Things I would've wanted to know before birth would be-
1. Get as much sleep as you can on the days leading up to your due date as you never know when labour will start and it takes alot of energy, and also once baby's here you won't be sleeping properly for a loong time!
2. Try and get through as many contractions as you can at home before you go to hospital, cos going in and then getting sent home is fustrating AND hurts more than staying put lol..
3. I didn't realise how much bleeding there was after giving birth, it's everywhere! So make sure you have a ton of big pads in your labour bag, and a few pairs of comfy trousers and big knickers!
4. It's really not as glamorous as it is in films, AT ALL, you won't care what you look like during labour and probably not afterwards as you'll be focused on baby. Maybe pack some basic make-up though as if, like me, your mother in law wants to have pics done if the photographers come to the ward, you'll wish you had a little mascara!
5. Don't panic about the actual pushing, you're body will know what to do automatically so go with the pressure and hopefully, like in my case, it will be the least painful bit! Don't fight it and DEFINATELY use gas and air its AWESOME