***June Mummies***

Ladies! I've had my private scan today and I'm relieved to report that my paranoia was unfounded lol. Little one is perfect! He/she is growing lovely, measuring between 11.5 and 11.6wks so just shy of the 12wk mark. All limbs present and a beautiful heartbeat of 161bpm. I'm so happy right now, I feel on cloud nine.

Just goes to show that every pregnancy really is different. I've had very minimal symptoms compared with my last viable pregnancy.

I would say that the scan has resolved all fears but I'd be lying. I'm always going to be fearful of the worse but I'll try to relax a little about the whole lack of symptoms now.

Got my official 12 scan next Thursday so that's my next mile stone.

The sonographer was lovely and gave me a whole bunch of photos to take home. Here's a couple for you. All guess of gender welcome haha

(p.s sorry if photos are massive, I'm uploading from my phone)

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Awwww wow Baby.3 I am so so happy for you! Look at your little bub :) so lovely! I'm so pleased everything is perfect for you. Now try to relax and enjoy your week xx
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Oh wow baby that's amazing! I'm so glad that everything seems to be perfect. At least this means you can actually enjoy your 12 week scan without going in having to deal with so much fear. That is a beautiful scan too. You can really see a baby! My DH was slightly disappointed at my early scan that we couldn't see much more than a blob with a heartbeat (unsurprisingly) so it's nice to have the 12 week scan to look forward to where you can see so much. I'm curious about how you tell if it's a boy or girl too. Are you secretly hoping one way or the other?
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Thanks ladies I'm so relieved.

I just want a happy and healthy bubs really, not bothered what's between it's legs. Secretly though, I'd love a little girl. I have two boys so a little girl would be awesome. However, a boy would be just as exciting and if I'm honest I'm fully expecting another boy. Although the Chinese calender suggests girl and it was right last time lol.

So to tell if baby is girl or boy the theory's are:

Nub Theory - this suggests that if the nub is pointing upwards away from the spine that it'll be a boy. If the nub is parallel to the spine it'll be a girl.

Skull Theory - If the forehead of the skull is rounded it'll be a girl. If the forehead is flat and blockier it'll be a boy.

Obviously, there only a bit of fun. Only a gender scan can reveal the gender xxx

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Congrats baby! Fantastic news!! I’m not sure cause nub looks more girl but head looks more boy.

Were you put forward or back dates? I always think if you go forward by days then it’s girl and around the right time or back is boy but I don’t know how true that is. :) x
I was actually put forward 2 days. I'm on the fence with it. I think nub looks girly too and agree the head looks like a male head. The sonographer did say she has a sneaky suspicion that it's a girl... Suppose she has a 50/50 chance of being right haha xx

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I think it's hard to tell with the head as it looks like there is a little hand up there too. Do you have to wait until 20 weeks to find out for sure?
Abi there is a hand up there against his/her head lol very dramatic! Normally you'd have to wait for the 20 week anomaly scan. But as I'm so impatient I'll hopefully be going for an early gender scan just before Xmas, so only another 3-4 weeks to wait. Think some place will attempt to find gender at 15 weeks but the longer you wait the better. So I'll aim for 16.5 weeks xx

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Chrisi good luck with your scan today hun. I really hope it's all good news, got everything crossed fir you. Keep us posted if you can xxxx

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Good luck Chrissi!

I'm still having an awful time with nausea but haven't been sick in a week. The trick for me seems to be staying on top of eating. I just brushed my teeth and got into bed only to have to get up and make a cheese salad sandwich! I've unsurprisingly already gained 2kg so I'm worried the doctor will get on at me at the next appointment. It hasn't been healthy stuff either. I went to the supermarket yesterday and my brain went blank. I bought coco pops bars, juice, porridge, cookies and bread. Nardly a healthy balanced diet. I have been getting lots of veggies too though, luckily salad isn't one of my aversions! Hopefully I'll get back on it when the sickness gets better.
I find it hard sometimes Abi. My nausea is coming and going these days but still there in the evenings. Some days I just have 'beige days' because that's all I can stomach. Others I eat tonnes of fruit and veg. I feel like as long as I'm avoiding the really bad stuff like caffeine and alcohol etc and being as balanced as I can the odd off day where I have a KFC isn't going to harm baby. I mean our parents and grandparents ate all sorts of things so I feel like I'm the grand scheme as long as I'm being as healthy as I can. I've put on about 4 pounds I think.
I'm struggling with drinking enough water. I'm just not thirsty. I have to add squash and things because on its own I want to vomit. So weird!
Hi ladies, thankyou all for lovely messages. Had my scan and measuring 8 weeks with a healthy little bean! So relieved. Due at the very end of June, so I’ll hover across here and July. Although my DD arrived on time!
Last couple of days I’ve had nausea. No set pattern just random times through the day and when I wake during the night. Boobs can literally feel like they’re being stabbed with hundreds of knives one second and the next they’re completely fine. And my partner keeps telling me I’m being horrible haha!
Baby appears to be at the top of my uterus and hb was 146bpm! I’m thinking another girl!

I’m with you ladies on the eating crap boat! I’ve had fish and chips twice and a Chinese since Thursday! Also finding Boursin cheese and crackers very nice. Although it leaves the awful garlic taste! Can’t win! Fruit juices and fresh fruit are definitely my best friend first thing in the morning though!
Hope everyone else is feeling good now?! Xx
Yaaaaay Chrissi I am so pleased that all went well! Things are certainly looking positive for us June mummies. I think we have all earned ourselves a little break from all this worrying for a bit.
Ohhhh I could eat chips tonight lol!
Yay chrissi, I'm so happy to hear this! Glad it all went well, and you saw bubs and heartbeat xx

As you all know my symptoms are very sparse lol. I generally feel OK on a daily basis, occasional aching boobs. Hit and miss with the sickness, no nausea in a while I just get a sudden urge to throw up then feel fine immediately afterwards. I do still have a weird aversion to dairy though, can't have milk in drinks, occasionally can stomach a small bowl of cereal and milk. Had cheese salad wrap the other day... It didn't say down long lol.

But other than that I feel OK. I should be happy with that but I always find solid symptoms to be reassuring lol.

Chrissi did you little girl really arrive on her due date? Mine have both been late, 1 by 10 days the other by 4. So I fully expect this one to be the same.


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Yes! Waters went at 12am on her due date. I had Braxton Hicks on an off from 37w and thought it was happening every other day lol!
I don’t know how ladies cope going overdue. I’d go absolutely spare! Xx
I’m so pleased for you Chrissi!!

My daughter came at 37 and 4 so I hope this one isn’t too late (or earlier!).
Congrats Chrissi! Lovely to hear :)

I’m counting days down to scan on 29th. I literally have no symptoms now which is really worrying me. Not had any nausea at all, was constipated and quite spotty but they have both gone the last week too. I’m sure everything is fine but doesn’t stop worrying, as you girls all know too well!

Hope you guys all having a lovely weekend! My oh was whisked me off for a night away from the children which is lovely xx

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