***June Mummies***

Baby I agree that no news is good news. If the Dr isn't sure why you were referred then that's good too. Although I understand you must be going out of your mind with worry. It's terrible that they called you in to worry you for no reason. You are several weeks ahead of me so your symptoms should be decreasing around now anyway so I wouldn't get too worried about a lack of symptoms although again I totally understand the fear. Right now I would love the sickness and exhaustion to stop but I know how scary it must be wondering what's happening when it does.

If it were me I would take the blood test purely because you'll have a better idea of what's going on and hopefully you can go into the scan with a bit more hope and actually enjoy it. It would be awful to have something so important ruined by fear, especially when there may be no reason at all.
Doctors can be so useless and insensitive when it comes to pregnancy! How long is it tilll your scan baby3?
It is so hard when you have no symptoms, I’ve not had any either, kinda doesn’t feel real. Will have everything crossed that whatever decision you make it is good news :) xx
I hope you're feeling OK baby, I'm thinking of you and your scan, I really hope it can put your mind at rest so you can enjoy this pregnancy.

My symptoms are starting to ease slightly now too although I would have thought the same this time last week before spending all of Friday night throwing up so maybe it's just a plateau and I'll have another horrible weekend. Freezing orange juice in an ice lolly has helped too... And it's yummy!

DH is working away this week in Africa so I have been able to nap a lot and get lots of early nights. I also booked a dental checkup and clean as it was on my before getting pregnant to do list and I didn't get time. The dentist says everything looks great and no signs of gum inflammation so far.

I'm looking forward to DH getting back on Saturday as we are going to have the hospital tour to have a look at the maternity ward before properly signing up for this hospital. It seems very midwife lead with one of the lowest c-section rates in the area. My friend at work had 2 c-sections so if I can avoid the recovery from that I would like to. They also have a birthpool at the hospital and I'm quite interested in the idea of a water birth. Anything that can apparently reduce the need for an epidural... The whole idea of one freaks me out but I'm sure I'll be begging for one as soon as I get the first contraction!

What is everyone else up to? Any plans for the weekend? I'm also hoping to see the new Fantastic Beasts movie if I feel up to it, anyone else going?
Sorry to hear your symptoms have eased off baby. Did you book a scan? My symptoms are also easing. No sign of sore boobs and no bloating. I was sick Saturday and now nothing. Now I have brown spotting. Not sure if it’s bad spotting or TMI irritation from dtd the other day. First time since finding out I’m pregnant.
I have my second scan on Saturday and I’m wishing the days away so I can find out either way if my little bean is growing. Thinking of having the next couple days off work as I just feel off and anxious.

Hope everyone else is ok and good luck for any other early scans coming up! Xxxx
Hey all I've been feeling a bit low so not posting so much the last couple of days. Think it's just my hormones.
Baby.3 try not to worry (I know it's hard I'm the Queen of worrying!) They said it was mid-range which doesn't sound bad to me and if symptoms are easing it's likely the placenta taking the flack and helping you out at this stage. Pay for a scan if it puts you at ease but I know it's not long til your 12 week scan so maybe take the bloods til then? Did you have your bloods done for any reason or was it purely cause your symptoms had eased? I haven't had anything like that done and it's still a while til my next scan. It's so hard waiting but I am thinking of you and hoping little bean is growing strong.
Baby.3 I hope everything is ok. I don’t know about everyone else but I feel like all I’ve done is worry so far. I’ve hated the nausea but then worry when I wake up and don’t feel sick. I had really sore boobs at the beginning and now they are still sore but not as much so I worried about that too. The funny little aches and pains every so often make me worry too. I think maybe because we tried for so long for number 2 it’s made me more paranoid. My husband’s just taking it all in his stride he’s not worrying about anything he’s just in a blissful baby bubble, I hoping by the 12 week scan I’ll be more relaxed about it all too.
Thank you ladies.

These last few weeks have been nothing but anxiety and worry filled. It's ridiculous because my 12wk scan is only 9 days way but I've booked an early reassurance scan at a local centre. I'll only find out a week earlier but it will hopefully put my mind at rest or at worse allow me to grieve and decide what to do next.

I feel like all I do is whine and moan when I come on our thread, I'm so sorry ladies. Here's hoping that tri 2 will be a little more reassuring for all of us. God willing I make it that far!

I would say I hope everyone is OK, but by the sounds of it we're all going stir crazy not knowing our beans futures. Tri 1 is a living hell!


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I know what you mean, I moan loads haha but it's just because we've been through so much to get here. Hopefully we will all have beautiful babies come June and we will be sorry we ever complained about something like morning sickness when we never sleep well again haha xxx I feel very positive for you Baby and I'm glad you have got an early scan xx
Fingers crossed smithy and baby. This should be my most exciting pregnancy as it was natural. I’ve had no spotting apart from after internal scan and after sex. But I’m more petrified with this one than I was with my daughter. Roll on Saturday!!!
Oh Chrissi, I hope Saturday rolls round quickly. I'm wishing the days away for you! Did you have to have help to conceive your first child? My first born I conceived naturally, but I was very young when I had him. Then my second child took just shy of three 3years to conceive, and many many fertility tests and procedures. He's a clomid baby and was told I'd likely not fall pregnant on my own. I'd not used any form of birth control since having him. Then out of the blue in January I realised my period was a week late, tested and got my first natural BFP. Unfortunately, that ended in a mmc at my dating scan (hense the reason I'm bricking this dating scan!). I then fell again in June/July but mc at 5.5weeks. Then got another BFP in August and here we are now. I keep questioning why has my body decided to now allow pregnancy to occur, I worry that at 33 years my body is spitting out all my dud eggs which is why I keep miscarrying.

