***June Mummies***

Got everything crossed for you Chrissi. I know when I had my early scan an 5+5 there was only a sac and yolk visable. The midwife did say to me that it was very unlikely to see anything else until about 6/7 weeks. The sac has to measure a specific measurement before you'll be able to see a fetal pole. I went back for a scan at just over 7wks and there was a embryo and heartbeat. I know how disappointing it is to not see a heartbeat but there is still loads of time for it to develop. And as for symptoms, the girls on here can confirm that I spent tha vast majority of the earlier weeks with very little to no symptoms. They only really kicked in from about 8wks, and there still very minimal.

Ladies, my app has just informed me that I'm now 10wks today! 2.4wks til 12 week scan. Still absolutely terrified of the thought of going to it. I'm not sure how my nerves/anxiety will hold up on the day.
Very little nausea, minimal sore boobs and sickness is once a day and in the evenings only. Still don't particularly feel pregnant, not until the aching and stretching starts then I'm well aware of what is happening and spend hours monitoring and praying it develops into nothing else lol. Apparently, according to one of my apps the placenta has finished its first stage of development and begins to take over the corpus luetum. Hormones can spike at this point then settle down around 12wk mark. I got to 10+5wks in my previous pregnancy and now wonder whether the placenta had formed correctly and thats why baby stopped growing? No one will ever be able to tell me, just praying whatever went wrong last time doesn't happen again :(

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Thanks ladies the first few weeks are the worst! My first pregnancy ended with a mmc just an Emory sac at 7 weeks. And while pregnant with my daughter I had similar symptoms to the mmc including spotting until week 7 when the textbook morning sickness started.
I’ve had very mild nausea in the morning and a couple of evenings the last few days. I’ve got my next scan on 17th November! It seems like so long away at the moment. I hate the first trimester!!

Fingers crossed for your 12 weeks scan baby. The wait is excruciating isn’t it?! Xx
I just booked my early scan for next Sunday when I'll be 7w2d. I think I'll feel like this is a lot more real when it's been confirmed (again) and I can stop being quite so anxious as long as everything is OK with the heartbeat and everything. Being out of the UK it seems like I have to book in for each appointment myself but if everything is OK at the scan I can book a hospital tour for afterwards and I can actually work out how it works out, some people here book maternity packages but I have to figure out how that works with my insurance. Its nice to have the choice and I know I'm lucky but it also seems like a lot more work.
Talk to me about wind ladies.... I have awful trapped wind. I'd normally down a warm drink and roll around on the floor til it eased. But I cant face warm drinks and I've just tried to roll around and it feel uncomfortable, can feel the press in my pelvic area too much :(

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I have the same problem but mine isn't trapped! Peppermint tea always helps me, can you drink it if you have it over ice? I've been drinking my ginger tea over ice at work. If not try getting on all fours and rocking forwards and backwards, no direct pressure on your pelvis.
Do you know, I never thought if letting the tea cool and having it over ice! Haha what a wally. I'll give that a bash. I've actually just been in all fours, it relieves the pain while I'm rocking but comes back once I stop. I just need a really good burp or fart!!last night there was no stopping my bottom burps, today, no where to be seen or heard!

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I’m with you on the wind!!!
Also had two vivid dreams about spiders! One was tarantula type spiders the other was a spider crawling on me and I woke myself up swatting it! Xz
Good luck on Sunday Abi. It does sound very complicated not being in the uk but also sounds like you have it covered :)

Wind isn’t too bad but I am SO constipated and now caused piles. Oh the joys of pregnancy. Went to chemist today and she gave me fybogel so hoping that will help me.

Got another booking in appt on Thursday at hospital. I want to give birth to a different hospital than my midwife is under as it’s actually closer and where I gave birth to my other two but have to go and have bloods and urine rest up there now. Hoping they might book scan in that day then. Any one else got 12 week scan dates yet? Xx
I had an early scan (private) on Sunday. A long story but due to my sister being critically ill in hospital I thought the stress might have impacted on the baby. Turns out this little one is a tough cookie with a strong heart beat. They dated me exactly where I thought I was.�� I was really happy and then felt guilty for being so happy when my sister was so ill, so I cried. My emotions are all over the place, I never usually cry. I have had terrible wind too, the only thing that’s helped so far is gently running my tummy and sucking a peppermint or drinking peppermint tea. I’ve got my first midwife appointment today, it’s all starting to feel more real now.
Congratulations on the scan Bumbles, it's nice to see a good strong healthy heart beating away.

