Labour and Birth - Things the Movies don't tell us!!

I had a huge congealed blood loss the 2nd night after I was home, it fell into my jammie bottoms, was the size of both palms of my hands... Like a jelly fish... Xxx


I never had the after pains or contracting while bfing :-o that must be so weird.. I had phantom kicks for so long after..

My bum was sorer than my foof, I had sex before I pooed :blush: it took me so long to poo! X

So there is some hope then!! x
I didn't have a sore bum and pooped 2 or 3 days after giving birth.
But I did have trouble holding in my farts for a week after lol x

Tapatalking from my blackberry!
Omg don't get me started on farts lol...

I was SO windy after my section, and it really hurt!! I'd have visitors up to see me and I couldn't do anything! X
I pooed 3/4 days after... I was terrified. Wasn't as bad as I thought xxx
i was off my tits on tramadol...ha ha.....i am sure that's the only reason i could poo! I was so relieved, I rang my mum from the loo in the hospital. ha ha xx
I had to poo standing up after labour as sitting down and pooing put soooo much pressure on my stictches. Nice.

I wondered why my bum hurts to poo. I was dreading that I might have internal piles, but I had a back to back labour too so I guess that must be it.

Because I'd been severely anaemic after losing 2 litres of blood, I was getting pumped full of iron supplements...

When I went to the loo for the first time, about a week after the birth lol it was totally black! I had to call the midwife.

It was like having the trots but ink black. Not even kidding!
Omg the thought of having a poo so soon after is making my eyes water :samsmum:

I had a black poo! I was per warned though lol it looks so wrong x
This is not the thread to read after I've just eaten lunch :(

Love, Jugs x
Laxatives ! A mild one to soften everything up will make that first poop a bit less scary . I just couldn't go as i was so worried after Aoibheann and was so constipated that I tore myself :blush: . Seriously lots of fruit, water and a mild laxative x

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