I'm the same as you. You'd think I'd be over the moon at conceiving naturally, but there is so much worry and fear. I'm hoping should I make it to tri 2 that I can relax a little and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. Well, until I swell up like an elephant and struggle to put my socks on lol xxx

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My first was a clomid baby. I had a mmc the first time and a successful pregnancy 18 months later. Apart from early spotting my pregnancy and labour was text book and went perfectly. (Although weirdly I’d rather give birth once a month for 9 months than be pregnant!)
I have PCOS and didn’t get pregnant naturally at all with my ex over almost 6 years. I’ve been with my new partner about 18 months and we were waiting for an appt to get referred for clomid again. I’ve not had a period since April! But I’m pregnant naturally! I only want one more baby as I find the first 12 weeks too stressful, then after that it’s until you can feel movement. Then it’s have they been moving enough. It’s amazing isn’t it though that our bodies suddenly start working after years of being broken. I’m 25 but I’ve wanted to be a mum for as king as I can remember.
My situation with my first was perfect married, own house etc. I never thought id have children by different dads. But hey here I am happier than ever.

How many children would you like baby? Or will you keep going for as long as nature intends?

Does anyone watch Emma Willis delivering babies? Last night was so sad, and so happy! I was almost sobbing xxxx
Before my BFP in January I'd made peace with having 2 children. My clomid baby was text book pregnancy and labour but the struggle to get the that point was too much and I couldn't put myself through it again. So I settled on only ever having 2 children and I'm thankful I have two. But then getting my BFP in Jan I was over the moon and made me realise how much I wanted another baby, and my OH agreed. After the last loss I said I wasn't going to try again but I couldn't make peace with that. So both me and OH decided that we'd relax and just use the 'see what happens approach'. We were lucky to fall again so quickly. A little bit of me is still in disbelief that it's all happened naturally. Like you say the first 12 weeks are horrific, then waiting for movement is worse! I never felt this apprehensive with either my first or second pregnancies, I totally took them for granted and went through them in total ignorance. After the mmc I realise how fragile the whole growing a baby is, and definitely am not taking it for granted. I've counted down the weeks and each week feels like a mile stone! Xxx

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Oh and my first and second child have different dads too. I was barely 18 when I had my first child and thought I knew what love was. He turned out to be an utter a-hole, was mentally abusive, prolific cheater etc. I left him just before my first born was 1 years old. I gave up on relationships as I couldn't trust anyone after that. Until I meant my current OH we've now been together 10 years. I've driven him insane at times but he must like me as he's still here haha xxx

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I think relationships are just so different now. All my family and extended family are or were married when they had children but I am not married. I am 30 and my partner is 36 and we decided now was the time to have our first because why wait? If we waited until we were married time could get in the way and potentially who knows. And I am glad we started when we did because so far we have been on this road for 8 months and this is my third pregnancy. At the moment it just feels like it will never happen but this pregnancy has been so different to the first two I think it's a good sign. The sepsis is the only thing that really shook and frightened me but I try to remember that I could have died so really I need to be grateful for getting this far and being healthy too.
Wow baby. I was 19 when I started trying. Pregnancy is amazing! When you can relax that is!
Did you say you booked a scan?

Same here smithy. Both mine and my partners parents are still together. And our aunts and uncles/ grandparents are still together. Definitely makes Xmas and special occasions easier lol!
Did you have sepsis while pregnant? Xxx
After my second MC I had a lot of complications and scans, was being watched by EPU and a tiny piece of tissue remained in my womb causing severe sepsis within 48 hours. My partner rushed me to a&e as I couldn't stop shaking and I had a temp that rocketed over 40 degrees. I was watched by ICU and my blood pressure and heart rate couldn't stabilise for 24 hours. They said another day and I would have lost limbs or died.
But I thank God for an amazing hospital staff and the NHS as they spotted me in the waiting room and had me hooked up to 4 IVs in 20 minutes. Scariest 4 days of my life and About 6 to 8 weeks recovery. But I'm here pregnant after waiting 3 cycles for a normal period after a D&E and it's been smooth really but after all that it's hard to believe.

Sorry that's a bit of an essay about myself I didnt mean for it to be xxx
Oh bless you that sounds awful. I can’t imagine being in that position.
No that’s fine lol. I like hearing other people’s stories. You don’t realise how many other people have been through such a crappy time. Have you had an early scan smithy or are you waiting out until 12 weeks? Xx
That's true. Hope it makes my constant whining more reasonable haha! I am trying to be more positive.
I had an early scan as my midwife pretty much insisted as she is so sweet and said I had been through enough and deserved one lol. I had one at 7 and 2 I think it was and measuring perfectly where we saw and heard heartbeat which is so promising. We also saw little buds for arms and legs which was great. Such a positive first scan but I'm still very nervous for 13 week scan on 6th Dec xx what about you?
Aww that’s lovely. It’s crazy how much early scans differ on what can be seen. I had an early scan but was too early to see much, I have a rescan on Saturday which I’m quite anxious about. Boobs are sorer today after not being sore at all the last few days and mild nausea. So keeping my fingers crossed we see our little jelly baby. My nhs scan date came through for 28th November as we thought I’d be between 2 dates. (Not has a period since April) so I should be just shy of 10 weeks then they’ll rescan cause I will need the nt test doing �� I’m not going to change it as seeing baby always helps reduce the anxiety. For a day at least �� xx
Good luck for the scan, it is so nerve wracking but it's good you have positive symptoms. I'm 10 weeks today and mine have eased off slightly. Nausea is much better and I'm a lot less tired. Praying I've hit second tri lack of symptoms early. Would be nice as I have felt so rough xx

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