish someone had told me that sooner.

*Bath temperature, we had it too cool until we got a bath thermometer and then realised why she had been crying the first time! Oops.
yes, labour smells!! when the baby first comes out......they smell! and then the blood loss after smells...ewww

because we had had a traumatic time....everytime we smelled 'that' smell again coming from me, it brought it all back...
ok... Things I didn'y know/realise before giving birth...

+ How tiring and painful early labour would be. I didn't get any gaps between contractions after 2 cms, they were just 'moving' from my tummy to my back if you get me... :/

+ How much it really does feel like you're doing a big poo :shock:

+ How painful being stitched would be. I've never had stitches anywhere before then so didn't have a clue what to expect. But I had an internal starburst tear and ended up having to be put under general aneasthetic(sp?) while they stitched me up.

+The pain from my stitches was constant up until Cesca was almost 8 weeks old. When AF hits now I still get pain down there, like it's all come back.

+I couldn't walk at all for 24hrs after coming out of theatre as the pain was just too much.

+I lost ALOT of blood (1.4 litres)

+I had gas and air and 1 shot of pethidine to get me through my labour and when Cesca was born I was so spaced out on the drugs that I couldn't fully appreciate her until the next day.

+The senior midwife at my delivery (there was 1 student) was a bitch... Absolute...

+According to the student midwife (personally I don't know if this is true as only gone through it the once), the faster you labour the more likely you are to have internal tears. (Feel free to correct this if it isn't true... It's just what I was told:/)

+ And I didn't realise just how funny shaped babies heads are right after birth. Cesca came out face first, so she had a bulge right on her forehead... I couldn't help but giggle he he

I think that's about it :) xx
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8 weeks..... Only two weeks to go then hopefully!!!! Xx
Just read through a lot of this thread and its safe to say, I'm pooping my pants :( x

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Just read through a lot of this thread and its safe to say, I'm pooping my pants :( x

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I've just read throuhg it whilst eating my sandwich :shock: :shock: :shock:

:rofl: at JayJay

I'm really nervous of tearing and having a really horrible MW. Thanks for posting the unglamorous parts of labour ladies. At least I know now :oooo:

one tip ladies....sleep loads in the last few weeks.......and always have early nights....just in case that night your body decides to go into labour.!! i made the mistake of not going to sleep when i 'though' my labour was kicking off...left it too late and went from the monday night to thursday night without sleep!! resulting in my body shutting down just at the pushing stage and all hell being let loose! x
Its safe to say im absolutely dreading the pain and everything else following!..7 weeks better slow down! lol! :lol:
Oh my gosh Danii, not really spoken to you but remember your BFP. The time flies by and then apparently drags during labour :) Mums deserve anything they ask from Dads


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