Labour and Birth - Things the Movies don't tell us!!

I shared some stuff at my NCT class - like they will check for tears by putting finger up your bum - the girls were not impressed at all, I wont tell them anything else probably
I didn't know I would bleed so much either! I thought baby came out then that was it, I bled for about 3 weeks afterwards. I had an assisted delivery in the end too. If possible I would try and avoid being induced again. My waters had gone myself but they left me 2 hours and because I hadn't dialted they put me on the drip, it's totally unnatural and I swear it's what made Jack get distressed and end up flipping round (the drip basically makes you contract and if it's not monitored closely you can have several strong contractions very close together which can distress the baby) I will wait until Iliterally can't walk with the pain next time too as we ended up sitting in a waiting room for 4 hours as I was only 3cm and they wouldn't admit me to a bed until I was 4, BUT they wouldn't let me go home incase a bump in the road sent me going and he was born in the car :shock::wall2:

You honestly do forget the pain straight afterwards and there really is no need to scream like some women on OBEM. Yes it hurts but there is pain relief avaialable if you can't take it. Don't be a hero1!
Just thought I'd add some things :)

With a rushed emergancy c section you dont always sign anything before hand (they didnt have time to get me to sign the forms) so you wont know about the bum pill until its been done lol.

Youll be washed after a section by your midwife and a nurse (or at least I was) was mortifying.

When they break your waters, you dont always get a gush or even leak. My LOs head was so low that even after she'd broken the waters nothing was coming out. By the look on her face though Im not sure this is all that common lol.

If you can, dont get your waters broken. Once they are broken it can speed up labour a fair amount which isnt always great. I went from 3-10cm in 2 hours and it was a complete blur. Looking back, as I was progressing fine on my own, I would have said no to ARM and carried on as I was.

Even when your being induced you still have the right to refuse things....they just dont tell you that when your there. i.e. waters breaking, water birth etc.

Its an amazing experience and Id do it tomorrow if I could. The contractions felt like a muscle tightening around my bump, slowly getting tighter and tighter and then releasing. Thats the only way I can think to dsecribe them. Also, listen out for other women on the ward, as I found this as great entertainment :)
If you tear badly, they'll stick a finger up your bum to check
How bad the tear is, make sure you have lots of gas and air!!

Oh yes, I had a finger up my bum! My midwife let a strange bloke come into my delivery room (who was actually a doctor who wanted to check the extent of my tear), he had a good old look at my foof and then said "I'm now going to insert a finger into your back passage" :shock: - but I had only just given birth and had my baby on my chest, and I genuinely did not give a toss. I just lay there whilst he got on with it!
It's amazing how relaxed you become about stuff like that. Midwife said about cutting me as Lo's heart rate had been low for a while to help get him out quicker. She hadn't even finished the sentence and I said yes didn't even ask about pain relief and only had gas and air lol. I couldn't feel a thing tho.
I hope they just check mine without telling me if I tear!! LOL xx i don't wanna know if someone's gonna stick a finger up my bum!!

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I couldn't feel anything as I was numb from the epidural. They could've shoved anything up there and I wouldn't have known!

Things I would've wanted to know before birth would be-

1. Get as much sleep as you can on the days leading up to your due date as you never know when labour will start and it takes alot of energy, and also once baby's here you won't be sleeping properly for a loong time!

2. Try and get through as many contractions as you can at home before you go to hospital, cos going in and then getting sent home is fustrating AND hurts more than staying put lol..

3. I didn't realise how much bleeding there was after giving birth, it's everywhere! So make sure you have a ton of big pads in your labour bag, and a few pairs of comfy trousers and big knickers!

4. It's really not as glamorous as it is in films, AT ALL, you won't care what you look like during labour and probably not afterwards as you'll be focused on baby. Maybe pack some basic make-up though as if, like me, your mother in law wants to have pics done if the photographers come to the ward, you'll wish you had a little mascara!

5. Don't panic about the actual pushing, you're body will know what to do automatically so go with the pressure and hopefully, like in my case, it will be the least painful bit! Don't fight it and DEFINATELY use gas and air its AWESOME :)
Things I would've wanted to know before birth would be-

1. Get as much sleep as you can on the days leading up to your due date as you never know when labour will start and it takes alot of energy, and also once baby's here you won't be sleeping properly for a loong time!

2. Try and get through as many contractions as you can at home before you go to hospital, cos going in and then getting sent home is fustrating AND hurts more than staying put lol..

3. I didn't realise how much bleeding there was after giving birth, it's everywhere! So make sure you have a ton of big pads in your labour bag, and a few pairs of comfy trousers and big knickers!

4. It's really not as glamorous as it is in films, AT ALL, you won't care what you look like during labour and probably not afterwards as you'll be focused on baby. Maybe pack some basic make-up though as if, like me, your mother in law wants to have pics done if the photographers come to the ward, you'll wish you had a little mascara!

5. Don't panic about the actual pushing, you're body will know what to do automatically so go with the pressure and hopefully, like in my case, it will be the least painful bit! Don't fight it and DEFINATELY use gas and air its AWESOME :)

love your avatar....i have just bought boo boo it's first ever item...a tigger suit :D xx
Just reread this whole thread...:) such great advice! X
Just read this full thread for the first time.

Wanted to add -

They dont tell you that after you've given birth, you've cuddled baby & body starts to relax, they ask you to push out the placenta which is not too much smaller than the actual baby.

They also dont tell you that your first poo after birth is like giving birth again

That even weeks after birth you're crying your eyes out whenever you do a pee

That for 5/6 weeks after birth I had to wear 3 super thick maternity towels one on top of the other & 2 pairs of plastic pants for bleeding & still leak thro to trousers

Just read this full thread for the first time.

Wanted to add -

They dont tell you that after you've given birth, you've cuddled baby & body starts to relax, they ask you to push out the placenta which is not too much smaller than the actual baby.

They also dont tell you that your first poo after birth is like giving birth again

That even weeks after birth you're crying your eyes out whenever you do a pee

That for 5/6 weeks after birth I had to wear 3 super thick maternity towels one on top of the other & 2 pairs of plastic pants for bleeding & still leak thro to trousers



Because of my stitches, every time I went for a pee in the weeks following the birth I used the shower head as I went, that was the only way it didn't sting! It's all about diluting it! x
P.S Thanks Samsgirl :) It was a bit big for him for a while but now it fits perfectly and it looks so cute :) x
can i change my mind about having boo am so scared :( i keep crying randomly out of sheer terror xx
Agreed, going for a wee afterwards... it is agony. There was one point a couple of days after Poppy was born that my poor OH didn't know what to do, because he had the baby crying in one room and me howling in agony in the bathroom, bless him!
can i change my mind about having boo am so scared :( i keep crying randomly out of sheer terror xx

I was the same! But even though there's no denying it bloody hurts, when it comes down to it, you just get on with it and and you cope. I know everyone says that but it's so true. Just think every contraction brings you closer to meeting your LO. x
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