***June Mummies***

How far are you now bubbles?

I haven't really had a lot of symptoms. I started off with sore boobies that disappeared at 7 is weeks. Then I had a week of nausea at around 8/9 weeks. Which disappeared and was left with on off sickness.

No symptoms doesn't always mean bad news, embrace it - she says who is constantly fretting lol xxx

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I am around 11+2 weeks now. Maybe it’s cause it’s our third babies, our bodies kinda just know what they are doing? Let’s hope it works in labour too! As long as it’s not too quick, I live an hour away from hospital �� xx have you got your 12 week scan soon at hospital? X
I'm hoping that's what it is. Our bodies are well trained to handle the hormones, my fella would argue differntly I'm sure lol. My 12wk scan is on Thursday. What about you? You must be close to yours too xx

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Mine is a week Thursday so I’ll be 13 weeks. I was put forward dates by 5 days with both of my girls but not sure on this one, but I always get migraines when I ovulate so I think I ovulated quite late on month I conceived this one.

So only 4 more sleeps till you get to see baby again! Exciting!! :) xx
Oh migraines are terrible. My mum got then every month too. Fortunately mine are hit and miss so never got them frequently. Apparently the asda vapour bubble bath helps relieve migraines/headaches, might be worth a bottle if you happen to get one during pregnancy?

Yep not long now til scan date, I'm so nervous about I actually have a pit of dread in my stomach :(

OK TMI question here, apologises. But do any of you panic like an idiot after sex? I've been so nervous about sex that we've gone from 2 - 3 times a week to once a fortnight lol. Then I spend a good hour feeling guilty and rubbing my tummy. I don't want to upset bean, but at the same time I miss sex lol

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Thanks baby might give it a try. To be honest since being pregnant I haven’t had any! Hopefully it will stay like that.

I’m the same with sex, some days I am so grumpy and hormonal I don’t even want to be touched. And I do worry when we do that I will start bleeding and I always get stabbing pains as well after. Can you do other stuff that isn’t penetrating? Xx
Baby I’m not a huge sex fan, but last week I suddenly really wanted it! Then like you worried after, spotted a little for a few days after too. Stupid hormones ��
I've really gone off sex too since getting pregnant. I got some spotting the first couple of times but it seems to have stopped. I tend to wear black knockers afterwards now too so the spotting doesn't upset me since I can't notice it if it's hardly anything but I would still know if anything had gone wrong. I find it more painful too but I don't know if that's just because I can't get properly into it. I miss it though and I know poor DH would like to be able to do it more often.
I've been the opposite. I want it more than ever but way too terrified I will bleed. Instead just settling for everything except penetration haha. Will have to do!
I love sex normally, but can take it or leave it at the min much to OHs disappointment lol. Sometimes, like last night, he pushes all the right buttons and one thing leads to another. Normally I'm batting him away haha

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I hear in the 2nd trimester DH will be happy at least!

To be honest I might be more into it if I didn't feel so sick. I thought the sickness was getting better but the last couple of days have been awful. I keep getting hit by phantom smells only I can smell that have me running to the bathroom to throw up. Last night I freaked out because I thought I could smell gas until my husband pointed out our whole building is only set up for electric, there is no gas main. And I can barely open the fridge without throwing up despite scrubbing it out and no one else could smell anything before or after!
Oh no abi, phantom smells are the worse! I've not had anything like that yet thank god. I did think my sickness was getting better then I had 2 days of vomiting again. Yesterday I felt fine all day, ate some shortbread biscuits and midget gems while watching TV and ended up vomiting :(

Stupidly risked cereal and milk this morning and had to breathe through nausea on the way to school. Didn't vomit though so all good! Haha

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With my daughter I didn’t have sex till the third trimester, and that was only to try and get things moving haha!
I can’t believe I actually got pregnant, with my low sex drive, lack of period for 5 months and my partner working away in Slovenia, he came home for the weekend and bam!
I hope you sickness improves Abi, I’ve suffered with nausea all day on and off this time. Yesterday I was craving a hot drink but not tea! I had hot black currant and I think it actually made my nausea better xx
Chrissi you've got me craving ribena now too. I'm not in the UK though so I'm going to have to hunt it out in the expat shops and probably pay a fortune for it! I'm going to cook a veggie shepherd's pie for dinner tonight. The foods I can tolerate seem to change everyday. After a diet of plain rice and cheese salad sandwiches the last few days my tastes changed and all I want is the Ainsley Harriot cous cous and shepherd's pie. Its mental but at least I'm getting variety still so I don't go insane!
Haha... can you get high juice where you are? Or is it one of those countries that doesn’t drink squash lol?
(Took my daughter on holiday to Bulgaria, couldn’t get squash anywhere!) I haven’t got proper Ribena as it can sometimes have a funny taste to it, but black currant high juice. I bet the “fresh” black current would be ok. Always worth a try!

A cheese salad sandwich sounds amazing. Especially on fresh crusty bread! Oh god I’m salivating!
Omg funny you girls should mention Ribena, it's the only squash I can stomach at the moment and even water is making me nauseas! How strange!
I've been sent home from work again! One of the little boys in my class started retching within 10 minutes of arriving at school and we found out that he, along with 4 others had been given medicine before coming in. My boss had a high fever with her first son when she was pregnant and ended up on an IV and she said it just isn't worth the risk so I want home an hour after arriving. It gives me a bit of time to look for ribena though and it's cooler and more breezy today so I can finally have the windows open instead of ac running all the time. There's a bird sitting on my balcony which is lovely too!
I’m getting so anxious not knowing if this baby is ok or not. Last pregnancy I had spotting so had an early scan around now which stopped me worrying so much. This time round I really want a scan but can’t afford the £80/90 for a private one. I just really hope I’m not waiting til 13-14 weeks as I may go crazy.
I know what you mean Debbie. I've had a sore lower back and some mild cramping in my pelvic area which has been freaking me out massively this evening. Waiting another 2 weeks to find out all is okay is like torture.
I've had a scan at 12 weeks and I'm having the dating scan tomorrow but I'm still so nervous and terrified that something will be wrong or go wrong.

I honestly don't think that feeling will ever go will it?


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