I could have easily gone back to sleep for a couple more hours this morning. But unfortunately, i had an early appointment at the opticians to get my sons eyes tested. Now i'm home i don't feel even nearly as tired, but i'm sure it'll hit at some point this evening.
I rang the community midwife yesterday and rearranged my appointment, can't believe i forgot the kiddies where off school for half term. I'd rather not take my youngest as he's 5 now and understands it all. Won't be telling him until well into tri 2.
Went to my brother and sister inlaws yesterday. She was telling me about a friend of her's who turned up out the blue and announced that she was preggers and did my sister inlaw have anything to give her, then that evening promptly sent her a list of things she still needed. Not small items either, she asked for a cot, walker, highchair etc lmao. My sister inlaw gave her a bag of boys clothes but told her everything else is reserved for when i conceive. To which she quickly asked how things were going. I tried my best to play it off as 'yeah, it's good' and leave it at that. She read right through me and told me she'd already guessed. Apparently, my bladder and frequent toilet trips gave it away! Lol. I must admit i got a little caught up in the moment, and for the first time in ages felt excited
Today i still feel slightly optimistic, the nausea yesterday helped. I feel very achy down there though. Like mild aching, which started after i'd done the hoovering. So i'm gonna kick back and watch a little crap tv and hope it wears off.
Hope everyone is ok, fingers crossed for some goodnights sleep tonight for everyone! I think we need it! xxx