I did hypnobirthing and it did help me to focus on my breathing but I also think it is important for ladies to know what can happen. What can go wrong. And also to know that if it isn't the magical experience you hoped and it's traumatic. That how you are feeling for the days. Even weeks after is completely normal.
Had I not read others experiences and talked through with other mums about not immediately bonding after a traumatic birth, I think I would have slipped further into pnd. But as it happens, with knowing what I was feeling was normal by being prepared... I was able to pull myself through it.
I wish I had had the amazing birth where baby is placed on you and the rush of love happens and daddy is there and he kisses you.... But I didn't. I feel very cheated out of that. .
But now she is just so cute and I love her to bits but no one prepares you for how you can feel when it doesn't go smoothly, but try not to worry about how lost and emotional you feel cos it does all come right, but make sure you talk about it.
At the end of the day, you get your baby and so whsyever you go through is worth it ..
One bit of advice...... Take loads of drinks with you. You are soooooooo thirsty in labour!!!