***June Mummies***

Don't go by how many weeks the test tells you go by the first day of your last period. Mine was the 6th September making me 6 weeks and 6 days pregnant and due 13th June. Online calendars will help you work it out if you Google due date calculaters xx
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Does anyone else feel exhausted all the time? I wake up in the morning feeling like I can wait to go back to bed. I don’t remember feeling as tired as this on my first one but then I was nearly 7 years younger and didn’t have as busy a life as I do now. I’m not far along either (due on 17th June) so wasn’t expecting these effects to take hold so quickly.
I've been asleep by 8 for 2 nights now. And that's with doing nothing all day as its half term I don't know how I'll cope goi g back to work next week. Still I'm glad it's a symptom as it's reassuring.
Hi Ladies...first time posting here for me although i have been a stalker i guess on and off. I'm 43 so older mum...have a soon to b very energetic 4year old. We had a missed miscarriage 1st time round then were lucky to have a great pregnancy. Last year we suffered another miscarriage ...both of mine i opted for MVA. Then caught again early this year only to suffer another MC this time naturally at 7weeks....so we've had several kinds of experience. I've just discovered im pregnant again ...about 5wks +5 and have to admit have mixed feelings. Hubby and i hadnt discussed another but i guess we've left it open....at 43 means i'll have a due date of 21st June next year! I'll b 44 then ...eek. Not told anyone and almost scared to book with midwife as its seemed to b a jinx last two times. Anyway...I've alwats looked on here for advice etc and just thought why not join!! Any thougts on going for early scans etc?? My EPAU did say they wud refer us for testing after our last MC but to b honest i never followed that up at the time. xx
Hey MommaK :wave:

Welcome to our little group of mummies-to-be, there's a few of us now :D Sorry to hear about your miscarriages such an awful experience. Like yourself i've also experienced both a missed mc found at the dating scan, and spontaneous mc at 5.5wks.

In regards to the early scan, it's totally your choice you have to go by what will help/reassure you. From a personal point of view it's done nothing to reassure me unfortunately. I had an early reassurance scan with my missed mc at 10wks, all was well yet baby died at 10wk 5days and this was found at my dating scan...so to me early scans mean nothing. I've had one this time due to pains, saw a baby and heartbeat at 7wk 4 days, at the time i was over the moon and felt better. However, as time as gone on i've reverted back to uncertainty.

That waffle really doesn't help you does it though?! I think go with whatever your gut tells you to do. xx
I've been asleep by 8 for 2 nights now. And that's with doing nothing all day as its half term I don't know how I'll cope goi g back to work next week. Still I'm glad it's a symptom as it's reassuring.

I’m a primary school teacher too. We don’t finish until Friday, I’m looking forward to a week off. The more symptoms the better as they are all a good sign, I just don’t remember feeling this exhausted last time. Maybe it’s being so busy in work and having a nearly 6 year old too. I’ve made it to lunchtime and could quite happily go home to bed.:nap:
Hi @Bumbles! I think we are due pretty much the same date...I think I'm about 6 weeks today :)

I have times during the day I can hardly keep my eyes open. I live 5 mins from my work and seriously considered going home at lunch time a few times for a nap haha.

Starting to have little waves of nausea but nothing that makes me think I'm actually going to be sick (yet!)