Sorry to hear about your sister though, i'm sure she'll be over the moon for you and wouldn't want you to feel guilty for being happy about it. Hope she makes a full and speedy recovery soon xx

So i've just discovered brioche buns with bacon and maple syrup! What have i been missing?! It tasted amazing. It's given me indigestion though lol. I've also discovered that my prenatal vit is making me feel nauseous so i've started talking on a night before bed. Nothing else to report really. Still don't particularly feel pregnant, just occasional evening vomiting. Can't really call it sickness as it comes on so sudden, then disappears once i've been sick. And to be honest it just feels like i've eaten too much as it's always an hour or so after eating my evening meal.
Baby, I have also switched to taking the vitamin at night and it has helped with the sickness. I seem to have got on top of it now though. I get back from work, have lunch and then have a sleep through he worst of the sickness, then I feel less sick when I wake up.

Bumbles, I'm so glad your scan went well and so sorry about your sister. I hope she gets better soon. Good luck with your midwife appointment too!
Me three with the vitamins at night. I take the gigantic seven seas ones. Although it can take a while to get to sleep if the nausea creeps up early. I have a lot of naps still and my nipples are so sore the last two days. I don't feel very pregnant though. I keep expecting the worst at the next scan which is an age away. I just can't let myself believe that this time all will be okay. I believed it twice and I was wrong so I keep thinking how will this be any different. Sorry to be a downer just it's been a tough week and my scan seems so far.
I am not coping well with the nausea! Luckily my husband worked from home today as I mostly spent it lying in bed or on the sofa with CBeebies on. It’s constant all day long and I feel so drained I keep falling asleep. I cooked dinner by lying down on the kitchen floor between stirring as I felt so faint. I don’t remember it being this bad last time round. I’m dreading being back at work next week if I feel like this.
I’ve had terrible nausea this time too (didn’t have any with my daughter) infact a lot of my symptoms this time have been much stronger than with my first.

Thank you for the messages about my sister, my mum took the scan pictures in to show her today (I can’t visit because I’m pregnant and what she has is dangerous for unborn babies and young children) and she said she smiled for the first time since she’s been ill. I also found out that I’m due on my sister’s birthday. Midwife appointment went well, she was really friendly, not like my last one. Got another appointment in 2 weeks and need to have my flu jab done.
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That's good news Bumbles, hope she gets well soon.
I need to get my flu jab done too, keep forgetting to book it.
Old wives tale says that the worse the sickness the more likely to have a girl Debbie. Maybe that's why! It sucks though, I've hated the nausea but now it's gone I worry about it being gone. Vicious cycle lol.
Hi ladies...sorry I've not posted much. Sorry but I think i'm going to be out of this group tomorrow. Started pinky spotting early hours yesterday and feard the worst was happening again. Advised to go A&E...waited 2hrs to b told EPAU couldnt see me till tomorrow. Symptoms slowed a little and have had no real pain or major loss yet but am bleeding as if on period. Retook a clearblue digi tonight which did show positive but weeks had dropped...so think I'm defo miscarrying again. Very sad and I'll know for sure tomoz i guess. We wont try again..this is my 5th pregnancy and i feel we got lucky with our son. I'll post tomorrow and i send you all the best for happy sticky pregnancies xxx
MommaK, I'm so sorry to hear this. I truly hope that the scan shows all is OK. Please keep us posted, will have everything crossed for a happy ending.

Well, so much for sickness calming down once the placenta starts to take over. It seems to have ramped up a bit. Couldn't eat my tea last night due to feeling sick, spent all night feeling nauseous, woke this morning and brought every drop of my drink back up. I'm not complaining though, it's bringing me a little bit of comfort. But still totally understand how you feel smithybaby, a big part of me refuses to believe this is going to work out OK. My sickness I can always asign to some another reason, like drinking cold juice too fast, eating too much etc. I think it's just self preservation. If you refuse to believe the best could happen then you won't be as heartbroken if the worse happens.

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Sorry to hear about your news mommaK I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you that everything’s ok today. Also if it’s any helps to you a friend of a friend has had quite a few miscarriages and with the last pregnancy she has taken a 1/4 of an aspirin a day. She’s now due next month with a healthy baby girl.

I feel like sickness is starting for me too now that I’m approaching my 7th week only mild nausea in the mornings but gradually getting worse every day. . Does anyone else feel the need to stretch their back and tummy a lot? I’m sure I had this while oh with my daughter. Like a had to stretch out and arch my back xx
Sorry to hear that MommaK, will have everything crossed for you and hope it isn’t bad news xx

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