***June Mummies***

Awake at stupid o'clock having had a dream I was having a mc. Then couldn't go back to bed before going to the loo and checking I wasn't. I need to keep reminding myself that my body knows what it's doing but it seems like such a huge and impossible task to make a whole person!
I woke up around 1am too to check. It’s horrible when you can’t get back to sleep until you know.
I was awake at 1am too! Although that was because my OH woke me up coming to bed. Then realised how desperate I was for the loo, and also felt a little sick/hungry. Managed to get back to sleep though and slept straight through til 6.30am. Apparently I was snoring like a beast though lol. Not surprising considering how tired I was and also I think I'm brewing a cold. Awesome!

Fella is only working half a day today, I'm going to get my nails done when he gets home. Then hopefully we'll head out with the kiddie to the park or something. Going to have to wrap up though, it's freezing here!

Hope everyone has a good day :) xx

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I'm due at the very end of June (28th) according to calculations but i'll know a more exact date when i get a dating scan done.

I got pregnant thinking i had the coil in but I had an early pregnancy scan and bloods done and the coil is nowhere to be seen. So it's obviously fallen out at some point. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't completely bricking it but I'm also somewhat excited now i've come to terms with it.
I'm due the day after you and also quite nervous at times! How are you feeling about being pregnant now? Do you have a good support system from partner, friends and family?
Well I had some lovely news this morning. Baby measuring bang on 7weeks2days and we saw and heard heartbeat. She said he was strong, everything is healthy and looks perfect and we even saw nubs for arms and legs. I am beyond happy with that result and so very excited as that's more than we saw before. It looked like a tiny batman symbol in there. The picture isn't the best but I am so happy with all she said today!

Trying to upload the pic but it keeps failing :(
I’m back after three years. I got my bfp on Wednesday. I have no idea how far along I am as no period since April. But I know I must be due at some point in June!
Evening ladies :)

As soon as I get on the laptop I'll add you lovely ladies to the front page. Welcome to our little group.

Smithybaby! Yay! Lovely scan photo and so glad you got to hear the little one heartbeat. Hopefully this will ease your anxiety a little now. So happy for you xx

Nothing really to report here. Occasional nausea followed by mild sickness. Sickness on Thursday following drinking tea, sickness last night for no particular reason. And today went to soft play with my youngest and very nearly threw up in the car park. I think was more to do with over indulging though lol.

I do find I'm getting fuller quicker, does anyone else find this? I then feel so bloated it makes me feel sick :( I darent drink warm drinks either. I was a coffeeholic but can't stomach the thought of it at the min. Also, my tender boobs are back! Yay! Not as sore as they were but still tender.

It's been freezing here, I'm so looking forward to jumping in the bath soon.

Hope pregnancy is being kind to you all xx

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Wooo what a lovely scan pic Smithybaby!

I can’t each as much either baby.3, little and often otherwise I get so uncomfortable bloated.

I can’t get warm. I know it’s cold today but the last few days I’ve had to use 3 blankets on the sofa to feel a bit warmer. Hubby is boiling so god knows what’s up with me.
Maybe it's a pregnancy thing? I'm sat on the sofa in pj's with the spare duvet over me lol xxx

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Congrats Smitjybaby, looking great, so happy for you.

I’m also freezing in bed with extra blankets and fluffy socks. Still no nausea for me, starting to worry a little as sensitive boobs gone too. Only really symptom is my massive bloated belly and constipation xx
That's exactly what happened to me bubbles. The sore boobs have come and gone but the nausea literally appeared at 7 weeks xx
Bubbles the same happened to me at about 7 weeks. Sore boobs disappeared, no nausea, no sickness etc. But a scan showed all was well. I think it's all to do with hormones fluctuating. I still don't really have major obvious symptoms. I'm not constipated but I have major stinky wind! Lol

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I should probably feel lucky! I am over 8 weeks now so maybe it will hit this week a bit. I didn’t have it that bad with my last pregnancy just the odd day of nausea from 7 weeks. My parents reckon it’s cause it’s a boy this time, my mum said she didn’t even think she was pregnant with my brother she had no symptoms. Have to wait and see.

Stinky wind! Haha. Poor you baby.3 I bet you oh loves that! :) xx
I've just started to get symptoms really. I had quite a sore stomach this morning, I think where my leggings were compressing everything. I think I went to the loo every half hour at work to check it wasn't cramping and mc but I did get a proper serious wave of sickness too. As soon as I got home and look the leggings off my tummy started feeling better and having had a sandwich and yogurt for lunch the sickness is gone too. Thank goodness I only work mornings in the nursery because I'm absolutely exhausted. I spoke to my boss who is a really good friend about the anxiety and she said she had it too, right up until the birth and then afterwards too. I really hope I can relax a bit after the first scan though, 9 month of anxiety doesn't sound fun. Just had another wave of sickness but I was reading a scary birth story at the time so I don't know if it was just panic!
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Good morning, how is everyone feeling today?

I just fainted in the shower. I remember fainting once last time but not this early on. Feel so shaky now
I still feel a bit shaken but I think it was the heat of the shower that did it.

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