Enjoying having some symptoms this time as whilst pregnant before my mc in June I didn't have anything. Feels quite reassuring!
I take back everything I said about no real nausea. Nearly vomited down myself on the drive to and from work today. Very close call. Ugh.
In regards to early scans I am only doing it as my midwife and my friend in EPAU both offered me one. I was set against it for a while (suffered 2 mcs and one was after an early scan where we saw a heartbeat) but I weighed the pros and cons. What swayed it for me was if there are any problems at least I know about it sooner rather than later. Seeing the heartbeat doesn't mean much to me so early because I have had a bad experience but I will be glad nothing has gone wrong to this point and I can continue until the next scan at 12 weeks.
Hi Smithybaby and Baby3..thanks for the kind words...I'm the same to b honest in so far as i know that things can change on a sixpence despite early sans. I guess it may just b nice to know there was simething in there etc...my first MC didn't show till my12week scan so was a shock. Same happened 2nd MC ..3rd time i had a little spotting..booked epau and it literally happened the night before. I'm going to see what gp/midwife think and go from there i think. if they offer i will prob go for it at maybe 7 or 8 weeks...
Mine is on Saturday and I will be 7 and 2. It's all very scary but I keep reminding myself I'm not really in control of this part and I just need to see this bit through. It's hard relinquishing control of something you want so desperately. Whatever your decision, do what feels right for you x
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Yes for the last week about from my late shifts I’ve bn in bed for about 8ish because I’m knackered but then waking up about midnight for afew hours, haven’t had a full nights sleep for weeks now.x
Ugh I'm awake. Been in and out of sleep all night, I'm driving myself potty.

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I've been waking up really early too. I really hope when I get to 12 weeks I'll feel a bit calmer.
Me too baby.3, I got to bed hardly able keep my eyes open. Then wake up in the middle of the night and don’t go back to sleep for a few hours.
Me too. I went to bed at 8 awake at midnight then didn’t go to sleep again till 3 and awake again at 6.30 I’m really hoping this gets better. We will b all very tired ladies today!��x
I could have easily gone back to sleep for a couple more hours this morning. But unfortunately, i had an early appointment at the opticians to get my sons eyes tested. Now i'm home i don't feel even nearly as tired, but i'm sure it'll hit at some point this evening.

I rang the community midwife yesterday and rearranged my appointment, can't believe i forgot the kiddies where off school for half term. I'd rather not take my youngest as he's 5 now and understands it all. Won't be telling him until well into tri 2.

Went to my brother and sister inlaws yesterday. She was telling me about a friend of her's who turned up out the blue and announced that she was preggers and did my sister inlaw have anything to give her, then that evening promptly sent her a list of things she still needed. Not small items either, she asked for a cot, walker, highchair etc lmao. My sister inlaw gave her a bag of boys clothes but told her everything else is reserved for when i conceive. To which she quickly asked how things were going. I tried my best to play it off as 'yeah, it's good' and leave it at that. She read right through me and told me she'd already guessed. Apparently, my bladder and frequent toilet trips gave it away! Lol. I must admit i got a little caught up in the moment, and for the first time in ages felt excited :D

Today i still feel slightly optimistic, the nausea yesterday helped. I feel very achy down there though. Like mild aching, which started after i'd done the hoovering. So i'm gonna kick back and watch a little crap tv and hope it wears off.

Hope everyone is ok, fingers crossed for some goodnights sleep tonight for everyone! I think we need it! xxx
I know what you mean about the ache down there. I went to the mall with my sister yesterday, trying to stay out of the sun and my step counter said we walked 18000 steps by the end of the day. Really needed to put my feet up after that and have some cake while watching the bake off! I'm glad you're getting more excited about everything and more optomistic. It's much more of a scary time than I thought it would be so you give me hope that I will eventually be optomistic too! Saying that I'm starting to get more noticeable symptoms, I only had one day of feeling a bit sick this week but my boobs are absolute agony... How on earth am I meant to do the ironing now!
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Super aching today, right in the uterus area. Feel really heavy and achy. Almost cried earlier, having these aches then all of a sudden a gush of wet, turned out to just be watery cm....but honestly i had my breath held whilst wiping. Also got slight backache going on today also and on and off nausea. I'm treating myself to a candlelit bubble bath, would normally have a wine but i'll make do with an orange juice haha. Soooo, looking forward to bed, praying i sleep a little easier tonight!

I hope you've all had good days? I bet there's a fair few of us just crashing and burning tonight! lol xxx
Terrible headache, awful nausea which is really getting me down and needing to pee and sleep all the time. Feel very sorry for myself.
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