***June Mummies***

I'm starting to show a little bit now, is anyone else? Mine is especially in the evening when I am bloated (and I know 99% of it is bloat) but I can feel a firmness in my lower tummy and I can't pull in my tummy so much any more. Jeans are all too tight so I've bought elasticated waist jeggings the next size up. It's all becoming a little bit more real. Also had my midwife appointment and 12 week scan is being booked and letter on its way to me :)
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Yeah I’m getting worried how I’m going to hide it. Using the hairband around the button on jeans trick to make them last bit longer. Can’t wear maternity clothes till I have told everyone as my sister in law is pregnant and I gave it all to her as didn’t think I would need them anymore....

How did midwife go? Did it take long? I’ve got mine tomorrow. Got to take my 2 year old with me though... xx
Evening all.

I can't say I've notice much difference weight/size wise. I'm a larger lady (wear a size 18) and have a tummy from my previous 2 pregnancies. But I have noticed the major bloat which makes me feel huge and I can definitely feel some firmness to my lower tummy in the mornings. All in all I should be able to hide it a while longer yet, fingers crossed!

Had my midwife appointment today, it took roughly an hour but I had a midwife and student so it might be shorter or longer for others. All checks where OK (BP and urine), took bloods for screening. Filled in paperwork and gave me some free vitamins score! Lol. I asked about the dairy aversion and she didn't seem worried, she just said baby would take everything they need from me and I'd recoup what I lose after baby is born. But I've got calcium in my multivitamin so I'm not too worried. I am however missing milk :( I had a chocolate pot today, pinched one from the kids stash lol, and promptly threw up! Seriously, even chocolate is sending to the toilet, I could cry!

12 week scan is booked in for the 22nd Nov, seems like forever away :(

Hope everyone is doing OK? Did you all have a good Halloween? Xx

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Aww baby.3 that sounds so frustrating. I have only avoided throwijg up by sucking peppermint or ginger sweets all day. It's just constant nausea here but no sick yet.
My midwife appointment was also an hour or so but we had a lot to discuss with my two mcs and the sepsis and d&e so she wants to keep a close eye to make sure baby will be okay I think. I didn't have blood pressure, urine or bloods as I think they do those at my scan appointment. She came to my house and we had a cup of decaf and filled out all the forms before she gave me leaflets and vitamins. All very positive.
Nausea isn't too bad really. Comes in waves and suddenly too. So I can feel fine one min, then the next my stomach is in knots and I'm trying to breathe through it because I'm on the school run! Lol.

I thought I was going ok today, stayed clear of diary. Went all day with no vomiting just on off nausea. Then tonight came upstairs to get ready for bed and had to dart to the loo to be sick. Up came the grapes I'd just eaten! Seems to be that I have evening/night time sickness rather than morning.

Other than that im still feeling OK. Days are slowly turning into weeks. I'm hoping now the Christmas period is approaching that the weeks will flyby!

I've decided that providing all is OK at the 12wk scan. Where going to get an early gender scan for Xmas then do a cute pregnancy/gender reveal to my parents/family on Xmas day! Fingers crossed it all goes to plan.

Hope everyone has had a good day? Almost the weekend now. Has anyone got anything planned? Xx

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Bang on 6 weeks for me and the sickness just got much worse. Egg seems to be the thing that does it for me but I think dairy is creeping in as well. My sister left last night which is pretty lucky as she has a sick phobia and I wouldn't be able to hide it from her much longer. Hopefully when I see her again at Christmas the sickness will have passed. I'm still slightly dreading the flight back. But like you Baby we are telling everyone around Christmas. I'm looking at finding out the gender when they do the screening so hopefully I'll know by then too. No plans for the weekend except laying in bed and trying not to throw up!
I’m slightly jealous of those with morning sickness. I have nothing except slight on off sore boobs and my belly no longer goes inwards when I lay down. Going for an early scan tonight to determine whether I’m 6, 8 or more weeks along. Can’t wait. Although I’m worried I’ll only be 6 weeks and not see much!
Hope your sickness subsides soon ladies. I don’t think we’re ever actually happy with what symptoms we do or don’t get lol! Xx
Christmas reveal sounds lovely :) the sickness not so much but then it also must be nice in a reassuring kind of way and hopefully will get better soon.

I went to bed for a lay down at 7.30’once kids in bed and slept through till 6.30! I’m so exhausted all the time.

Don’t know about tomorrow, do something with the kids then Sunday have a meal with my family for Sunday roast. X
Nausea is here too and still feeling light headed sometimes. A lot of family are coming over tomorrow and I don’t now how I’m going to hide it. I’ve spent the last few days lounging around on the sofa (I’m on annual leave while my little one is in nursery). Found my sickness bands from last time and I hope they help!
Feeling a little better today. I've had lots of ginger biscuits and ginger tea and I can actually move today. The sickness seems to come and go though so I feel like it's could come back at any time. Avoiding eggs and dairy seems to help, as does taking my vitamin at night. Hope everyone else is not feeling too bad
I tried to do yoga this morning and felt so shakey and nauseous I had to stop :( I have lots of family here today and I just want to stay in bed.

I have the sickness bands on but they don’t seem to be doing much. Any other tips?
I had a scan yesterday and only saw the yolk sac. I know I’m at least 6 weeks absolutely gutted. I have another rescan in 10 days or so to see if baby has grown at all x
Oh Chrissi I'm sorry. I do hope it's just a late little one and growing slowly. Everything crossed for you lovely xx
I tried to do yoga this morning and felt so shakey and nauseous I had to stop :( I have lots of family here today and I just want to stay in bed.

I have the sickness bands on but they don’t seem to be doing much. Any other tips?

I'm afraid not. Only the ginger tea, ginger sweets or mints seem to be helping me. I bought the sea sickness bands after reading your post and so glad I did as they're working a treat for me. Are you drinking enough water or are you letting yourself get too hungry? Those both make me feel sick.
I wish I could force other people to shower and wear deodorant! Would help with my sickness!
Chrissi I really hope the next scan shows lots of growth and everything g is OK, are you getting any symptoms?
Chrissi I really hope the next scan shows lots of growth and everything g is OK, are you getting any symptoms?

I’ve been stupidly tired and had sore boobs in and off. Felt a bit nauseous this morning but not sure if that was down to my headache. I didn’t get sick till around 6/7 weeks.
Keeping hopes at the moment. As I was 5+6 last time and didn’t see anything other than a yolk. I just know it’s going to be the longest 10 days ever! May even just go again in a week. It’s a free rescan with baby bond so I can go whenever I like, but they just advise at least 10 days xx
Those symptoms sound good, I really hope your little one is just taking a while to get started!
Fingers crossed for you Chrissi. I think all pregnancies are diffferent with symptoms, I’m 9 weeks now and still no nausea, but got the sore boobs, tiredness and headaches like you so hopefully that is a good sign. Xx

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