Labour and Birth - Things the Movies don't tell us!!

Lol inky :) xx

I think i'd like to have oh help me, but theres a bit massive bath in the bathroom so I'm wondering if that would beb better instead? x
Just bumping this incase any of the new mummies had anything they wanted to add :) xx :yay:
Ok then....

Well things I didn't know would happen..

I had a difficult delivery including surgery to remove the placenta using a spinal block and they pumped me full of fluids (6l). Twice during the first night in hospital I got oout of bed and just wet myself. It was literally gushing out of me. I think it was a combination of the fluids and remainder of the spinal block but I just paniced and thought that's it i'l be incontinent forever. rest assured 8 days on and I have (almost) full control.
Brilliant thread, I've sat and read the whole thing. Started off by thinking "Oh god I don't want to do this anymore!" then got halfway through and though "I don't care if I poo on the bed, that's the least of my worries!" and have got to the end feeling much better and prepared for labour.

Us women are super humans, it's such an amazing thing! :)
I had read this thread before I went in to be induced, and even though I'd been told a million times I wouldn't care about the whole undignifiedness of it all, I was still convinced I would find it really embarrassing - well I can now say 100% you really don't give a frig who's looking at what bits of you! And I've had to have stitches checked by pulling my pants down and bending over, and a team of doctors with their faces inches from my inner workings for stitches for a few hours :lol: I really feel like I've lost the shame gene I've always had.
I had read this thread before I went in to be induced, and even though I'd been told a million times I wouldn't care about the whole undignifiedness of it all, I was still convinced I would find it really embarrassing - well I can now say 100% you really don't give a frig who's looking at what bits of you! And I've had to have stitches checked by pulling my pants down and bending over, and a team of doctors with their faces inches from my inner workings for stitches for a few hours :lol: I really feel like I've lost the shame gene I've always had.

he this.

bless you xx
I had read this thread before I went in to be induced, and even though I'd been told a million times I wouldn't care about the whole undignifiedness of it all, I was still convinced I would find it really embarrassing - well I can now say 100% you really don't give a frig who's looking at what bits of you! And I've had to have stitches checked by pulling my pants down and bending over, and a team of doctors with their faces inches from my inner workings for stitches for a few hours :lol: I really feel like I've lost the shame gene I've always had.

This makes me feel so much better! I'm worried about being embarrassed! Xx
Yuck you just reminded me about the finger up the arse lol how embarrassing! By this time though all your dignity is out the window!! xxx
To make sure you haven't ripped through your arse lol! Seriously after them seeing your bits and delivering your baby you won't care, its only when you think afterwards
I didn't even feel it, it was just part of the blur that goes on downstairs after the baby comes out but by then you're having a cuddle and full of oh my god it's a baby that they could do anything to you and you wouldn't notice!
haha cant say I didnt notice the finger because the midwife warned me about it but I didnt care I was too into Campbell! xx
I remember the doctor person telling me he was gunna give me paracetemol for the pain afterwards (i had an episiotomy), and remember waiting expecting to be given tablets to swallow that never came..I didn't even realise they put it up there! xx
Finger up the bum :O I was so not told this and actually feeling a little violated now...even nearly 4months on....I never noticed....nor was I told....that I remember...

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Love this thread but am also now a little scared............think Ill just run away lol :shock:

Seriously though, am glad Ive read and am sure I will add to it after ive been through it all :lol:

Thanks ladies xx
Love this thread,I've just sat and read the whole thing, love all your stories good and bad
Now I'm just sat waiting for it to happen to me lol

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