***June Mummies***

Oh my gosh D3bbie! Glad your ok, are you able to rest up for today?

I've woken up with a stinking head cold, sore throat, headache, blocked sinuses :( and absolutely nothing I can take for it. Ive seen that asda so a vapour bubble bath for kiddies. Do you think I'd be OK to use that?

Nothing much planned for me today. Suppose to be at uni but my kiddie is off school due to teacher training. So other than dropping the dog off fo her grooming session if nothing panned. Think I might see if the little one fancies a film day, but I highly doubt it! Lol

Hope everyone else has a good day xxx

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D3bbie do you suffer from low blood sugar sometimes? As I know sometimes if I’ve not eaten enough etc I start to shake and get clumsy before my eyes start going black..

I’ve booked an early scab for Friday to try and determine when I’m due, very excited but scared as my symptoms are lacking. Just sore boobs now and then and a terrible cold making me gag ��

How’s everyone else feeling? Xx
D3bbie hope you are feeling better!

I felt sick for the first time this morning but thank god it passed. Don’t think it’s actually sunk in yet that I’m having a baby!
Chrissi low blood sugar was the cause last pregnancy so possibly the same. Need to keep some sweets with me. At least this time I was at home. The last time it happened I was in the Body Shop and an ambulance was called. They had to get staff to pop to the cafe for coke and a chocolate cookie :lol:
Low blood sugar seems to be hitting me too. I haven't fainted yet but I get very hangry now, even more than I did before pregnancy. Eating also seems to help a little bit with the nausea. It hung around all morning even after 2 slices of toast and a bowl of cornflakes but after a sandwich and a yogurt at lunch I started feeling better. I've also been sucking on sugar free mints which helps with the nausea.
Has anyone told someone other than their partner yet? I’m not even 6 weeks yet.

I’m debating telling my mum so I have someone else to chat to and get support, rather than pretending that I’m not absolutely exhausted running after my daughter. But I’m scared she’ll say it’s too soon for another (she’s been saying a 3-4 year gap is nice recently) or tell me I won’t cope with 2. My little one will be 2 years 9 months when this one is due. I know I’ll have to tell her at some point though.
I've told my boss. She's a really close friend though and knew I wanted a baby for ages. She even went and bought me some tests when I wasn't sure if I had a tummy bug or morning sickness! Plus because I'm a teacher in a nursery there are a lot of bugs that I need to avoid so it's best that she knows so I can go home if any of the kids has slapped cheek or other bugs. I haven't told my parents or in laws yet. I don't live in the same country as them so hoping to do a big reveal complete with 12 week scan when I go home for a visit at Christmas. I haven't even told my sister who is visiting at the moment as she is scared of sick and if she thought I might have morning sickness she would be so worried.

I wouldn't be too worried about what your mum will say. She will hopefully be thrilled when there is an actual baby to celebrate rather than just the idea of one.
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I have told my mum and dad and my two best friends. I like to talk to people about it as I get really anxious during the first weeks after my first pregnancy ending in mmc. I’m sure your mum will be happy, plus 2 years 9months isn’t far from 3 is it?! Xx
I have told my family and my best friends and my boss, with it been my first I wanted advice and someone to talk to.

Does anyone go to eat something and just don’t want it and not hungry anymore?x
I’ve told my mum, best friend and my oh told his best friend. I told a lot more people with my first and second before 12 weeks but really want this one to be more of a surprise for everyone as think a lot of people will be shocked!

I wish I had that jodders, I’m the opposite and want to eat everything in sight, especially if it contains cheese! ��

Had a bit of a stressful afternoon when I went to go pick up eldest from school, walking down in the pouring rain along road with a 2.5 year old and then rushing off in the car to ballet for the eldest, getting her changed and entertaining the youngest... thinking how the hell will I do this with another baby in tow! �� sure it won’t be as bad as I think.

Hope everyone is doing well? X
I've only told my boss because I work in a special needs primary class and one of my children can be quite violent. Literally no one else because with my last two mcs I feel like the magic has gone a bit from telling people. We are waiting til 12 weeks.

Nausea is non-stop whether I am hungry or full, hot or tired. Hope it means the little kidney bean is sprouting some full limbs and cooking nicely.
I've told my sister, and my sister in law guessed so they know also. Other than that im keeping quiet. Im the same as you smithybaby. In that it feels like the magic of being pregnant has been over shadowed by the miscarriages. Feel a bit like people will think 'here she goes again'. Not that they will! But either way, I'm keeping quiet til after the 12 week scan.

I've felt rough as hell today. Banging headache all day. Only managed a cheese sandwich as lunch, then an hour or so later threw that up. Not sure if that was pregnancy related or because of the headache.

Plans for tonight? I'm vegging on the sofa for an hour before getting an early night. Hoping I sleep a little better!


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I know what you mean baby.3 and they certainly won't think that but it is a fear of mine. Plus announcing at Christmas will be lovely!

Cheese sandwiches seem to be my staple go to as well at the moment. I'm not sure how I haven't thrown up yet when I feel like I'm going to every waking minute.

I've done a lot of begging. I went out Saturday night with work mates and managed to hide my not drinking with nosecco haha. They didn't even look at the bottle. Then having orange juice or lemonade and saying there was vodka in it. Somehow managed to avoid any questions so I don't think they suspected.
Today has been the first day in a while that I haven't had all day nausea. Felt a little ill when stuck in traffic but its gone now.

My staple food at the min is anything cramped with veg. Currently got a beef stew and dumpling in the slow cooker for dinner tonight! Can't wait! Lol.

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Baby, I'm glad you're feeling better! My emotions have really kicked in today and I have just wanted to cry for no apparent reason! I'm now watching Christopher Robin and crying over that but it also reminds me how much I want this child to have an amazing childhood which is helping because I've had a bit of a 'can I do this?' wobble for the last couple of days. Added to that I've been sent home from work for the rest of the week because there is a vomiting bug in the nursery. It's probably a good thing with how tired I have felt and I certainly don't want to get sick but it does leave a lot of time for freaking out at home.
Ok so I think I have a dairy aversion!! This is a massive shock as I loooove dairy products. I could easily eat cereal and cheese and milk all day every day. Yet I can't stand milky drinks and yesterday I threw up a cheese sandwich. Today I've done the same. I've felt OK all day, nibbled on some cheese and bam, needed to rush to the toilet to vomit.

If this stays the same I'm gonna have to take calcium suppliments aren't it?

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Abi, I've not really hit the emotional stage yet. We'll I don't think I have, OH might suggest otherwise lol.

Least you get to snuggle up at home. Shame about the sick bug at work though. Must be hard trying to keep away from such bugs, the incubation period is usually before any symptoms arise. Kids are like ticking times bombs aren't they, just prime to exploding germs every where lol

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Yes it's nice to have a few days to relax at home and my sister is still here until Friday so I can spend more time with her. I know if I had gone into work I would have spent ages trying to work out if it was morning sickness or a bug and generally worrying over nothing.

The dairy aversion sounds awful Baby, I love cheese! Do you just take folic acid or a pregnancy multivitamin? Mine has calcium in anyway so if you are on a multivitamin you might be OK for calcium anyway, if you're just taking folic acid then it's something to maybe talk to the GP or midwife about if you're worried. The baby won't be bothered as it will get what it needs from you but you need to make sure you have enough calcium.
There are a lot of other ways to get calcium in your diet. Broccoli actually has quite a bit in. My youngest refused any milk and still doesn’t drink it after I stopped breastfeeding and she doesn’t like cheese so I remember looking it up and feel assured, may be worth a google :) what about chocolate?? I think I would cry if chocolate made me be sick. �� xx

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