ok... Things I didn'y know/realise before giving birth...
+ How tiring and painful early labour would be. I didn't get any gaps between contractions after 2 cms, they were just 'moving' from my tummy to my back if you get me... :/
+ How much it really does feel like you're doing a big poo
+ How painful being stitched would be. I've never had stitches anywhere before then so didn't have a clue what to expect. But I had an internal starburst tear and ended up having to be put under general aneasthetic(sp?) while they stitched me up.
+The pain from my stitches was constant up until Cesca was almost 8 weeks old. When AF hits now I still get pain down there, like it's all come back.
+I couldn't walk at all for 24hrs after coming out of theatre as the pain was just too much.
+I lost ALOT of blood (1.4 litres)
+I had gas and air and 1 shot of pethidine to get me through my labour and when Cesca was born I was so spaced out on the drugs that I couldn't fully appreciate her until the next day.
+The senior midwife at my delivery (there was 1 student) was a bitch... Absolute...
+According to the student midwife (personally I don't know if this is true as only gone through it the once), the faster you labour the more likely you are to have internal tears. (Feel free to correct this if it isn't true... It's just what I was told:/)
+ And I didn't realise just how funny shaped babies heads are right after birth. Cesca came out face first, so she had a bulge right on her forehead... I couldn't help but giggle he he
I think that's about it
